politely do
FrequencyTop 1000-1100
KankenLevel 4
Composed of
folding chair
Used in kanji (1 in total)
Used in vocabulary (113 in total)
coincidence; agreement; conformity; consistency; cooperation
Examples (68 in total)
Your ideas are in accord with ours.
Your plan is not in line with our policy.
We all agree in liking the teacher.
Such conduct doesn't fit in with your reputation.
Her account of the incident agrees with yours.
Publication of the article was timed to coincide with the professor's birthday.
The story is not in accord with the facts.
The story is consistent with the evidence.
His account of the accident agrees with yours.
At present, consensus has yet to be reached.
What you say now isn't consistent with what you said before.
You should make your ideas correspond with reality.
His opinions are in accord with ours.
His views are in accord with mine.
His ideas accord with theirs.
His deeds do not accord with his words.
His behavior did not correspond with his words.
Her behavior is consistent with her words.
We are in agreement on this subject.
My answer corresponds with yours.
Our tastes in art agree.
We agreed to start early the next morning.
I am very thankful to you for your advice.
The wound was fatal to him.
Her wound seems to be mortal.
His actions do not always correspond to his words.
Theory and practice do not necessarily go together.
My wife and I agreed on a holiday plan.
All of the rules must be in line with company policy.
The fingerprints left on the weapon match the suspect's.
Our views on the matter are in accord.
He was taken away by four police officers in the middle of the night.
Mary was kidnapped by pirates.
Thank you for your kind assistance.
These measurements conform to the blueprints.
We are closed for renovations.
The scandal was fatal to his political future.
She had an accident that ended her life as a tennis player.
Fatal errors arise from carelessness.
His statement corresponded to what actually took place.
The slightest mistake may lead to a fatal disaster.
His foolish proposal was approved unanimously.
We are all one on that point.
We agreed that there was no other alternative.
They agreed to start early.
They agree that they have no choice but to give up the whole plan.
Our views are in agreement with theirs as to the essential points.
We agreed to leave soon.
We all agree that we should leave early.
I agreed with him on the plan.
I agree with you.
I agreed with him on that point.
His daily behavior is not consistent with his principles.
The disagreement between the union and management could lead to a strike.
The chairman did not rule out the possibility of a disagreement.
The result of his experiment corresponded with mine.
We all agreed that the plan made sense.
His words and actions don't match.
We hope to come to an accord with them about arms reduction.
It was by no means unanimous, but your proposal was selected.
I'm sorry, but I can't answer right away.
I want to work from the taxpayers' point of view.
The strong yen was a fatal blow to the company.
Do you want me to wrap it up as a gift?
The Venus de Milo is the perfection of beauty.
Life is a fatal sexually transmitted disease.
I was led to the conclusion that we made a fatal mistake.
Today's topic is "the problem of Japanese people abducted by North Korea".