regularly record
FrequencyTop 300-400
Kyōiku (2nd grade) 
KankenLevel 9
Composed of
Used in vocabulary (704 in total)
memory; recollection; remembrance; storage
record; minutes; record (e.g. in sports); results; to record; to document
to write down; to note; to jot down; to remember
article; news story; report; account
commemoration; celebration; honoring the memory of something; turning something into a memento; memory
diary; journal
reporter; journalist
description; account
mention (in a document); record; entry; statement; listing
account; history; chronicle; Kojiki; Records of Ancient Matters
memory; ability to remember
symbol; code; sign; notation
entry (in a form, register, diary, etc.); filling in; filling out
memorization; memorisation; learning by heart
loss of memory; amnesia
not in one's recollection; having no recollection (of); having no memory (of)
expression in writing; written representation; notation; writing on the surface (e.g. an address on an envelope); inscribing on the face
clerk; secretary; writing down; putting on record
memorial day; commemoration day; anniversary
commemorable; worth commemorating; momentous; monumental
note; memorandum
to write down; to record; to register
newspaper reporter; print journalist
to reach back into one's memory; to search one's mind; to recall
clear writing; specification
writing implement; writing tool
biography; life story
newspaper story (article, account)
(taking) notes; copying
commemorative photograph; souvenir photograph
fresh in one's mind; fresh in one's memory
to reach back into one's memory; to search one's mind; to recall
taking a commemorative photo
souvenir; memento
above-mentioned; above-named; above
new record (in sports, etc.)
PS; postscript; appending; addition (esp. of data, information)
mistaken memory; trick of the memory; slip of the memory
press group; press corps; group of reporters; press organization; press organisation
written examination
to forget everything; to lose one's memory (e.g. of a period); to black out
Kojiki; Records of Ancient Matters; Japan's oldest historical record
rote memorization (memorisation); rote learning; indiscriminate memorizing (memorising)
record of war; war chronicle; commentaries of war; military history
exchanging diary between friends (usually at school)
registry; entry; book-keeping; signature
commemorative plaque (usu. on a stone); stone monument (bearing an inscription)
world record; establishing a world record (in)
record keeper; recorder; archivist
natural monument; protected species (animal, habitat, etc.)
Genesis (book of the Bible)
writing materials
aforesaid; above-mentioned; said; above
best (highest) record; new record
special feature article
journal of one's travels
special mention
to remember; to keep in mind
anniversary; commemoration
annals; chronicle; chronology
registry; registration
anniversary of the establishment (of)
the following
(nature, etc.) observation diary
museum (esp. in memory of a person or event); memorial hall
secretary general; chief secretary
shorthand; stenography
illustrated diary; picture diary
magazine journalist
signature; register; to put one's name on; to sign; stamped name; typed name
addition; appendix; note; supplement
list; enumeration
recording medium; storage medium
journalization (accounts); journalisation; bookkeeping
medal; badge; insignia
unsigned; unregistered
writing side by side
the Kojiki and Nihon-shoki
Japanese record; national record
not in one's recollection; having no recollection (of); having no memory (of)
description of regional climate, culture, etc.
storage (device); memory
to remember; to keep in mind
war chronicle
to keep a record; to keep a tally
storage capacity; memory capacity
storage medium; recording medium
human-interest article; page-three news; police news
keep in mind; take note of; remember
track meet; athletic event for recording official times
Shiji; Shih-chi; The Historical Records (ancient Chinese historical record)
undermentioned (statement); the following; at left
press release; announcement
introductory article; advertisement
addition; appendix; note; supplement
symbolization; coding; encoding
annotation; commentary; explanatory note
souvenir; memento
Job (book of the Bible)
free-form (answer, etc.); essay style
notebook; exercise book
press club; correspondents' club
miscellaneous notes
taking dictation; note-taking
chemical symbol (e.g. H for hydrogen); element symbol
memorization power; ability to remember; (good) memory
postscript; undermentioned; described below
to write down; to note; to remember
to keep a record; to keep a tally
emergency press conference; hastily called press conference; impromptu press conference
taking the entrance examination for a school without regard for one's chances of passing
posting (of notes, notices, etc.); transcription
aforementioned (statement); preceding; at right
eidetic memory; photographic memory
Book of Exodus (Bible)
encyclopedic knowledge and strong memory
almanac of seasonal words (for haiku poets)
anniversary of the founding of the school
erroneous entry; misentry; slip of the pen; writing down wrongly (a sum, etc.)
