FrequencyTop 200-300
Kyōiku (4th grade) 
KankenLevel 7
Composed of
evil brother
Used in vocabulary (381 in total)
explanation; exposition; description; account; caption; legend
tradition; legend; folklore
novel; (short) story
sermon; preaching; remonstration; scolding; lecturing
theory; doctrine; opinion; view; rumour; rumor
explanation; commentary; exposition; elucidation
persuasiveness; powers of persuasion; cogency
to explain; to advocate; to preach; to persuade
speech; address
hypothesis; supposition; assumption; tentative theory
to persuade; to coax; to solicit; to seduce; to make advances; to make a play
to explain adequately; to be accountable
novelist; fiction writer
insistence; (major) emphasis; stress
to confute; to argue down; to persuade; to convince; to prevail on
one theory (opinion); another theory (opinion)
love romance; love story; romance; romance story; romantic fiction
information session; briefing; explanatory meeting
(printed) instructions; manual; explanatory leaflet (pamphlet, note); description
mystery novel; detective novel; whodunit
various opinions; various theories; various rumors (rumours)
to persuade; to prevail upon; to win a woman's heart; to win over; to talk someone into doing
lecture; sermon; preaching; moralizing; moralising
to build up a hypothesis
chat-up line; pick-up line; (loving) words
established theory; accepted opinion; accepted explanation
your opinion
rumor; rumour; gossip; hearsay
one's personal opinion
supplementary explanation
legendary; fabled; fabulous
remark; statement; discourse
prevailing view; common opinion; commonly accepted theory
common saying; popular version; folklore; tradition
erotic novel; amorous novel; pornographic novel
(written) explanation; instructions (e.g. on a product); explanatory label
tale; narrative
to explain adequately; to be accountable
accountability; being held accountable
lovers' tiff; quarrel between lovers; chattering; idle talk
article; discourse; dissertation; editorial; leading article; leader
speech meeting; oratorical meeting; meeting to hear a speech
(full-length) novel; long novel
adventure story; novel of adventure
preachy; sanctimonious
different view; alternative theory; dissenting view
(instruction) manual; handbook
belief that human nature is fundamentally good
explanatory; expository; elucidatory
user's manual; instruction manual; operation manual
persuasion; convincing
preachy; sanctimonious
harangue; fervent speech
I-novel; novel narrated in the first person
campaign (vote-getting) speech (for a candidate)
street oratory; soapbox speech
Ptolemaic theory; geocentric model; geocentrism
heliocentric theory; Copernican theory; heliocentrism; heliocentricism
cell phone novel; literary work originally written on a cellular phone
teaching your grandmother to suck eggs; teaching something to someone who knows more than you; preaching to the choir; (lit.) lecturing to the Buddha
user's manual; instruction manual
to persuade
election tour; election campaign; stumping
explanation; matter under discussion; contents; one's opinion
entreaty; imploring; begging; spoken portion of a song; oral recitation
former opinion
editorial; leading article; leader
general statement; outline
conspiracy theory
illustration; diagram
serial; serialized novel; serialised novel
novelizing; novelising
to explain; to reason
groundless rumor; groundless rumour
confuting; arguing down
Arthurian legend; legend of King Arthur
novel for the masses; popular fiction; pulp
cynicism (of mankind); belief that human nature is fundamentally evil
to complain; to pester; to plead; to beg
Buddha's teaching
to explain; to solve; to make clear
user's manual; instruction manual; operation manual
excellent speech; masterly speech
detailed explanation
contemporary novel; modern novel
lecture on the sutras
hypothesis; speculation; surmise; conjecture
novel idea; strange theory
to begin to speak; to begin to explain
gossip; talk about town
general policy speech; speech held by the Prime Minister of Japan at the start of a special or extraordinary Diet session
(full-length) novel; long novel
speaker; orator
to put forward a theory
cell phone novel; literary work originally written on a cellular phone
groundless rumor; groundless rumour; false report
bizarre theory; strange theory; wild theory
to preach the truth
explanation; exposition
fallacy; false report
to persuade; to prevail upon; to win a woman's heart; to win over; to talk someone into doing
briefer; elucidator; exponent; expositor; explainer
explanation of aim (esp. of a legislative bill); rationalization
shallow-minded mouthing of secondhand information
heretical doctrine
true theory; true teachings
theory of the Emperor as an organ of government
collection of stories (esp. myths, legends, etc.)
one's cherished opinion
televised speech; TV address
street gossips and idle rumors
theory of origins; origin hypothesis
urging; persuasion
propaganda speech; inflammatory speech
novelette; novella; short novel; long short story; medium-length story
spread of rumours (esp. to influence stock prices); spread of rumors
groundless rumor; groundless rumour
roman-fleuve; long novel; epic novel
sutra-based ballads accompanied by the samisen
old theory; ancient ideas
repeated explanation
explanation (by lecture)
novel about one's education, spiritual growth, etc.; Bildungsroman
explanation; interpretation
the theory of the divine right of kings
to mention; to refer to; to touch upon
fallacy; fallacious argument
to explain; to show; to demonstrate
change of opinion
divergent opinions abound; opinion is divided; there are many rumors afloat
to complain; to pester; to plead; to beg
to begin an explanation (argument, story, etc.)
