FrequencyTop 1400-1500
KankenLevel 4
Composed of
water drops
Used in vocabulary (42 in total)
to become clear (water, air, etc.); to become transparent; to resonate clearly (e.g. voice); to become serene; to become tranquil; to pronounce as an unvoiced sound
to listen carefully; to strain one's ears
to sharpen; to grind; to whet; to hone; to make keen
to clear; to make clear; to be unruffled; to look unconcerned; to look demure; to look prim
to be perfectly clear
to be perfectly clear (water, air, etc.); to clear up
composed expression; clear face
composed expression; clear face
to be perfectly clear (water, air, etc.); to clear up
clear; serene
to take careful aim
to look unconcerned; to assume a composed look
clear layer of fluid (at the top of a mixture); supernatant liquid; supernate
clear and bright
primness; prim person; clear soup
primly; with one's nose in the air; smugly
to listen attentively
to observe carefully; to make sure
whirligig beetle (any insect of family Gyrinidae, esp. the Japanese whirligig beetle, Gyrinus japonicus); pond skater; water strider
to put on airs; to affect (e.g. importance); to look wise
to put on airs; to affect (e.g. importance); to look wise
to look unconcerned; to assume a composed look
primness; prim person; clear soup; water for rinsing sake cups (at a banquet, etc.)
to affect a serene mood; to affect a serious demeanor; to act prudishly; to assume an air of superiority
clearness (e.g. sky); transparency
clarified butter
a prim person
clear layer of fluid (at the top of a mixture); supernatant liquid; supernate
to sharpen; to grind; to whet; to hone; to make keen
primness; prim person; clear soup
whirligig beetle (any insect of family Gyrinidae, esp. the Japanese whirligig beetle, Gyrinus japonicus); pond skater; water strider
whirligig beetle (any insect of family Gyrinidae, esp. the Japanese whirligig beetle, Gyrinus japonicus); pond skater; water strider
perfectly clear
perfectly clear
perfectly clear mirror
perfectly clear and serene sky
perfectly clear mirror
clarifying agent; clarificant; clarifier; clearing agent; fining agent
Examples (8 in total)
The girl has a pure voice.
The water of the river was very clear.
She has a soft and clear voice.