FrequencyTop 300-400
Kyōiku (3rd grade) 
KankenLevel 8
Composed of
water drops
roof without a chimney
Used in vocabulary (252 in total)
deep; profound; dense; thick; close (relationship); intense; strong
serious; severe; grave; acute
very interesting; of great interest
late at night
very deeply
to deepen; to heighten; to intensify
to deepen; to heighten; to intensify
profound; deep; deep (of a cave, etc.); innermost; interior
attentive; cautious; careful; watchful
with profound (often hidden) meaning; pregnant with significance; meaningful; suggestive; interesting
deeply emotive; moving
abyss; ravine
depth; deep place
careful; cautious; wary; watchful; vigilant; prudent
sinful; wicked; immoral
deep crimson
getting deeply involved; going deeply into; going too far (into something)
deep sea; depths of the sea; ocean depths
compassionate; merciful; benevolent; charitable; humane
deepest part; deepest portion; depths (of the ocean etc.); innermost
growing late; latening
depths; deep level
vindictive; tenacious; persistent; spiteful; vengeful
chasing too far; pursuing relentlessly
prudent; thoughtful; discreet
august; beautiful
deep-rooted; ingrained
dark (deep) green
doubting; distrustful; incredulous; suspicious
deeply religious; devout; godly; faithful
depths; deep part
profound; deep; unfathomable
close connection; deep involvement; close relationship
depth of water
to sustain a serious wound
to pull over one's eyes (e.g. hat); to wear pulled down over one's eyes
reading too much into (what ... says)
finely chiseled (features)
extremely familiar; very well-acquainted
mountain recess; deep in the mountains
to develop a relationship; to build intimacy; to deepen a friendship; to get acquainted
to pull over one's eyes (e.g. hat); to wear pulled down over one's eyes
deeply impressive; memorable; striking
esoteric doctrines; mysteries
deep psyche; unconscious mind; depth psychology
doubting; distrustful; incredulous; suspicious
hairy; thickly haired; shaggy
to cultivate a better understanding
enlightening; deep; meaningful; profound; subtle; rich in nuance
deep affection; devotion; profound attachment
severe wound; serious wound; gash
profoundly memorable
closeted maiden; carefully-raised girl from a well-to-do family
discreet; modest; cautious
loving; caring; devoted
deep-seated; deep-rooted; ingrained
well-versed (in); profoundly knowledgeable (about); high in the attainment (of)
becoming more serious or severe; aggravation; intensification
thick fog; dense fog
heavy drinking
secluded inner room
thoughtful; deep-thinking
(wearing) low over one's eyes
situated deep in the mountains
middle of the night; dead of night; midnight
past redemption; sinful
deep dish; dish with a high rim; tureen
greedy; avaricious; covetous
deep; profound; complicated; advanced; impenetrable
snowy; covered in deep snow
severe wound; serious wound; gash
extremely familiar; very well-acquainted
deeply meaningful; profound; rich (in meaning)
to get late; to advance; to wear on
tender-hearted; compassionate; charitable; good-hearted
broad-minded; (of a rikishi) tall, with long reach, making it harder for their opponent to get a grip on their mawashi
with profound (often hidden) meaning; pregnant with significance; meaningful; suggestive; interesting
kind-hearted; compassionate; charitable
silent (esp. of the passing of the night); piercing (cold)
far sight and deep design
silent; still; quiet; hushed
elegant; charming; refined; enchanting; tasteful
muddy rice field
digging deeply (below the surface); mining deep; probing deeply (issue, problem); investigating thoroughly; deepening relations
late-night show; midnight broadcast
cutting a fingernail (or toenail) to the quick; cutting a nail too close; deep-set nail; deep-set part of nail
deliberate; careful; thoughtful; thoughtfulness; prudence
tender-hearted; compassionate; charitable; good-hearted
significant; important
grassy; weedy
scarlet; deep crimson
friendly; affectionate
deep design and forethought; a farsighted and deeply-laid plan
calm; composed; collected; silently (of the passing of the night); quietly
doubting; distrustful; incredulous; suspicious
