to disappear; to vanish; to go out (of a fire, light, etc.); to die; to fade (of a feeling, impression, etc.); to vanish (e.g. of hope); to go away (e.g. of a smell, itchiness, sleepiness)
to erase; to delete; to turn off (power); to switch off; to extinguish; to put out
extinction; extinguishment; disappearance; annihilation
cancellation; liquidation; resolution; reduction (e.g. of stress)
exhaustion; consumption; using up; dissipation; waste
to deny; to contradict; to negate (esp. a sound); to drown out
digestion (of food); digestion (of information); assimilation; consumption; absorption; (arch.) losing one's form and turning into something else
disappearance; vanishing; loss; dying away; wearing off
to get rid of; to erase; to dispel; to eradicate; to wipe away
to erase; to drown out (e.g. a voice); to make disappear
to disappear; to vanish; (arch.) to die
elimination; erasure; clearing; elimination (of variables)
to vanish gradually (e.g. of a voice); to trail off; to die away; to feel one's soul leaving one's body (from embarrassment, grief, etc.); to feel faint; to feel numb
news (from somebody); letter; contact; (somebody's) whereabouts; (somebody's) movements
to cancel; to withdraw; to retract; to take back (words, etc.); to revoke
to scatter away; to vanish
disinfection; sterilization; sterilisation
negative; passive; half-hearted; unmotivated
erasure; striking off; crossing out; cancellation; deletion
fire fighting; extinguishing a fire
to scatter away; to blast away; to blow away (via explosion)
to disappear; to vanish into thin air
to erase; to drown out (e.g. a voice); to make disappear
depressed in spirits; dispirited; disheartened; rejection
cancellation; withdrawal; abolition; revocation; cancel; CAN
fire fighting; fire department; fire brigade
writing off (a debt); cancellation; balancing the books; cancelling out (gains or losses); making even; making up (for)
to stub out (e.g. a cigarette); to crush out; to smother (fire); to hush up; to cover up; to stifle
partly burned charcoal; (arch.) servant boy at a brothel or teahouse
to disappear; to vanish into thin air
putting out the light; switching off the light
antiseptic solution; disinfectant solution
to disappear; to vanish; (arch.) to die
to gradually disappear; to be vanishing
depression; low spirits; dejection
to stub out (e.g. a cigarette); to crush out; to smother (fire); to hush up; to cover up; to stifle
untraceable; long lost; one's whereabouts being unknown
to erase; to drown out (e.g. a voice); to make disappear
to disappear; to vanish into thin air
extinguishing a fire; (Edo-period) fireman
indigestion; dyspepsia; incomprehensibility; inability to understand
natural extinction; dying a natural death; coming to a natural end
postmark; (postal) cancellation mark
consumption tax (incl. sales tax, VAT, excise duty, etc.)
to put out; to extinguish
fire brigade; fire company
annihilation (of particle and anti-particle)
silencing (e.g. machine); muffling; muting (e.g. TV)
to disappear; to cause to disappear; to get rid of; (of time) to pass; to while away
fire department (in Japan, composed of on call civilian firefighters)
to go out (of a fire, etc.); to die out (before burning to ash); to fall through (of plans, etc.); to fizzle out; to come to nothing
going out (before burning completely); dying out; fizzling out (e.g. of a plan); falling through; coming to nothing
to be astonished; to be flabbergasted; to be startled; to be amazed
passive; negative; conservative; depolarization
throwaway match (i.e. one played after a tournament has already been decided); dead rubber
expiry date (esp. on food); expiration date; use-by date
deodorant; deodorizer; air freshener
consumption tax rate; sales tax rate; VAT rate
consumer credit (finance, loan)
to deny; to contradict; to negate (esp. a sound); to drown out
to gradually disappear; to be vanishing
evaporation; dispersion; dissipation
to remain unextinguished; to survive
sterilization by boiling; sterilisation by boiling
to cancel; to withdraw; to retract; to take back (words, etc.); to revoke
negation; denial; negative
undigested (food); unfulfilled (orders); unused (funds)
Fire and Disaster Management Agency (formerly: Fire Defense Agency) (Defence)
to scatter away; to vanish
Consumer Affairs Agency; CAA
prosperity and decay; prosperity and decline; rise and fall; ups and downs; ebb and flow; waxing and waning
frosted (glass); matted; disillusionment; letdown
(car) muffler; (piano) damper pedal; (gun) silencer
local production for local consumption
cancellation; withdrawal; abolition; revocation; cancel; CAN
alcohol disinfection; disinfection with alcohol
frosted (glass); matted; disillusionment; letdown
spending; consumption; misappropriation; embezzlement
to stop communicating; to never be heard from again; to lose contact
wave-dissipating concrete block; tetrapod
cancellation; withdrawal; abolition; revocation; cancel; CAN
rubbing alcohol; alcohol for sterilization
extinguishing a fire; (Edo-period) fireman
deregistration; cancellation of registration
passivity; negativity; halfheartedness
Fire Services Act; fire laws
erasure; paying back debt; effacement
fire station worker; member of a fire station
