FrequencyTop 1100-1200
Shinjitai ?
KankenLevel 4
Old form
Composed of
Used in vocabulary (60 in total)
narrow; confined; small; limited; narrow-minded; confining
interval; space; valley; gorge; loophole (in a wall); crenel
to narrow; to contract
Examples (57 in total)
This is too small a house for us to live in.
Roads are narrow in this town.
This room is too small for us.
This room is too small.
The house is too small for five people to live in.
What a small world!
What narrow stairs!
My room is smaller than my brother's.
My room is small, but it's big enough for me.
They walked along a narrow path.
It's a small room, isn't it?
We walked along a narrow path.
My house is small and cramped.
My room is very small.
It's a beautiful house. The problem is that it's tiny.
The gate is too narrow for the car.
The street is very narrow.
The road which leads to the hotel is narrow.
The staircase leading to the rooftop is narrow, steep, and dark.
The kitchen is a little bit too small.
He is always complaining of his room being small.
We think that the narrow road was responsible for the accident.
Our world is getting smaller and smaller every year.
This road is too narrow for trucks to pass.
The gate was too narrow for the truck.
There is a small garden in front of my house.
Our current house is too small, so we decided to move.
There's narrow road to the village.
The gate is so narrow that the car can't pass through it.
We must make the best of the small room.
We made the best of our small room.
I have to make the best of that small room.
He fluctuated between hope and despair.
The balcony is small.
The studio is very small, with no place to hide.
He complained of his room being small.
He complains of the room being so small.
Tom's room is very small.
Tom's room was a lot smaller than I expected it to be.
The valley narrows 500 feet ahead.
Thanks to the development of aircraft, the world has become much smaller.
The gap between them has narrowed.
The Netherlands is a small country.
This house is very small.
This room is cramped.
I want to move out of this cramped room as soon as I can.
Streets are often twisted and narrow in the suburbs.
At this point the sea narrows into a strait.
This house is too small to live in.
This room's too small. We need a larger one.
Tom's apartment is small, but it's very cozy.
There is a narrow path running along the cliff.
The road across the mountain was narrow, and what's more, it was a steep slope.
The river suddenly narrows at this point.
I think Tom is narrow-minded.
He remembered that Room 418, a very small room, was empty.
I had an angina attack.