FrequencyTop 600-700
Kyōiku (2nd grade) 
KankenLevel 9
Composed of
hook claw
upside-down box
Mnemonic components
hook claw
used for

A hook claw is used for grabbing things, even things which are laying at an angle. (Imagine grabbing a teddy bear laying on its side in a claw crane.)

(The 丨 in 用 is missing here since it's not necessary to support whatever's being grabbed anymore.)

Used in kanji (10 in total)
a boatload
Used in vocabulary (529 in total)
corner; edge; (street) corner; turning; rough edges (of one's character, words, etc.); abrasiveness
direction; way; point of the compass; cardinal direction; method; means
corner; section; one horn; narwhal (Monodon monoceros)
angle; square; cube; bishop; third degree (of the Japanese and Chinese pentatonic scale); Chinese "horn" constellation (one of the 28 mansions); jiao (monetary unit of China; one-tenth of a yuan)
with trouble; at great pains; rare; valuable; kind; generous
blind spot (e.g. of a driver); dead angle; dead ground; dead space
square; rectangular
equal (in ability); even; evenly matched; well-matched; on par (with)
corners of the mouth
triangle; triangular shape
street corner; road turn; bend in the road; turning point; watershed
quadrilateral; square
street corner
right angle; perpendicular
love triangle; eternal triangle
anyhow; at any rate; anyway; somehow or other; generally speaking; in any case
cube sugar; sugar cube
to distinguish oneself; to stand out
acute angle
to cause offense
horn; antler; antenna; feeler; horn-like projection (e.g. peaks of whipped cream)
feeler; antenna
squared timber; rectangular lumber
quadrilateral; quadrangle; tetragon
anyhow; anyway; somehow or other; apart from ...; setting ... aside
to be angular; to jut out; to be pointed; to be formal; to be stiff; to be ceremonious
triangular bandage; sling; triangular kerchief; bandana; bandanna
horn (instrument; made of animal horn); bugle; hunting horn
unicorn; narwhal; qilin (Chinese unicorn)
to get jealous; (lit.) to grow horns
three-cornered hat; tricorne
steep angle; acute angle
to be square; to be angular; to be jagged; to be formal; to be stiff; to be ceremonious
anyhow; anyway; somehow or other; generally speaking; in any case
multilateral; many-sided; diversified
triangular pyramid
angular; angular-shaped; sharp-pointed
octagon; star anise (Illicium verum); sailfin poacher (Podothecus sachi)
sumo wrestling; wrestler; rikishi
sitting on the floor grasping one's knees (as in a gym class)
(doing) various things; (doing) this and that; being apt to; being prone to; at any rate; anyhow
street corner; road turn; bend in the road; turning point; watershed
angle of elevation
stew of cubed meat or fish (esp. pork belly or tuna)
interior angle; internal angle; inside corner
four corners; crossroads; intersecting street; street corner
eight-sided shape; octagon
equilateral triangle; regular triangle
street corner
angled; angular
edge or corner of a stone
angle of fire
square hand-lantern
quadrangular pyramid
cut into cubes; diced
to engage in a heated discussion
square; formal; prim; stuffy
Summer Triangle (asterism)
external angle; exterior angle; outside corner
anyhow; anyway; somehow or other; generally speaking; in any case; be that as it may
to look daggers at someone; to be angry
prism; polygonal (esp. square) pillar; bamboo
diagonal; opposite angle
to mellow; to become softened by maturity
visual angle
ridged wooden bench used in SM practices (and in the Edo period for torturing female prisoners)
three-cornered hat; tricorne
triangles (used in mechanical drawing); set square
to be square; to be angular; to be formal; to be stiff; to be strict
keratin; corneum; cuticle; collagen; horny substance
top of the head
angle of view (photography)
corner; nook; recess; downstage right (on a noh stage)
man's stiff sash
half-width characters (e.g. romaji); single-byte characters; en quad
quadrangular prism
many-sided; versatile; polygonal; diversified
to round off the corners
triangular sink tidy (usu. used to strain waste)
square shape; oblong; rectangle
to distinguish oneself; to stand out
corner lot
triangulation point