firefighter (Edo period); problem-solver; troubleshooter; relief pitcher; reliever
going out (before burning completely); dying out; fizzling out (e.g. of a plan); falling through; coming to nothing
digestive capacity; digestive power; digestive strength
consumer price index; CPI
wave-dissipating concrete block; tetrapod
well-informed person; insider
negation; denial; negative
kneaded eraser; putty rubber
fire brigade (pre-war Japan)
on the point of vanishing
putting out the light; switching off the light
deletion; removal; elimination; erasure; cancellation; revocation
consumer spending; consumption expenditure
disappearance (e.g. of a symptom)
extinctive prescription; negative prescription; statute of limitations
anti-inflammatory agent; antiphlogistic
consumer confidence index; CCI; consumer attitude index
snow melting; water from melting snow
alcohol-based (hand) sanitizer
dissolution of several sections into a new organization (organisation)
Cynanchum caudatum (species of swallowwort)
indigestible; digestion-resistant; hard-to-digest
snow melting (usu. a system or device); snow removal
to stub out (e.g. a cigarette); to crush out; to smother (fire); to hush up; to cover up; to stifle
demagnetization; demagnetisation; degaussing
kneaded eraser; putty rubber
chlorine disinfection; chlorination
fire captain; fire marshal
firefighting vehicle; fire engine
personal letter; epistolary style
embezzlement; misappropriation of public funds; defalcation
firefighter (Edo period); problem-solver; troubleshooter; relief pitcher; reliever
eraser dust; eraser shavings; eraser crumbs
negation; denial; negative
eraser dust; eraser shavings; eraser crumbs
to erase; to efface; to rub out
pipe buried under a road with nozzles that spray liquid to melt snow
to be very surprised; to be flabbergasted
consumption of goods and services by young working adults who live at home, with their basic living expenses covered by their parents; (lit.) nest-dweller consumption
disaster-preventing incantation; disaster-preventing dharani
prosperity and decay; rise and fall; ebb and flow; vicissitudes (of fortune)
consumer advice; consumer consultation
eraser dust; eraser shavings; eraser crumbs
summering; spending the summer
lights-out trumpet; lights-out bugle call; taps; last post
consumer revolution; consumption revolution
gastrointestinal stromal tumor (tumour); GIST
consumption of goods (as opposed to services)
to disappear; to cause to disappear; to get rid of; (of time) to pass; to while away
sand eraser; ink eraser; eraser (rubber) that contains sand which makes it able to remove ink
to go out (of a fire, etc.); to die out (before burning to ash); to fall through (of plans, etc.); to fizzle out; to come to nothing
self-defence fire brigade; fire brigade associated with building, company, etc.
near-extinct language; seriously endangered language
dejected; dispirited; crestfallen; discouraged
postmark; (postal) cancellation mark
to be very surprised; to be flabbergasted
disappearance (e.g. of a symptom)
eraser dust; eraser shavings; eraser crumbs
eraser dust; eraser shavings; eraser crumbs
eraser dust; eraser shavings; eraser crumbs
eraser dust; eraser shavings; eraser crumbs
to erase; to efface; to rub out
consumption of goods and services by young working adults who live at home, with their basic living expenses covered by their parents; (lit.) nest-dweller consumption
lights-out trumpet; lights-out bugle call; taps; last post
consumption of goods (as opposed to services)
consumption of goods (as opposed to services)
expenses for consumable goods; supplies expenses
blotting out characters with ink
proof of vehicle having been registered as disposed of
(jar used as a) charcoal extinguisher
marginal propensity to consume
average propensity to consume
consumer credit protection act
hidden line and surface removal
ultraviolet erasable programmable ROM
erasable programmable read-only memory; EPROM
deferred delivery cancellation
to be astonished; to be startled; to be appalled
consumers' cooperative society; consumers' cooperative association
digestion resistant dextrin; indigestible dextrin
showing a mistake in a manuscript (e.g. with a dot or a line)
reconciliation (accounting); verifying transactions against vouchers, etc.; float being pulled underwater when a fish takes the bait
nationwide consumption of local products
get lost; get out of my sight; fuck off; scram; beat it; buzz off
get lost; get out of my sight; fuck off; scram; beat it; buzz off
city at risk of disappearing (because of decreasing population)
local fire brigade (Edo period); provincial fire brigade
local fire brigade (Edo period); provincial fire brigade
advocacy of consumer rights (product safety, accurate labelling, etc.); consumer activism; consumer advocacy; consumer spending; high levels of consumption
old soldiers never die; they just fade away
old soldiers never die; they just fade away
diabetes; gonorrhea (in women)
breakwater; wave-absorbing dyke (dike)
consumption of services (as opposed to goods)
consumption of services (as opposed to goods)
consumption of services (as opposed to goods)
absorbed company; merged corporation
absorbed company; merged corporation