state of affairs
FrequencyTop 400-500
KankenLevel 4
Composed of
water drops
older brother
Used in vocabulary (78 in total)
state of affairs (around you); situation; circumstances
war situation; progress of a battle
actual state (of things); real state; live; on-the-scene; reporting live; live coverage
recent state; present state; present condition; current status; current circumstances
success; prosperity; boom
great success; roaring business; busy; packed-out
depending on the situation; depending on circumstances
depression; recession; slump
one's assessment of the situation
state of affairs (around you); situation; circumstances
one's grasp of the situation; knowing how matters stand
situation report; status report; progress report
present condition
live coverage; on-the-spot telecast
activity; briskness; prosperity
(sports) commentator; play-by-play announcer; Let's Player; Let's Play gamer
business conditions; trade conditions; financial situation
much more; not to mention; not to speak of; to say nothing of; let alone
on-the-spot investigation
prosperous conditions; healthy economy
political climate; political situation
outlook; general situation
major recession; serious (economic) depression; Great Depression
much more; not to mention; not to speak of; to say nothing of; let alone
market conditions
inventory status; stock status; inventory level
preliminary conditions; initial conditions; state of preparations for (before) an event
still more; to say nothing of; not to mention; still less
situation; business climate; outlook
on-the-spot or live broadcast; running commentary; blow-by-blow report; play-by-play report
much less; to say nothing of
human rights situation; human rights condition
Let's Play (playthrough of a video game with player commentary)
status of implementation; state of achievement
difficult situation; adverse circumstances; predicament; trouble; dilemma; distress
employment scene; employment situation; job market; job situation
(the) play-by-play; play-by-play commentary; running account
live streaming; live broadcasting (over the Internet)
play-by-play announcer; on-the-scene commentator
business sentiment; business confidence; market sentiment
business conditions
antidepression policy; antirecession policy; counterrecession policy; economic recovery policy; remedy for depression
general weather conditions
play-by-play announcer; on-the-scene commentator
condition of industry, enterprise, etc.
crops; quality
political situation; politicians' movements
adversity; sad circumstances
comparison; similitude
recession caused by the strong yen
diffusion index; DI; business sentiment index
policy-induced slump; stagnation resulting from poor economic policies
situation ethics; situational ethics
prolonged recession; depression; protracted economic slump
wretched state; pitiable condition
as is; in (its) present state; in (its) present condition
depression cartel; recession cartel
Examples (99 in total)
I'm not happy about this situation.
Just tell me what you know about the situation.
The situation is worse than I thought.