mortarboard; trencher; (square) academic cap formerly worn by Japanese university students
right triangle; right-angled triangle
depression; angle of dip
rough edges (of one's character, words, etc.); abrasiveness; harshness; edges (of a gem)
corner; edge
em; em quad (printing); full-width character
somebody (important); person of importance
hexagonal building
to be square; to be angular; to be formal; to be stiff; to be strict
angle of inclination
Winter Triangle (asterism)
old-fashioned boys' hairstyle; Meiji period women's hairstyle; constricted tagelus (Sinonovacula constricta); Chinese razor clam
horn (of a cow)
high-angle or anti-aircraft gun
point of heaven; corner of the sky
polygon; -gon; Japanese rectangular envelope (opening on the short side)
triangular pennant
ceratopsian (any quadrupedal herbivorous dinosaur of infraorder Ceratopsia)
regular pentagon; equilateral pentagon
to be square; to be angular; to be jagged; to be formal; to be stiff; to be ceremonious
to be sharp; to be rough
traveling entertainer who wears a lion mask and does tumbling acts
a cut above the rest; superior; one field; one matter; suitably; reasonably
corner store
to distinguish oneself; to stand out
to get jealous; (lit.) to grow horns
to distinguish oneself; to stand out
apical angle; point angle
competition; rivalry; vying (with)
corner; sharp corner; dihedral angle
convex angle
diversified management; diversification
angle of reflection
two-handled keg
western-style envelope
choppy sea; chopping waves; triangle wave
square shape; oblong; rectangle
viewing angle; viewing direction
to compare (e.g. in a competition)
hexagonal wrench; Allen key
make-or-break game in a go or shogi tournament; ozeki-ranked wrestler being in danger of losing his rank if he fails to win 8 or more bouts in a 15-day tournament
chelicera; mouthparts of chelicerates (including arachnids)
frothing at the mouth
Spring Triangle (asterism)
playing shogi with a handicap of the rook and bishop; participating in a contest while missing key players, pieces, etc.
rectangular bottle
bride's head-dress
obtuse angle
horned; horn-shaped; hornlike; corneous; corniculate
spiked helmet
house located on a street corner; corner house
hornless; polled
triangular bandage; sling; triangular kerchief; bandana; bandanna
square sleeves
to cut into squares (cubes)
angular velocity
to be sharp; to be pointed
anyhow; anyway; somehow or other; generally speaking; in any case; all kinds of this
baseball played without a second base (children's game)
shogi game with the superior player playing without the kaku
declination; angle of deviation; argument (of complex number)
combined liquor store and bar; combined off-license and pub (licence); drinking alcohol while standing in the shop
hairstyle with buns on each side of the head
straight angle
the world of sumo
half-width space; en space
bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis)
longhorn; longicorn
angle of attack
horned lizard; horned toad
triangular tin; triangular can
angle of elevation
moorish idol (Zanclus cornutus, species of Indo-Pacific perciform fish)
triangular-rimmed ancient mirror decorated with gods and animals
constant quarreling; constant quarrelling; bickering; wrangling
dogfish (any shark of family Squalidae)
vertical angles; vertically opposite angles
capturing a bishop
square tray
scalene (triangle); triangle having three sides of different lengths; inequilateral triangle
square brackets
rhinoceros horn
cape; headland; promontory
Monoceros (constellation); the Unicorn
to look angrily at; to look with anger in one's eyes
three corners
to look daggers at somebody
trifling (fight); (a conflict) between small countries
corner of one's eye
alternate interior angles
pentagonal pyramid
keratinization; cornification
anat promontory; promontory
vertical angle
half-width character; single-byte character (ASCII, single-byte kana from JIS 201, etc.)
to say all kinds of things; to complain; to find fault (with)
half-width katakana
double size of character
to look angrily at; to look with anger in one's eyes
cowpea (Vigna unguiculata); cow pea; black-eyed pea; southern pea
eight-sided shape; octagon
square seal (companies, etc.)