mnemonics; art of memorizing; mnemonic device
castaway story (e.g. Robinson Crusoe); drifter's adventure tale
items mentioned; contents (of a record); recorded items; entries
commemoration meeting
(computer) storage cell; storage element
reporter assigned to cover a particular person in order to get the most up-to-date information; beat reporter
fabricated story; cooked up (news) report
related article; related story
special issue stamp
anniversary of the end of a war
secretary-general; general secretary (esp. of Communist parties of North Korea and China)
old chronicle; old record
local-news reporter; police reporter; city news reporter
location of a press conference; press conference room
to break the record; to break a record
G clef; treble clef
The Book of Rites; Liji; Li Chi
stenographer; writer of shorthand
notation; orthography; writing system; representation
Commentary on the Kojiki (by Motoori Norinaga, 1798)
entertainment journalist; entertainment reporter; gossip columnist
dream journal; dream diary
double-entry bookkeeping
press gallery; press box
guidebook; guide
a work or subject to be memorized (memorised)
ancient records
on-the-ground reporter; news reporter; legman
account of a (sports) game
true account
external storage; auxiliary storage
Deuteronomy (book of the Bible)
written commentary on notable events or persons
writing oneself; self-recording
shorthand or stenographic notes
Leviticus (book of the Bible)
memorization; memorisation; learning by heart
real estate register; real property register
set of three books of Buddhist stories, written in the late 8th and early 9th century, usually referred to as the Nihon Ryōiki
chemical symbols (for the elements)
keeping in mind; taking note of; remembering; taking to heart
commemorative medal
forecast of the future
Constitution Memorial Day (national holiday; May 3)
biographical film; biographical movie; biopic
omission (from a list, record, etc.)
historical document written without a particular addressee (e.g. a diary)
(newspaper) column
orthographical variants; words with the same pronunciation and meaning, but different written forms; spelling inconsistency
literature written in diary form
private records or documents
subject (of memo, email, etc.); title
memorial lecture; commemorative speech
minute description
main memory; main storage
puff piece (in a newspaper, etc.); flatteringly exaggerated article; sycophantic article
annotation; commentary; explanatory note
prison diary; diary written in prison
registry office
record (of legal proceedings in a court)
Numbers (book of the Bible)
insignificant article (in a newspaper)
Chief Cabinet Secretary (1879-1947)
general description; exhaustive listing
main memory; primary storage
freelance journalist
copy of a registration certificate; certified copy of register
misrepresentation; misstatement
representation in hiragana; hiragana notation
commemorative stamp; cachet
court rank diploma
(as opposed to those compiled later) ancient fudoki compiled by imperial order in 713 CE
auxiliary storage; secondary storage
equal to the current record (in sports, etc.)
to represent by signs
press room; press gallery
mistaken way of writing something; mistaken spelling; wrong way of writing something; wrong spelling
semiotics; semiology
shorthand; stenography
National Foundation Day (national holiday; February 11)
reportage; documentary
inflammatory (news) article; inflammatory fake news
biographical writings
symbol characteristic; nature of a symbol
Joshua (book of the Bible)
addendum; supplementary material; afterword; postscript; marginal notes
collection of essays contributed in celebration of something; festschrift
Judges (book of the Bible)
summarization; summarisation; epitome
numeration system; number representation system
abridged notation
addition (to a text); additional entry (e.g. to a database)
writing a musical score
biographical notes and character sketches of prominent individuals, arranged according to place of birth or origin
external storage; auxiliary storage
registration of transfer of rights; (estate) transfer registration
descriptive composition
virtual memory; virtual storage
good memory; retentive memory
advertorial; paid article; sponsored article
Samuel I (book of the Bible)
internal storage; internal memory
American Independence day; Fourth of July
orthographical variants; words with the same pronunciation and meaning, but different written forms; spelling inconsistency
F clef; bass clef
being widely read and having a highly retentive memory
diploma; testamur; graduation certificate
representation in hiragana; hiragana notation
foreign correspondent
anniversary of the Great Kanto earthquake
storage protection
journalist identification; press pass
recording surface (e.g. of CD, tape, etc.)
commemorative publication
secret records; secret document; secret notes
Samuel II (book of the Bible)
Esther (book of the Bible)
certificate of registered matters; document proving registered matters
musical symbols; musical symbol; musical notation
biographical literature
audit trail; history
Nehemiah (book of the Bible)
single-entry bookkeeping
one's memoirs; keepsake (not from a dead person)
to write down; to record; to register
reporter posted to another location (city, country, etc.); reporter on assignment
factory mark; manufacturing plant identification mark (on goods)
commentary on Shiki
record of an interview
musical notation
storage image; core image
Ezra (book of the Bible)
Kings I (book of the Bible)
Nihon Ryōiki (Heian period collection of Buddhist stories); An Account of Miracles in Japan; Miraculous Stories from the Japanese Buddhist Tradition
self-registering hygrometer
vyakarana (assurance of future enlightenment)
magnetic recording
rote memorization (memorisation); rote learning; indiscriminate memorizing (memorising)
commemorative publication
call number (e.g. of a book in a library)
shorthand symbol; stenograph; stenographic character; shorthand script
Ruth (book of the Bible)
class symbol; class mark
dynamics mark; dynamics marking
pilcrow; paragraph mark; paragraph sign
currency sign; currency symbol
day of national humiliation (used in China for certain anniversaries of incidents where Japan humiliated China)
Page Description Language; PDL
dollar sign ($)
self-registering thermometer
multiple entry; listing
rote memorization (memorisation); rote learning; indiscriminate memorizing (memorising)
vyakarana (assurance of future enlightenment)
insignificant article (in a newspaper)
inflammatory (news) article; inflammatory fake news
decoration diploma; diploma
conferment of posthumous rank
reciting (a poem) from memory; rote recitation (without understanding)
caret (symbol for omitted word)
single-entry (bookkeeping); voting for one person only
voting for one person only
number sign; hash sign; pound sign
indiscriminate learning by heart
repeat sign; repetition mark
phonetic transcription; phonetic notation
secret balloting with multiple entries
registered stock
assistant clerk
provisional registration
foreign correspondents' club
abovementioned item; description at beginning of (this) text or document
abovementioned item; description at beginning of (this) text or document
scoop reporter; scoop artist
(space) filler; fill-in (in magazines, newspapers, etc.)
