to sleep
FrequencyTop 500-600
KankenLevel 4
Composed of

When the people around you close their eyes and lie down it's probably because they're going to sleep. And you should too.

Used in vocabulary (127 in total)
to sleep; to die; to rest (in peace); to lie idle (e.g. of resources); to lie unused; (arch.) to close one's eyes
sleepy; drowsy; somnolent
sleep; sleeping; inactivity; death
sleepiness; drowsiness
to fall asleep
nodding off (while sitting); dozing
sleepy; drowsy
(one's) sleeping hours; hours of sleep
sleeping pill; sleep medication
nap; doze
sound sleep; good sleep; quiet sleep
to sleep like a log; to sleep deeply
hibernation; winter sleep; torpor
to put to sleep; to kill
to fall asleep; to sleep deeply
to take a nap; to catch forty winks; to catch some Z's
Sleeping Beauty (fairy tale)
no sleep or rest; working day and night
nap; short sleep; first sleep of silkworms
to awake from one's sleep
idle; dormant
sleeplessness; insomnia; wakefulness
to get sleep; to sleep
keeping oneself awake; fighting off drowsiness; method for keeping oneself awake
to take a nap; to catch forty winks; to catch some Z's
nap room (in an office, fire station, etc.)
sleeping powder; sleeping drug; narcotic; anaesthetic; anesthetic
to sleep all day; to idle away one's time; to loaf all day
to sleep like a log; to sleep like a baby
to induce sleep; to cause drowsiness
eternal slumber; everlasting rest; death
sleeplessness; insomnia; wakefulness
nap; short sleep; first sleep of silkworms
eternal sleep; death
to fall asleep; to sleep deeply
pleasant sleep
falling asleep at the wheel
rest in peace; requiescat in pace; RIP
to sleep all day; to idle away one's time; to loaf all day
to doze off; to nod off; to snooze
idle slumber; indolence; inactivity
hypnopaedia; hypnopedia; sleep-learning
auto-hypnosis; self-hypnosis; self-induced hypnotism
falling asleep; sleep onset
disturbance of sleep; nuisance in the middle of the night
dead of night (when even the trees and plants sleep)
to sleep in peace; to sleep without fear
city that never sleeps
sleeping medicine
deep sleep; sleep soundly
in spring one sleeps a sleep that knows no dawn; in spring one sleeps like a log
sleeping pills
going to sleep; falling asleep; sleeping
sleepiness; drowsiness
sleeping sickness
sleeping medicine; hypnotic; soporific
rest in peace; requiescat in pace; RIP
keeping oneself awake; fighting off drowsiness; method for keeping oneself awake
artificial hibernation; induced hibernation
city that never sleeps
deep sleep; torpor
anhydrobiosis; cryptobiosis; drought dormancy
drowsiness; somnolence; somnolentia; fatigue; lethargy
ritual to banish the sleep demon (esp. in Tōhoku)
to sleep like a log; to sleep like a baby
sleeping sickness; sleeping disease
keeping oneself awake; fighting off drowsiness; method for keeping oneself awake
sleeping; being sleepy
sleep debt; sleep deficit
short sleep
mountain in the winter; (lit.) sleeping mountain
keeping oneself awake; fighting off drowsiness; method for keeping oneself awake
sleepy-looking; sleepy-sounding
the first sleep (of silkworms)
three-molt silkworm
Japanese dormouse (Glirulus japonicus)
rest in peace; requiescat in pace; RIP
keeping oneself awake; fighting off drowsiness; method for keeping oneself awake
edible dormouse (Glis glis); fat dormouse
good appetite and pleasant sleep; enjoying one's food and sleeping well
inactive bank account (no withdrawals or deposits made, and to which the owner's rights have been terminated)
dormant bud; latent bud
to put to sleep; to kill; to leave unused
sleep onset REM period; SOREMP
someone who is fast asleep
short sleeper; person who doesn't need much sleep
whitetip reef shark (Triaenodon obesus, species of Indo-Pacific requiem shark)
Examples (200 in total)
He might have been sleeping at that time.
That child soon fell asleep.
I just want a little more sleep.