FrequencyTop 1000-1100
Kyōiku (4th grade) 
KankenLevel 7
Composed of
blades of grass
colorful dice
Used in vocabulary (237 in total)
greens; vegetables; rape (Brassica napus); rapeseed
edible wild plants
hors d'oeuvre; appetizer; appetiser; starter
small dish (served as a part of an ordinary household meal); side dish
vegetable garden
napa cabbage (Brassica rapa subsp. pekinensis); nappa cabbage; Chinese cabbage
stir-fried vegetables
small dish (served as a part of an ordinary household meal); side dish
young greens; young herbs
rape blossoms; rapeseed flowers
root vegetable
side dish
long chopsticks (for cooking, serving, etc.)
summer vegetables
fresh vegetables
(edible) greens; leafy greens; vegetables
main dish (e.g. meat, fish, but not rice); principal dish
Japanese mustard spinach (Brassica rapa var. perviridis)
leafy vegetables; green vegetables
mizuna (Brassica rapa var. nipposinica); potherb mustard; Elatostema umbellatum var. majus (variety of plant related to the nettles)
greens; vegetable leaves; leaf vegetable
side dish (e.g. vegetables, beans, pickles)
dressed bread; bread to which something has been added (sandwich, pirogi, etc.); stuffed bread (rolls, buns, etc.)
rapeseed; coleseed
heated vegetables; warm vegetables
field of vegetables; market garden; truck garden; vegetable garden; kitchen garden
gathering edible wild plants
coriander (Coriandrum sativum); cilantro; dhania; Chinese parsley
leaf vegetable; green vegetable; edible herb
root crops; root vegetables
rape (Brassica rapa); common rape; cole; coleseed; coleseed greens
crisper (e.g. in refrigerator); vegetable drawer; produce compartment
delicatessen; deli
leaf vegetable; green vegetable; edible herb
vegetable diet
fruits and vegetables
vegetable scraps
organic vegetables; organically grown vegetables
rapeseed oil; canola oil
leaf mustard (Brassica juncea var. integrifolia); mustard greens
small dish (usu. one of several accompanying rice); side dish; fill; fill-in (drumming); jack-off material; something to masturbate to
vegetables high in beta-carotene
sugar beet (Beta vulgaris)
spring vegetables
organically produced vegetables
meal consisting of soup, rice and three dishes (esp. namasu, nimono and yakimono)
winter vegetables
greens; vegetables
dehydrated vegetables
Kyoto vegetables; vegetables traditionally grown in and around Kyoto
feeling sad or downhearted; down in the dumps
one-plate meal; simple meal; austerity diet
gathering edible wild plants
vegetable scraps
cold vegetable hors d'oeuvres in Chinese cuisine
autumn vegetables; fall vegetables
long chopsticks (for cooking, serving, etc.)
green crop; green vegetable
butterhead lettuce
nakiri knife; vegetable knife; cutting vegetables
fish and vegetables; side dishes (e.g. with rice)
small dish (usu. one of several accompanying rice); side dish; fill; fill-in (drumming); jack-off material; something to masturbate to
field horsetail (Equisetum arvense); common horsetail
the five vegetables (garlic chive, Japanese leek, green onion, wasabi and mame); (meal of) five dishes
rice boiled with greens
nakiri knife; vegetable knife
Tulipa edulis (species of tulip with an edible bulb)
appetizer or snack served with drinks
(light blue) overalls; workman's overalls
Brassica campestris var. laciniifolia (variety of wild mustard)
(light blue) overalls; workman's overalls
bok choy (Brassica rapa subsp. chinensis; esp. cultivars with green stalks); pak choi; Chinese cabbage
turnip (Brassica rapa)
Aster yomena (Asiatic species of aster)
bok choy (Brassica rapa subsp. chinensis; esp. cultivars with green stalks); pak choi; Chinese cabbage
mizuna (Brassica rapa var. nipposinica); potherb mustard
greens; vegetable leaves; leaf vegetable
water shield (Brasenia schreberi)
Chinese water spinach (Ipomoea aquatica); ong choy; kang kong; water morning glory; water convolvulus; swamp cabbage
Chinese water spinach (Ipomoea aquatica); ong choy; kang kong; water morning glory; water convolvulus; swamp cabbage
glutinous rice with vegetables, esp. wild plants
(edible) greens; leafy greens; vegetables
pao cai; pow tsai; pickled vegetable, usu. cabbage, found in Szechuan cuisine
winter vegetables; winter greens; tang cai
rape (seed oil plant, Brassica campestris)
greens pickled in salt (mizuna, mustard leaves, etc.)