Chelicerata; chelicerates
corresponding angles
equal contest; close game; well-matched game; even match
fighting over nothing; making a mountain out of a molehill
Triangulum (constellation); the Triangle
intractable; angular
trigon (ancient triangular harp); sambuca
two-line subtitle
insider; inside ball
giant fallow deer (extinct)
inflammation of the cornea
intractable; angular
angle of refraction
two places being far apart
internal angle of two walls, planes, etc.
ultra-wide-angle; super-wide-angle
shorthorn; short-horned cattle
half-width kana
take a long walk off a short pier; go stick your head in a pig; (lit.) bash your head against the corner of a block of tofu and die
angle of projection or incidence
octagonal pyramid
cornucopia; horn of plenty
combined liquor store and bar; combined off-license and pub (licence); drinking alcohol while standing in the shop
square paper lantern
somebody (important); person of importance
Chelicerata; suborder comprising arachnids, sea spiders, and horseshoe crabs
angle of rotation
dip (angle that the direction of a compass needle makes with the horizon)
large square winter shawl
ergot fungus (Claviceps purpurea)
to sacrifice a bishop
super-wide-angle lens; ultra-wide-angle lens
triangular pyramid with equilateral base
internal angle of two walls, planes, etc.
angular gyrus; angular convolution
cornucopia; horn of plenty
square bread; Pullman loaf; sandwich loaf; bread
triceratops (dinosaur)
full-width character; regular character in the JIS, Unicode, etc. standards
to be sharp; to be rough
diagonalisation; diagonalization
fighting over nothing; making a mountain out of a molehill
formed angle; angle made
bone tool; horn implement
stratum corneum; horny layer; cornified layer
hour angle
to throw the baby out with the bath water; to strain at a gnat and swallow a camel; to obsess over insignificant details and miss the larger point; (lit.) to straighten the horns and kill the cow
ozeki-ranked wrestler in danger of losing his rank
trigonometric ratio
horn-rimmed glasses; horn-rimmed spectacles
keratotomy; corneal incision
convex angle
equiangular triangle; equilateral triangle; regular triangle
constant quarreling; constant quarrelling; bickering; wrangling
star polygon; stellated polygon
equal (in ability); even; evenly matched; well-matched; on par (with)
to distinguish oneself; to stand out
to engage in a heated discussion
funori; glue plant; marine alga of the genus Gloiopeltis; funori; glue used as sizing for textiles
frothing at the mouth
corner post; corner pillar; downstage right pillar (on a noh stage)
crested honey buzzard (Pernis ptilorhynchus); Oriental honey buzzard; pern
crested honey buzzard (Pernis ptilorhynchus); Oriental honey buzzard; pern
triangular tin; triangular can
great one-horned rhinoceros (Rhinoceros unicornis); Indian rhinoceros
great one-horned rhinoceros (Rhinoceros unicornis); Indian rhinoceros
square brackets
square brackets
rhinoceros horn
treehopper (any insect of family Membracidae, esp. the species Orthobelus flavipes)
large square winter shawl
horned frog (Ceratophrys spp.)
concave angle; (a) re-entrant
triangular pyramid with equilateral base
rostrum (of a crustacean)
spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias)
pars triangularis; triangular area; triangular part of inferior frontal gyrus
formed angle; angle made
horned melon (Cucumis metuliferus); kiwano; African horned cucumber; jelly melon
external corner angle of two walls, planes, etc.
