old geezer
FrequencyTop 1500-1600
KankenLevel Pre-1
Composed of
small village
Used in vocabulary (25 in total)
old man; old geezer
grandfather (may be used after name as honorific); male senior-citizen (may be used after name as honorific)
grandfather; male senior-citizen
grandfather (may be used after name as honorific); male senior-citizen (may be used after name as honorific)
one's father; one's old man; middle-aged (or older) man; old man; one's boss; proprietor (of a restaurant, store, etc.)
good-natured old man
elderly handyman; elderly manservant
dirty old man; pervert; lecher
old man; old goat
cunning old man
like an old man; doddering; wizened; frowzy; seedy
Konaki Jijii (a ghost in Japanese folklore with the shape of a small old man and having a baby's cry)
good-natured old man
grandpa; gramps
old man; (old) geezer
G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit; Hokkaido Toyako G8 summit
grandfather; male senior-citizen
like an old man; doddering; wizened; frowzy; seedy
Konaki Jijii (a ghost in Japanese folklore with the shape of a small old man and having a baby's cry)
Konaki Jijii (a ghost in Japanese folklore with the shape of a small old man and having a baby's cry)
chiton (any marine mollusk of the class Polyplacophora); sea cradle; Japanese chiton (Acanthopleura japonica)
Examples (3 in total)
Where does your grandpa live?
The old man looked surprised at the news.
The old man lives alone.