delicatessen; deli
dried vegetables
dried leaves (esp. of daikon and turnip)
haricot; kidney bean
wasabi greens; wasabi leaves
Ixeris dentata (species of the daisy family)
Indian mustard (Brassica juncea); Chinese mustard; leaf mustard; brown mustard; mustard greens
vegetable plant; vegetable factory; closed growing system for year-round production of vegetables
water shield (Brasenia schreberi)
Indian mustard (Brassica juncea); Chinese mustard; leaf mustard; brown mustard; mustard greens
Szechuan pickles; Sichuan vegetables; zha cai; pickled mustard plant stem
crisper (e.g. in refrigerator); vegetable drawer; produce compartment
tang cai (Brassica rapa var. toona)
nakiri knife; vegetable knife; cutting vegetables
hijiki (dark edible seaweed usu. sold in dried black strips; Hizikia fusiformis)
young greens (of mizuna, Japanese mustard spinach, rape, etc.)
hijiki (dark edible seaweed usu. sold in dried black strips; Hizikia fusiformis)
okara; soy pulp; tofu dregs; edible pulp separated from soybean milk in the production of tofu
sugar beet (Beta vulgaris)
rape seedlings; pinched-off vegetable seedlings; young edible greens
vegetable thinnings (for salad)
wasabi greens; wasabi leaves
fruits and vegetables
bok choy (Brassica rapa subsp. chinensis); pak choi; Chinese cabbage
hinona (Japanese variety of long-rooted pickling turnip, Brassica rapa var. akana)
long spell of rain in early spring
vegan diet; plant-based diet
leafy vegetables; stem vegetables
Kyoto-style side dish; meal of side dishes
nori; laver; edible seaweed, usu. Porphyra yezoensis or P. tenera, usu. dried and pressed into sheets
wakame (species of edible brown seaweed, Undaria pinnatifida)
fertile shoot of field horsetail
giant butterbur (Petasites japonicus); Japanese sweet coltsfoot
kimchi; kimchee; spicy Korean pickled cabbage; Korea; Korean
turnip (Brassica rapa)
mizuna (Brassica rapa var. nipposinica); potherb mustard; Elatostema umbellatum var. majus (variety of plant related to the nettles)
edible chrysanthemum (Glebionis coronaria); crown daisy; garland chrysanthemum
Indian mustard (Brassica juncea); Chinese mustard; leaf mustard; brown mustard; mustard greens
Szechuan pickles; Sichuan vegetables; zha cai; pickled mustard plant stem
sea kale (Crambe maritima)
funori; glue plant; marine alga of the genus Gloiopeltis; funori; glue used as sizing for textiles
Kyoto-style side dish; meal of side dishes
Kyoto-style side dish; meal of side dishes
Kyoto-style side dish; meal of side dishes
Ixeris dentata (species of the daisy family)
Brassicaceae (family of flowering plants comprising the mustards)
Salsola komarovii (species of saltwort)
Brassica campestris var. laciniifolia (variety of wild mustard)
wasabi greens; wasabi leaves
dried leaves (esp. of daikon and turnip)
dried leaves (esp. of daikon and turnip)
dried leaves (esp. of daikon and turnip)
Swiss chard
hinona (Japanese variety of long-rooted pickling turnip, Brassica rapa var. akana)
hinona (Japanese variety of long-rooted pickling turnip, Brassica rapa var. akana)
hinona (Japanese variety of long-rooted pickling turnip, Brassica rapa var. akana)
bok choy (Brassica rapa subsp. chinensis); pak choi; Chinese cabbage
choy sum (Brassica rapa var. parachinensis); choi sum; Chinese flowering cabbage
Salsola komarovii (species of saltwort)
bok choy (Brassica rapa subsp. chinensis); pak choi; Chinese cabbage
kitchen waste; vegetable scraps
cat's-ear (Hypochoeris radicata); false dandelion
young greens (of mizuna, Japanese mustard spinach, rape, etc.)