black rhinoceros horn
war of words; verbal fisticuffs; kissing
(angle of) optical rotation
polyhedral angle
complementary angle
equal angles; conformal; isometric; equiangular
angle of intersection
four-corner kanji character stroke classification system
truncated pyramid
angular dispersion
angular distance
promoted bishop
minor angle
angle of shearing resistance
angular acceleration
angular distance
bales forming the outer rim of the ring
trying to straighten the horns of a bull, and killing it in the process; trying to correct a small defect and ruining the whole thing; the cure is worse than the disease
hollow horn; cavicorn
longhorn; long-horned cattle
inverse trigonometric function; cyclometric function
contained angle; included angle
type of lettering consisting of thick vertical and horizontal lines which is often used in seals
comparison of strength; contest of strength; sumo
Chinese "horn" constellation (one of the 28 mansions)
square nail; square peg
square nail; square peg
things that do not exist; (lit.) fur on turtles, horns on rabbits
things that do not exist; (lit.) horns on rabbits, fur on turtles
kanji "horn" radical at left
full-width katakana
full-width kana
half-width Roman character
full-width Roman character
hornworts (non-vascular plants of order Anthocerotopsida)
wrestling outside the formal tournaments; wrestling just for fun
leaves used for serving or offering sake, rice, etc.
economics of scope; economics of diversification
azimuth angle
double-width size (of text)
constant angular velocity
harsh words make the going rough; consider your words; people may be offended (or not) by the way you speak
harsh words make the going rough; consider your words; people may be offended (or not) by the way you speak
reflex angle
angle of recess (of a gear)
Deer-Antler-Cutting Ceremony (held in Nara between late October and early November)
working angle; angle of action; (camshaft) duration
hexagon socket head; Allen socket head
hexagon socket head; Allen socket head
(optics) radiance; sterance; radiant sterance
sound of a horn announcing daybreak
angular coordinate(s)
sharp taste of (refined) salt
nonagon; enneagon; nine-sided polygon
regular star polygon; stellated regular polygon
Dinocerata; extinct order of hoofed mammals
hiragana character "i"; hiragana character "hi"
Triangulum Australe (constellation); the Southern Triangle
pronghorn (Antilocapra americana); prong buck; pronghorn antelope
rhinoceros horn
angle at the circumference; circumferential angle; inscribed angle
eyestalk (on a snail); narrow place; cramped space
strength contest; sumo wrestling
strength contest; sumo wrestling
horn silver; chlorargyrite; cerargyrite
horn-rimmed glasses; bop glasses
exfoliation; skin cleansing
exfoliation; skin cleansing
isogonic line; isogonal line
constant angular velocity; CAV
principal diagonal; main diagonal
anomaly; angular distance of a planet from its perihelion as seen from the sun
square pipe; square tube
angular displacement
angle of friction; frictional angle
harsh words make the going rough; consider your words; (lit.) a round egg can be cut into a square
hex key; hexagonal wrench key; Allen key (TM); Allen wrench (TM)
double-height size (of text)
double-size character; character with a doubled width and/or height
full-width space; em space
arc second; arcsecond; second of arc
actinic keratosis; solar keratosis; senile keratosis
slope deflection method
slope deflection method
slope deflection method
stick with deer antlers attached (used by monks as a walking stick)
training by participants of the same skill level (kendo)
flat back (book spine); square back
horned puffin (Fratercula corniculata)
trident maple (Acer buergerianum)
Japanese hazel (Corylus sieboldiana)
Atlantic puffin (Fratercula arctica)
Alaska plaice (Pleuronectes quadrituberculatus)
winged bean (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus)
dinoflagellate of genus Ceratium
nipplefruit; apple of Sodom (Solanum mammosum); titty fruit; cow's udder
trigoniid (any clam of family Trigoniidae)
hepatica (Hepatica nobilis var. japonica); liverleaf
jacana (esp. the pheasant-tailed jacana, Hydrophasianus chirurgus); lily-trotter
Persian carpet flatworm (Pseudobiceros bedfordi); Bedford's flatworm
Japanese mountain mole (Euroscaptor mizura)
four-horned antelope (Tetracerus quadricornis); chousingha
horned screamer (Anhima cornuta)
star anise (Illicium verum)
cerastes; horned viper; horned adder
angled luffa (Luffa acutangula); Chinese okra; dish cloth gourd; ridged gourd; sponge gourd; vegetable gourd
owlfly (any insect of family Ascalaphidae); owl fly
Examples (75 in total)
It's at the corner.
The shop is on the corner of the street.
He's at the next corner.