FrequencyTop 1600-1700
KankenLevel Pre-2
Composed of
kettle with three legs
Used in vocabulary (138 in total)
agglutination; adhesion; fusion; combination; blending; uniting
lending (money); finance; loan; adaptability; versatility; flexibility
financing; loan
Examples (19 in total)
I lent my friend some money.
Tokyo, as you know, is one of the financial centers of the world.
More students are interested in finance than in industry.
Modern finance is becoming increasingly complicated and sophisticated.
I think Tom is inflexible.
The physicist was aware of the potential danger of nuclear fusion.
My father gave me a small loan of a million dollars.
The government will provide interest-free loans to firms that participate in the program.
Japan came under American pressure to open its financial market.
Corporate borrowing from financial institutions is rising due to the low interest rate.
The economy still hasn't completely recovered from the financial crisis.
The rise and fall of prices caused a financial crisis.
I plan to pursue a career in international finance.
It is important for a nation to have an adequate mix of monetary and fiscal policies.
I'd like to get a bank loan; how do I go about that?
Interest rates will rise due to monetary tightening.
A fiscal tightening policy is being enacted.
Costs of financial services are rising in every country.
He's a financial analyst with a pretty good reputation for his analysis of economic trends.