FrequencyTop 1400-1500
KankenLevel 1
Composed of
dark and mysterious
Used in vocabulary (31 in total)
dazzling; radiant
dazzling; glaring; dazzlingly beautiful
dizziness; giddiness; vertigo
dizziness; giddiness; vertigo
to be dizzy; to be disoriented; to be dazzled; to be lost in (greed, lust, etc.)
to be dazzled by; to be dizzied by; to be lost in (greed, lust, etc.); (arch.) to become dark
smoke screen; dazzler; camouflage; deceptive means; magic; witchcraft
to deceive; to blind the eyes of
dizziness (from standing up too fast); orthostatic syncope; lightheadedness; vertigo
dazzlement; bewilderment; daze
(arch.) to spin; (arch.) to revolve; to be dizzy; to feel faint; to bustle about
to dazzle; to make dizzy; to bewilder
to be lost in lust for riches; to throw all caution and conscience away in pursuit of riches
to be blinded by greed
to dazzle; to blind
smoke screen; dazzler; camouflage; deceptive means; magic; witchcraft
cute; pretty
dizziness; temporary side-effects of taking Chinese herbal medicine
dizziness; giddiness; vertigo
antiglare (filter, mirror, etc.)
(arch.) to spin; (arch.) to revolve; to be dizzy; to feel faint; to bustle about
to get dark; to grow dark; to end (of a day, year, season, etc.); to come to an end; to be sunk in (e.g. despair); to be lost in (e.g. thought)
dizziness (from standing up too fast); orthostatic syncope; lightheadedness; vertigo
witchcraft user; magician
to feel dizzy
Sophora flavescens
to be dizzy; to be vertiginous
The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway
Examples (1 in total)
He was dazzled by the bright light.