luxurious grass
FrequencyTop 2700-2800
KankenLevel 1
Composed of
blades of grass
the sound of the wind
Used in vocabulary (15 in total)
knotweed (Polygonaceae); jointweed; smartweed; water pepper (Persicaria hydropiper)
some prefer nettles; there's no accounting for taste; every man to his taste
Polygonaceae (knotweed or smartweed family of plants)
silver vine (Actinidia polygama); cat powder
dyer's knotweed (Persicaria tinctoria, used to produce indigo dye)
water pepper vinegar; vinegar infused and mixed with water pepper leaves, esp. served with salt-grilled sweetfish
water pepper (Persicaria hydropiper f. purpurascens)
some prefer nettles; there's no accounting for taste; every man to his taste
water pepper (Persicaria hydropiper)
Chloranthus glaber
water pepper (Persicaria hydropiper f. aquaticum)
everyone has their favorite; pick the right thing to please someone; (lit.) catnip for cats, gold coins for prostitutes
kiss-me-over-the-garden-gate (Persicaria orientalis); prince's feather
dyer's knotweed (Persicaria tinctoria, used to produce indigo dye)
water pepper (Persicaria hydropiper)