reach a limit
FrequencyTop 1700-1800
KankenLevel Pre-2
Composed of
one's body
bow (weapon)
Used in vocabulary (58 in total)
narrow; tight; formal; stiff; constrained; uncomfortable
dilemma; predicament
to be hard pressed; to be at a loss; to become poor; to be reduced to poverty
poverty; need; destitution; having great difficulty with; struggling greatly with; being in distress
to be caught in a dilemma; to get into a scrape
distress; wretched condition
to be embarrassed for a reply; to be at a loss for a reply
great poverty
poverty; destitution; privation; indigence; penury
eternity; infinitude; immortality
to be at a loss; to be in a corner
cornered animal; (lit.) cornered rat
to be at a loss for words
ultimate; final; last; eventual
financial difficulty; distress
to reach an extreme; to reach a limit; extremely; to be stuck; to be in a dilemma; to be decided
poor people; the poor
a cornered rat will bite a cat; despair turns cowards courageous
to carry to extremes; to go to the end of something; to investigate thoroughly; to master
desperate measure; last-ditch effort
investigation (e.g. academically, of the unknown); close inquiry (enquiry)
to be hard pressed; to be at a loss; to become poor; to be reduced to poverty
extremity; desperation
desperate measure; expedient of last resort
extremity; end; bound; limit
person in need; person facing economic hardship
the poor; the needy; the destitute
as eternal as heaven and earth
study of natural laws; branch of neo-Confusianist scholarship
dying in miserable circumstances
height; acme; extremity; end; limit
extremely; in the extreme; knows no bounds (e.g. rudeness); boundless (e.g. universe, ocean); limitless
necessity is the mother of invention; there is always some way out of a difficulty if you really look for one
there is nothing more that can be done; it's all over
poor student (scholar)
even the hunter will refrain from killing the bird that has flown to him for shelter
hardships and privations
god of poverty; vengeful spirit
final aim; final end; supreme end
a cornered rat will bite the cat; one who is cornered will fight like a devil
spring staple shortage (before the harvest of rice, wheat, barley, etc.)
extremely; in the extreme; knows no bounds (e.g. rudeness); boundless (e.g. universe, ocean); limitless
using the strongest words possible
without limit; endless
without limit; endless
cornered; driven to the wall
to study exhaustively
even the hunter will refrain from killing the bird that has flown to him for shelter
hakama; man's formal divided shirt
moto perpetuo; perpetual motion
(Western) physics
Mabel's Strange Predicament
rose of Sharon (Hibiscus syriacus); Korean rose
Examples (7 in total)
These pajamas look like they'd be too tight on Tom now. Let's buy some new ones.
How did he make his living in such poverty?
Train compartments soon get cramped.