FrequencyTop 700-800
Kyōiku (5th grade) 
KankenLevel 6
Composed of
water drops
sign of the tiger
Used in vocabulary (268 in total)
acting; performance
to act (a part); to play (a role); to perform (a play, etc.); to put on (a production); to commit (a blunder); to disgrace oneself
musical performance
production (e.g. play); direction
speech; address
drama; theatre; theater; play
performance; appearance (in a stage, film, TV show, etc.)
public performance; exhibition in a foreign country
practice; practising; exercises; manoeuvres; seminar (student debates, presentations, etc.); practicum
drama club (e.g. at school); dramatic society
starring (in a film, play, etc.); playing the leading part
operation; calculation
lecture; address; speech
demonstration; presentation; stage show; performance
program (musical, concert, theatrical, etc.); programme
performance (of a play, opera, etc.); staging; presentation
acting ability; talent as a performer
curtain raising; starting (e.g. play, concert)
performing a part in one's own play; playing a musical piece that one has written; doing everything by oneself (from preparation to execution); put-up job; charade; sock-puppeting (i.e. pretending to be more than one person on the Internet)
performer; entertainer; actor
appearing together; co-acting; co-starring
maneuvering ground; manoeuvering ground
dance performance
lecture (esp. special engagement by noted speaker); lecture meeting (event with one or more lectures)
presenter; speaker; performer; actor; participant (in a TV show or TV panel)
rostrum; platform
enka; traditional-style Japanese popular ballad
producer; director
performing musician
to act (a part); to play (a role); to perform (a play, etc.); to put on (a production); to commit (a blunder); to pretend (e.g. to be a good father)
another showing (of a play); recapitulation
performer; player
to perform; to play; to act
martial arts demonstration; martial arts training
live music or performance
desk for a speaker; lectern; rostrum; platform
enthusiastic performance
fine performance; tour de force
(actor) relying on acting skills (rather than good looks, etc.)
speech meeting; oratorical meeting; meeting to hear a speech
entertainment; performance
starring in one's own play, movie, etc.; directing one's own play, etc.
contest (between performers); competitive performance; competition between theatres putting on the same show
first performance
deductive reasoning; deduction
harangue; fervent speech
campaign (vote-getting) speech (for a candidate)
performance fee (actor, singer, etc.)
enka singer; singer of Japanese traditional ballads
end of a performance
street oratory; soapbox speech
(holding of) a solo recital or performance
fine performance; tour de force
making a guest appearance; guest starring
to perform a play
program (e.g. theatre, theater); programme; (theatrical) piece; number; performance
four arithmetic operations; basic arithmetic operations
product demonstration; sales demonstration
supporting performance; playing a supporting role
to join in a (musical) performance
subject of an address
performer; actor
large-scale maneuvers; large-scale manoeuvres; war games
excellent speech; masterly speech
model demonstration; model performance; exhibition
final performance; last performance
lecturer; speaker
dramatic; theatrical
theatre; theater; playhouse
improvisation (usu. musical); impromptu performance
live appearance (e.g. on television)
popularization; simplification; explaining in simple language; adaptation of history for popular reading (esp. Chinese); historical novel writing
an entertainment; a show
general policy speech; speech held by the Prime Minister of Japan at the start of a special or extraordinary Diet session
world of the theater (theatre)
solo; solo performance
speaker; orator
suspending performance
trial performance; rehearsal
guest appearance
functional unit (e.g. in analog computing)
(method of) deduction
televised speech; TV address
enthusiastic performance
author directing or producing his or her own play (film); staging oneself for effect; presenting oneself in a favorable light
performing as a substitute; standing in (for)
dojo (hall used for martial arts training)
drama; play
propaganda speech; inflammatory speech
eerie yet strangely fascinating performance; peculiar but impressive performance
good performance
performance given after a successful tour abroad
memorial lecture; commemorative speech
to mount the platform
continued staging of a play or show
voice acting; appearing in a movie, TV show, etc. as a voice actor
cameo performance; cameo appearance
performance tour
forest used for research
logic operation; logical operation
monadic operator; unary operator
relational operator; relation
movie in which ... has the starring role
theatre of the absurd (theater)
oral presentation
music hall; entertainment hall
after-dinner speech; speech made at a dinner (luncheon)
coming to perform
performance of a noh play; performing a noh play
theatrical activities; theatre work
quintessential enka; enka with age-old lyrical themes set to a haunting traditional-style melody
award for best supporting actor (actress)
street (soapbox) oratory; stump oratory
drill; practice
superb performance; good performance
speech of encouragement; pep talk
movie in which ... has the starring role
quintessential enka; enka with age-old lyrical themes set to a haunting traditional-style melody
to play a noh drama
plan for the invasion of the Soviet Far East in July 1941
star; leading actor
musical program; musical programme
funeral oration; funeral speech
supporting actor; supporting actress
operational precision
concert version (of an opera or musical); concert staging
musical symbols; musical symbol; musical notation
dumbfounding performance; queer act; performance so bad it's spellbinding
invited speaker; guest speaker at
dumbfounding performance; queer act
jazz musician; jazzman
logic unit; arithmetic and logic unit; ALU
assignment operator; substitution operator
musical program; musical programme
high-speed arithmetic unit (computer)
to be absorbed in a play
to be absorbed in a play
ternary operator; conditional operator
binary arithmetic operation
Boolean operation
compute mode; operate mode
Arithmetic and Logic Unit; ALU
arithmetic unit; arithmetic logic unit; ALU
iterative operation; automatic sequential operation
real-time operation (e.g. in analog computing)
complementary operation
monadic operation; unary operation
equivalence operation; IF-AND-ONLY-IF operation; IFF
exclusion; NOT-IF-THEN operation
non-equivalence operation; EXCLUSIVE-OR operation
iterative operation; automatic sequential operation
non-equivalence operation; EXCLUSIVE-OR operation
complementary operation
no operation instruction; no op
significant digit arithmetic
colour rendering property (color)
binary operation; dyadic operation
Examples (200 in total)
His acting is far from being perfect.
She has a genius for acting.
I don't think that his performance was any good.