FrequencyTop 500-600
Shinjitai ?
KankenLevel 4
Old form
Composed of
tiny hairs
rice field

A dog is sniffing a bunch of tiny hairs left by something in a nearby rice field. The smell alerts him that something's up and he runs to investigate. He finds a creature with one enormous mouth big enough to eat a person whole. What a beast!

Used in vocabulary (103 in total)
beast; brute; animal
legendary beast; magical beast
(fictional) fusion of human and animal; therianthrope; furry; human beast
fierce animal; beast of prey; big game
wild beast; wild animal; brute
carnivore; carnivorous animal
animal trail; game trail
cryptid (unidentified mysterious creature); mythical beast
rare (or peculiar) animal
harmful animal
veterinarian; veterinary surgeon; vet
birds and wild animals; wildlife
unicorn; narwhal; qilin (Chinese unicorn)
brutality; animal nature
animal or carnal desires; lust
half-human and half-beast
large monster (Japanese film genre)
marine mammal
quadruped; four-footed animal
(in Chinese mythology) beast which descends from the sky with a thunderbolt
birds and animals
king of beasts (i.e. lion)
young animal (esp. mammal)
hide; pelt; animal skin
humans and animals; humans and beasts; beast in human form
veterinarian; veterinary surgeon; vet
half-human, half-beast; therianthropic
all kinds of animals
beasts; mammals
bestiality; sodomy
bestial; beastly; beast-like; brutal
sex maniac; sex fiend
hunting (of animals such as boar, deer, etc.)
unusual beast; strange beast
Number of the Beast (i.e. 666)
veterinary medicine
auspicious beast (in Chinese mythology, e.g. the qilin)
stone image of an animal; stone figures of animals
small animal (mammal)
animal beneficial to humans
goat-god; satyr; Pan; Faunus
wild and domestic animals; livestock
animals that can legally be hunted; game animals
ancient mirror decorated with gods and animals
four divine beasts; guardian deities of the four cardinal points
animal or carnal desires; lust
pack animal
triangular-rimmed ancient mirror decorated with gods and animals
four beasts (tiger, leopard, black bear, and brown bear); four gods said to rule over the four directions
wildlife sanctuary; protection area for birds and wild animals
Fauvism; the Fauvists
Monoceros (constellation); the Unicorn
zoonosis (disease transmissible from animals to humans or vice versa)
hunting (of animals such as boar, deer, etc.)
(arch.) beast (esp. one used for its meat, such as a boar or a deer); hunting (of animals such as boar, deer, etc.)
fur seal (esp. the northern fur seal, Callorhinus ursinus); Alaskan fur seal
boar meat hot pot; boar stew
kanji "dog" or "animal" radical at left
brutal or bestial act
relocation of wild animals to a remote location
animal charcoal; carbo animalis
Allotheria (subclass of Mesozoic mammals)
Allotheria (subclass of Mesozoic mammals)
holotherians; members of a problematic clade containing Kuehneotherium and all living therians
Theria (mammalian subclass)
Metatheria (mammalian infraclass)
Eutheria (mammalian infraclass)
Eutheria (mammalian infraclass)
Therapsida (order of advanced synapsids)
Theriodontia; theriodonts
Afrotheria (superorder of mammals of African origin)
Boreoeutheria (clade of placental mammals); Boreotheria; boreoeutherians
Examples (22 in total)
As the lion is king of beasts, so is the eagle king of birds.
I howled like a beast.
The wild beasts all gather.