sow thistle (Sonchus oleraceus); milk thistle
white radish sprouts; daikon sprouts
pungent vegetable (e.g. onion, garlic, leek)
rape seedlings; pinched-off vegetable seedlings; young edible greens
rape seedlings; pinched-off vegetable seedlings; young edible greens
rape seedlings; pinched-off vegetable seedlings; young edible greens
tatsoi (Brassica rapa); tah tsai; rosette bok choy
Triglochin maritima var. asiatica (variety of seaside arrowgrass)
Pyropia tenera (species of edible seaweed)
bok choy (Brassica rapa subsp. chinensis; esp. cultivars with white stalks); pak choi; Chinese cabbage
brightly colored vegetables; brightly coloured vegetables
pickled greens
vegetables not high in beta-carotene
Miyamayomena savateri
mizuna (Brassica rapa var. nipposinica)
bok choy hybrid (Brassica campestris var. amplexicaulis) (pak choi, bokchoy)
bok choy hybrid (Brassica campestris var. amplexicaulis) (pak choi, bokchoy)
menu (at a Chinese restaurant)
menu (at a Chinese restaurant)
rape seedlings; (white) radish sprouts
rape seedlings; (white) radish sprouts
Monochoria korsakowii (species of flowering plant)
first young greens of the year
rapeseed meal; rapeseed lees
hot-and-sour cabbage
bulbous vegetable
bath of dried leaves (esp. daikon and turnip)
pickling of unopened rape blossoms
pickling of unopened rape blossoms
baby Chinese cabbage; wawasai cabbage; variety of small Chinese cabbage
baby Chinese cabbage; wawasai cabbage; variety of small Chinese cabbage
baby Chinese cabbage; wawasai cabbage; variety of small Chinese cabbage
vegetables grown outdoors
vegetables grown in a greenhouse
Korean lettuce
Korean lettuce
mizukakena (Brassica rapa variety)
Buddha's delight (vegetarian dish)
Chinese vegetarian cuisine
raw veganism; raw foodism
swamp morning glory (Ipomoea aquatica); water spinach; river spinach; kangkong; Chinese spinach; Chinese Watercress
swamp morning glory (Ipomoea aquatica); water spinach; river spinach; kangkong; Chinese spinach; Chinese Watercress
Eucheuma muricatum (species of red algae)
kakina (green leafy vegetable of the genus Brassica)
creeping lettuce (Ixeris stolonifera)
rape (seed oil plant, Brassica campestris)
Crepidiastrum keiskeanum (species of plant in the daisy family)
Crepidiastrum keiskeanum (species of plant in the daisy family)
hawkweed oxtongue (Picris hieracioides subsp. japonica)
hawkweed oxtongue (Picris hieracioides subsp. japonica)
hawkweed oxtongue (Picris hieracioides subsp. japonica)
rapeseed (Brassica napus); rapa; colza
bugbane (Cimicifuga simplex)
waterhyssop (Bacopa monnieri); brahmi; thyme-leafed gratiola; water hyssop; herb of grace; Indian pennywort
Ixeris dentata var. alpicola (mountain flower in the dandelion family)
Chinese violet cress (Orychophragmus violaceus)
pale cabbage (Brassica tournefortii); Asian mustard
Examples (87 in total)
Where do you buy vegetables?
You should eat more vegetables.
Mother insists that I should eat more vegetables.