FrequencyTop 900-1000
KankenLevel Pre-2
Composed of
altar clothes
Used in vocabulary (17 in total)
surplus; margin; leeway; composure; placidity; complacency
wealthy; rich; affluent; well-off
wealthy people; the rich
calm and collected; with composure; having enough and to spare
wealth; riches; affluence; opulence
to give someone space; to give someone breathing room; to cut someone some slack; to provide leeway; to provide an opportunity
calm and collected; with composure; having enough and to spare
to feign composure; to act like one has (time, money, strength, etc.) to spare
easily (reach, exceed, etc.); comfortably; amply; fully; well over
wealthy people; the rich
no problem; piece of cake
calm and collected; with composure; having enough and to spare
wealth tax; capital tax; equity tax
to feign composure; to act like one has (time, money, strength, etc.) to spare
to feign composure; to act like one has (time, money, strength, etc.) to spare
electrical tolerance
free move (othello)
Examples (77 in total)
I'd like to buy a house, but I can't afford to.
I can't afford to buy a house.
Do you have much time to spare?