news commentary; comments on the news
serious novel; genuinely attempted novel
allusion; alluding; related explanation
review article; general remarks
correspondence theory (theory that a proposition is true if and only if it corresponds to the facts)
manifestation theory (holding that Shinto gods are manifestations of buddhas)
etymological theory; etymology
to begin an explanation (argument, story, etc.)
teacher's theory
background briefing; backgrounder
foolish opinion; one's opinion
dialectic demonstration; display of skill in explanation
detailed explanation
science fiction; sci-fi; fantasy fiction
to complain; to pester; to plead; to beg
novel idea; strange theory
social contract theory (e.g. Rousseau's)
secret theory
detailed explanation
misdirected claim; incomprehensible idea
groundless rumor or story (rumour)
excellent opinion
outline; summary
after-dinner speech; speech made at a dinner (luncheon)
novel depicting customs and manners of the day
theory of continental drift
established theory
theory of spontaneous generation
humorism (ancient system of medicine); humoralism
excellent opinions and theories
novel of formation (education); novel of character development; novel which traces the intellectual, moral, spiritual or social development of a young person; Bildungsroman
Everyone has his (her) own view; Different people, different opinions
other theories
outline; summary
street (soapbox) oratory; stump oratory
campaign stop; stop on a speaking tour
novelette; novella; short novel; long short story; medium-length story
various theories
personal opinion
speech of encouragement; pep talk
novel written in colloquial Chinese
explaining an idea; exposition; explanation
suit your speech to the audience
instructions; explanation
to confute; to argue down; to persuade; to convince; to prevail on
warm-up (before an act or a TV show recording); prologue; introduction
popular theory; widely-accepted theory
Red Queen hypothesis (of evolutionary biology)
to suit one's speech to the audience
panspermia hypothesis
difficult to explain
funeral oration; funeral speech
prejudiced opinion
user's manual; instruction manual
hypothesis; speculation; surmise; conjecture
legendary literature; narrative literature
Gaia hypothesis; Gaia theory; Gaia principle
the nebular hypothesis
supplementary explanation; supplementary information
difficult to explain
novel written in epistolary style
shallow-minded mouthing of secondhand information
immaculate conception; virgin birth; tradition that Jesus was born to Mary although she was a virgin
direct method; indicative mood
coherence theory (theory that a proposition is true if it corresponds with a specified set of other propositions)
heretical doctrine (thought, faith)
rumor of dissolution (rumour)
swashbuckling stories; martial arts fiction; chivalric knight novels; wuxia xiaoshuo
single mistake which ruins all one's hard work; one blunder rendering a long period of effort useless; (lit.) one fart in a hundred days of sermons
allegory; allegorical tale
to set forth; to put forward; to present for consideration; to explain the facts of life; to preach
molecular theory
persuasiveness; skilled in the art of persuasion
excellent idea; great suggestion; excellent opinion
the same opinion
ancient belief
rumour; rumor; comment; commentary; review
preformation (theory)
phlogiston theory
alternative hypothesis
cell phone novel; literary work originally written on a cellular phone
explanation; exposition
to begin an explanation (argument, story, etc.)
to begin an explanation (argument, story, etc.)
to mention; to refer to; to touch upon
divergent opinions abound; opinion is divided; there are many rumors afloat
excellent idea; great suggestion; excellent opinion
difficult to explain
hypothesis testing; hypothesis test
theory of the divine right of kings
social-contract theory
biogenetic law; recapitulation theory (theory that ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny)
to explain carefully or by making distinctions
isolation theory
an excellent opinion; an insightful view
legend concerning a fugitive clan
preaching burglar; burglar who preaches at the victim about the methods of preventing similar crimes
tub-thumping preacher; preacher (priest) who is good at delivering a sermon; pulpiteer (usually with contemptuous implication)
sultry novel; suggestive story
stumping (electioneering) tour
punctuated equilibrium (theory of evolutionary biology)
Lamarckian evolutionary theory in which individuals lose characteristics that are not used and develop characteristics that are often used
epigenesis (theory)
neutral theory (of molecular evolution)
theory of linguistic relativity
kami-buddha syncretization theory (e.g. manifestation theory)
operon theory (Jacob and Monod, 1961)
proposed theory; proposition
tidal hypothesis (of the origin of the solar system); near-collision hypothesis
illustration (using an example)
(theory of) the immortality of the soul
nationwide election campaign
Buddhist theory of the twelve-fold chain of causation, interdependent origination and co-dependent arising (San: pratītya-samutpāda); twelve causal links
Ogino theory (basis of the rhythm method)
millenarianism; millennialism; chiliasm
millenarianism; millennialism; chiliasm
millenarianism; millennialism; chiliasm
Out-of-Africa theory (positing a recent African origin for modern humans)
neutral theory of molecular evolution
purchasing power parity theory; PPP theory
10^37218383881977644441306597687849648128; 10^(7x2^122)
commentary; annotation; alternative theory
monophysitism (theology)
docetism (theology)
patripassianism (theology)
feng shui; fengshui; feng shui tradition
myths of asexual conception from natural objects
zoo hypothesis (theory on why humanity has had no contact with extraterrestrial life)
I feign no hypotheses; hypotheses non fingo
I feign no hypotheses; hypotheses non fingo
I feign no hypotheses; hypotheses non fingo
cosmic censorship hypothesis; cosmic censorship conjecture
cosmic censorship hypothesis; cosmic censorship conjecture
Examples (200 in total)
Can you describe the situation you were in?
Is there anyone here who can explain what's going on?
Can you explain this?