deliberate; careful; thoughtful; deeply laid plan
profound; careful; mature
loitering at night (between 11pm and 4am); late-night prowling
depth; shade (of color, colour)
kind; gentle; considerate; generous; friendly; nice
gracious; benign
depth; deep place
(staying) up late at night
dark roast (coffee)
deep appreciation or gratitude; sincere apology
thoughtful; speculative
deep forest
late-night broadcasting
deep scarlet
very deeply
deep affection; excessive love
stewpot; stockpot
dark blue; deep blue; navy blue
depths; intimacy
deep or profound meaning
deep ocean water; deep-sea water
late-night television
(wearing) low over one's eyes
miry; swampy; foundrous
benevolence; sincere
to be brought up with tenderest care in a good family
extremely deep (i.e. profound)
attentively; cautiously; carefully; watchfully; with caution
Welsh onion (species of scallion, Allium fistulosum)
deep learning; deep machine learning
deep autumn (when the autumn has reached its climax)
(depth) sounding
unjustly suspicious (about many things)
depth of field (photography)
deep autumn (when the autumn has reached its climax)
deep plowing; deep ploughing
deep design and forethought; farsighted and deeply-laid plan
deep in the woods
deep sadness; great worry
dark blue; deep blue; navy blue
depth of the sea
bathyesthesia; deep sensibility
close friendship
deep (clay) pot
type of conical hat that covers the whole head (used by Komuso monks)
(wearing) low over one's eyes
deep-steamed green tea
(underwater) depth gauge
silent (esp. of the passing of the night); piercing (cold)
late at night; small hours of the morning
intrusive igneous rock; plutonic rock
with profound (often hidden) meaning; pregnant with significance; meaningful; suggestive; interesting
fukagawa-meshi; rice cooked with clams
deep web; invisible web
yellow-throated bunting (Emberiza elegans)
midnight express (train, bus)
peak of spring; height of spring
close shave
deep earthquake; deep-focus earthquake
late-night coffee shop
abyssal plain (2,200-5,500m)
Miyama cherry (Prunus maximowiczii); Korean cherry; (arch.) mountain cherry tree
close shave
deep drawing (metalworking)
enlightening; deep; meaningful; profound; subtle; rich in nuance
discreet; modest; cautious
loitering at night (between 11pm and 4am); late-night prowling
Miyama stag beetle (Lucanus maculifemoratus)
rook (species of crow, Corvus frugilegus)
rook (species of crow, Corvus frugilegus)
fukagawa-meshi; rice cooked with clams
meadow buttercup (Ranunculus acris var. nipponicus)
deep web; invisible web
European goldenrod (Solidago virgaurea); woundwort
Wright viburnum; viburnum wrightii
deep water (depth: 2000-4000 meters)
depth; profundity
depth; profundity
like looking out on an abyss; like standing on the edge of an abyss
close classification system; depth classification system
Miyamayomena savateri
nine shallow, one deep (ancient Chinese sexual technique)
crouched walk treading on hands for stealth used by ninja
deepest snow; maximum snowfall; maximum depth of snow cover
Welsh onion miso soup
rice bowl with clams and miso broth
dark roast (coffee)
hadal zone; hadopelagic zone; trench zone
deep geological disposal (of radioactive waste)
(lit.) our debt to our parents is higher than the mountain and deeper than the sea
subzero treatment; deep cooling; sub-zero cooling; sub-zero treatment
deeply; intimately; heartily; sincerely; profoundly
bathyal zone; midnight zone; bathypelagic
Calopteryx cornelia (species of damselfly)
Japanese skimmia (Skimmia japonica, esp. S. j. var. japonica)
Japanese hornet (Vespa simillima, esp. subspecies Vespa simillima simillima); yellow hornet
Aralia glabra (species of spikenard)
tree peony (Paeonia suffruticosa)
cinquefoil (Potentilla matsumurae); potentilla; Japanese alpine perennial of the rose family
Goodyera schlechtendaliana (species of orchid)
Euphrasia insignis (species of eyebright)
Thunberg's fleabane (Erigeron thunbergii)
Polemonium caeruleum subsp. yezoense var. nipponicum (variety of Jacob's ladder)
Examples (200 in total)
We were deeply moved by her story.
It was a deep darkness.
We all pondered over what had taken place.