FrequencyTop 3100-3200
KankenLevel 1
Composed of
king with a hat
one yen coin
Used in vocabulary (34 in total)
dragonfly; damselfly
(small) red dragonfly; darter (dragonfly of genus Sympetrum, esp. the autumn darter, Sympetrum frequens)
crane fly; daddy longlegs (insect of family Tipulidae); a tall, gangly person; string bean
small wooden Japanese toy that flies when spun between the palms of one's hands
leaving unfinished; unfinished ending
happy-go-lucky fellow; an easygoing and indifferent person; a pococurante
somersault; returning from a destination right after arriving there; non-stop round trip; abrupt change of direction
darner (any dragonfly of family Aeshnidae); devil's darning needle; dragonfly (esp. a large one)
dragonfly; damselfly
Siebold's dragonfly (Anotogaster sieboldii); jumbo dragonfly
broad-winged damselfly (of family Calopterygidae)
Orthetrum albistylum speciosum (subspecies of white-tailed skimmer)
darner (any dragonfly of family Aeshnidae); devil's darning needle; dragonfly (esp. a large one)
lesser emperor (species of dragonfly, Anax parthenope)
green lacewing (esp. species Chrysopa intima)
Calopteryx atrata (species of damselfly)
Calopteryx atrata (species of damselfly)
damselfly (Zygoptera spp.); demoiselle
Calopteryx atrata (species of damselfly)
Calopteryx atrata (species of damselfly)
broad-winged damselfly (of family Calopterygidae)
dobsonfly (esp. species Protohermes grandis)
Epiophlebia superstes (species of living-fossil dragonfly endemic to Japan)
Sinictinogomphus clavatus (species of clubtail dragonfly)
happy-go-lucky fellow; easygoing and indifferent person; pococurante
Mortonagrion hirosei (species of damselfly)
Calopteryx cornelia (species of damselfly)
Ceriagrion nipponicum (species of damselfly)
whip-carrying habenaria (Habenaria iyoensis)
Habenaria sagittifera (species of bog orchid)
owlfly (any insect of family Ascalaphidae); owl fly
yellow darter (Sympetrum croceolum) (dragonfly species of East Asia)