(Japanese) postal symbol
storage unit; memory unit
Kings II (book of the Bible)
written language; literary language
Nihon Ryōiki (Heian period collection of Buddhist stories); An Account of Miracles in Japan; Miraculous Stories from the Japanese Buddhist Tradition
historic sites, places of scenic beauty and natural monuments
return-to-zero recording; RZ
data descriptor file; DDF
Data Description Language; DDL
Backus-Naur form; BNF; Backus-Naur notation
buffer storage; buffer
prefix notation; Polish notation; parenthesis-free notation; Lukasiewicz notation
prefix notation; Polish notation; parenthesis-free notation; Lukasiewicz notation
suffix notation; postfix notation; reverse Polish notation
prefix notation; Polish notation; parenthesis-free notation; Lukasiewicz notation
positional (representation) system; positional notation
phase modulation recording; phase encoding
HARC; Hierarchical Storage Archive and Retrieve Controller
complete representation
buffer storage; buffer; buffer memory
radix (numeration) system; radix notation
radix (numeration) system; radix notation
storage cell; storage element
memory indication; storage indication
storage sequence
bit density; recording density; packing density
reverse Polish notation; RPN
calculator with postfix notation logic; calculator with suffix notation logic; calculator with reverse-Polish notation logic
suffix notation; postfix notation; reverse Polish notation
polarized return-to-zero recording; RZ(P)
delimiter; separator
fixed radix (numeration) system; fixed radix notation
fixed radix (numeration) system; fixed radix notation
suffix notation; postfix notation; reverse Polish notation
mixed radix (numeration) system; mixed radix notation
mixed radix (numeration) system; mixed radix notation
mixed base (numeration) system; mixed base notation
mixed base (numeration) system; mixed base notation
frequency modulation recording; FM recording
aiming symbol; aiming circle; aiming field
perpendicular magnetic recording; vertical magnetic recording
longitudinal magnetic recording
prefix notation; Polish notation; parenthesis-free notation; Lukasiewicz notation
mass storage control system; MSCS
annotation text relative
direct read after write optical disk
communication description entry
associative storage; content addressable storage
double-pulse recording
non-return-to-zero change-on-zeros recording; NRZ-0
non-return-to-zero change-on-ones recording; NRZ-1; non-return-to-zero (mark) recording; NRZ(M)
non-return-to-zero change-on-ones recording; NRZ-1; non-return-to-zero (mark) recording; NRZ(M)
non-return-to-zero recording; NRZ; non-return-to-reference recording
non-return-to-zero (change) recording; NRZ(C)
non-return-to-zero recording; NRZ; non-return-to-reference recording
notation; system of notation
SVD; Supplementary Volume Descriptor
modified frequency modulation recording; MFM recording
problem definition; problem description
associative storage; content addressable storage
following supplements; supplementary information below
writing in red ink
factory accounting; factory bookkeeping; manufacturer's account
symbol indicating a repeated character
optical storage media; optical storage medium
transfer to the records; transcription to a special document
record of information about a Buddhist statue (usu. an inconspicuous inscription on the statue)
supplementary symbol (number, punctuation, etc.)
five-line musical notation; Western musical notation based on the five-line staff
articulation mark; articulation marking
tempo indication; tempo marking; (a) tempo
International Phonetic Alphabet; IPA
registered matter; matters to be registered
commemorative coin; memorial coin
shorthand symbol; stenograph; stenographic character
diary of food experiences
modulation symbol (flat, sharp, etc.)
full registration (e.g. real estate transaction); non-provisional registration
registration (of change in real estate rights) with all right holders but the initial and final omitted; middle omission registration
Liberation Day (in Korea, Italy, etc.)
writing palatalized sounds with a single kana character
Official Business Skill Test in Bookkeeping (JCCI bookkeeping proficiency test)
Examples (200 in total)
You have a good memory.
I don't have any memory of doing that.
He has a good memory.