FrequencyTop 1100-1200
KankenLevel 4
Composed of
Used in vocabulary (134 in total)
foot; paw; leg; gait; pace; bottom structural component (i.e. radical) of a kanji; (arch.) money
counter for chairs or seats
script; screenplay; scenario
losing one's position; losing one's standing; downfall; fall (from power); being overthrown
leg strength; walking ability; running ability
forefoot; forefeet; foreleg; forelimb
dramatization (e.g. of a novel); dramatisation; adaptation; dramatization; embellishment; exaggeration
right foot; right leg
to cross one's legs
stepladder; steps
three-legged race; cooperation with singleness of purpose (e.g. between companies); operating in tandem
leg; leg portion; foot (of a page)
left foot; left leg
tripod; three legs
scriptwriter; playwright; scenario writer
one foot; one leg
express messenger; postman; mailman; courier
passing shower; streaks of pouring rain
pilgrimage; walking tour; travelling (on foot)
beautiful legs; great legs
to be performed (on the stage); to be in the limelight
hands and feet
gaiters; leggings; puttees
being based on
spreading the legs (wide apart); opening the legs
hind legs; rear legs
beauty of slender female legs
bridge pier; pontoon bridge
at one's feet
to reveal one's true nature; to show one's true colours; to give oneself away; to be exposed (of a lie, etc.)
spreading one's legs open wide with knees bent, creating the shape of the letter M (pornographic pose)
to have legs; to be able to get around; to be a good runner
standpoint; position; viewpoint; footing; starting point; basis (e.g. of an argument)
cabriole leg (of a table, chair, etc.); stealthy footsteps; walking silently
horse's legs; stage actor who plays the role of a horse's legs
footlight; limelight
bare legs; bare feet; stockingless legs
daytime; position of the Sun
something (equipped) with legs; sole of foot; one's manner of walking
standpoint; position; viewpoint; footing; starting point; basis (e.g. of an argument)
to reveal one's true nature; to show one's true colours; to give oneself away; to be exposed (of a lie, etc.)
speed of a boat; draft; draught
to reveal one's true nature; to show one's true colours; to give oneself away; to be exposed (of a lie, etc.)
gaiters; leggings; puttees
bow legs; bowlegs; bow-leggedness
to reveal one's true nature; to show one's true colours; to give oneself away; to be exposed (of a lie, etc.)
running style (e.g. front runner); riding style (of a keirin cyclist)
rhyme; end rhyme
cloud movements; overhanging clouds
style of temple gate featuring four supporting pillars and a gabled roof
itinerant monk; monk on a pilgrimage
stepladder; steps
speed of a boat; draft; draught
metrical foot (poet.)
knock knees; knock-kneedness
kanji "twenty legs" radical (radical 55)
itinerant monk being on pilgrimages to many lands
hair or fur on the surface of fabric; pile; growth of hair; hairy legs
closing the legs; keeping the legs together (in gymnastics)
thick legs; fat legs; cankle; cankles
isosceles trapezoid; isosceles trapezium
pair of compasses; compass (for drawing circles, etc.)
rope that ties the lower end of the sail to the hull (on a Japanese-style ship)
Decapoda (the order of crustaceans including shrimp and crabs)
spreading of a fire
ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba); gingko; maidenhair tree
kanji "dancing legs" radical (radical 136)
movie adapter; dramatizer; dramatiser
pinnipeds (seals and walruses)
flutter kick (swimming); the thrash
hairline at nape of neck; nape of neck
flutter kick (swimming); the thrash
footbath; hot spring bath designed for soaking one's feet
Aedes (genus of mosquitoes); striped mosquito
ballast (for a ship)
giant spider crab
knock knees; knock-kneedness
cloth wrapped around the hips (esp. women)
buttercup (Ranunculus japonicus)
buttercup (Ranunculus japonicus)
pair of compasses; compass (for drawing circles, etc.)
Japanese stilt grass (Microstegium vimineum)
legs; lower limbs
copepods (small crustaceans of subclass Copepoda)
eight-legged table (used as a stand for religious offerings, etc.)
look carefully where your own footsteps fall; seek enlightenment by knowing yourself and not by watching others; know thyself
single-tiered gate with eight secondary pillars supporting the four main central pillars
walking leg (esp. of an arthropod); ambulatory leg
maxilliped; gnathopod
abdominal leg; proleg; pleopod
legged furniture
peasants chosen to carry the payment of a tax (in kind) to the capital (ritsuryo system)
Cirripedia; barnacles
leg opening (in panties, swimsuits, etc.)
leg opening (in panties, swimsuits, etc.)
grey-tailed tattler (species of sandpiper, Heteroscelus brevipes)
wandering tattler (Tringa incana)
proturan (any wingless insect of order Protura)
Examples (37 in total)
This table is unusable since it is missing a leg.
He stood with his legs wide apart.
My leg hurts.