FrequencyTop 1800-1900
KankenLevel 2
Composed of
late winter
Used in vocabulary (93 in total)
bee; wasp; hornet
beehive; hive; something full of holes; (fig.) Swiss cheese; honeycomb tripe; wall of a cow's second stomach
uprising; revolt
color of honey (colour); honey-colored; honey-coloured
honeybee (Apis sp.); honey bee
mead; honey wine; ambrosia; nectar of the gods
beekeeping; apiculture
worker bee; hard worker
making matters worse; adding insult to injury; (lit.) bees to a tearful face
hornet larva (esp. of yellowjacket species Vespula flaviceps); bee larva
hornet; yellow jacket; wasp (of subfamily Vespinae); Asian giant hornet (Vespa mandarinia); yak-killer hornet
Asian giant hornet (Vespa mandarinia); yak-killer hornet
beekeeper; apiarist
drone (bee)
hive; beehive; skep
Vespula flaviceps (species of yellowjacket)
making matters worse; adding insult to injury; (lit.) bees to a tearful face
spider wasp; pompilid
parasitoid wasp; parasitic wasp; parasitic bee
hornet; yellow jacket; wasp (of subfamily Vespinae); Asian giant hornet (Vespa mandarinia); yak-killer hornet
horsefly and bee; horsefly and wasp
attempting two tasks at the same time, accomplishing neither; falling between two stools; (lit.) catching neither the horsefly nor the bee
Japanese carpenter bee (Xylocopa appendiculata circumvolans); wasp; hornet; yellow jacket
hummingbird (Trochilidae family)
hummingbird (Trochilidae family)
Japanese carpenter bee (Xylocopa appendiculata circumvolans); wasp; hornet; yellow jacket
scoliid wasp (any wasp of family Scoliidae)
chalcid (fly, wasp); chalcis (fly)
red-banded sand wasp (Ammophila sabulosa); thread-waisted wasp (any wasp of family Sphecidae, incl. digger wasps and mud daubers)
hachiya (variety of astringent Japanese persimmon)
attempting two tasks at the same time, accomplishing neither; falling between two stools; (lit.) catching neither the horsefly nor the bee
beehive; hive; honeycomb
potter wasp (any wasp of subfamily Eumeninae); mason wasp
gall wasp (any insect of family Cynipidae)
brown hornet (Vespa dybowskii)
beehive; hive; honeycomb
hornet; yellow jacket; wasp (of subfamily Vespinae); Asian giant hornet (Vespa mandarinia); yak-killer hornet
Japanese honeybee (Apis cerana japonica)
crested honey buzzard (Pernis ptilorhynchus); Oriental honey buzzard; pern
crested honey buzzard (Pernis ptilorhynchus); Oriental honey buzzard; pern
potter wasp (esp. species Eumenes mikado)
bumblebee (Bombus sp.); bumble bee
bumblebee (Bombus sp.); bumble bee
wood wasp
ichneumon wasp (Ichneumonidae spp.); ichneumon fly
Vespula flaviceps (species of yellowjacket)
digger wasp
hunter wasp (i.e. potter wasp, sand wasp, etc.)
hunter wasp (i.e. potter wasp, sand wasp, etc.)
braconid; member of the Braconidae (family of parasitic wasps)
Western honeybee; European honeybee (Apis mellifera)
gall wasp (any insect of family Cynipidae)
Colony Collapse Disorder; Vanishing Bee Syndrome
red-banded sand wasp (Ammophila sabulosa)
hunter wasp (i.e. potter wasp, sand wasp, etc.)
phlegmon in floor of oral cavity; Ludwig's angina
bee (any insect of the clade Anthophila)
ruby-throated hummingbird (Archilochus colubris)
Anna's woodpecker (Calypte anna)
cut-tailed bullhead (species of catfish, Pseudobagrus aurantiacus)
Bombus ignitus (species of bumblebee)
gall wasp (any insect of family Cynipidae)
gall wasp (any insect of family Cynipidae)
mining bee (of family Andrenidae)
Vespa ducalis (species of hornet)
yellow hornet (Vespa simillima xanthoptera, subspecies of the Japanese hornet, Vespa simillima)
Japanese hornet (Vespa simillima, esp. subspecies Vespa simillima simillima); yellow hornet
yellow-vented hornet (Vespa analis)
European hornet (Vespa crabro)
lesser banded hornet (Vespa affinis)
Calliope hummingbird (Selasphorus calliope)
aphelinid wasp (Encarsia formosa)
Examples (32 in total)
They worked hard like so many bees.
Ouch!! I've been stung by a bee!!
The bee flew to the flower.