FrequencyTop 1200-1300
Kyōiku (3rd grade) 
KankenLevel 8
Composed of
(one's) master
Used in vocabulary (125 in total)
pillar; post; support; prop; counter for buddhas, gods, nobles, etc.
utility pole; power pole; telephone pole; telegraph pole
prop; stay; support; brace; fulcrum
pillar of fire; blazing column
icicle; ice pillar (for cooling a room); (arch.) ice
column; shaft; cylinder; round pillar (esp. in buildings)
column of water; water column
wall clock; grandfather clock
human pillar; human sacrifice
bridge (of a koto, etc.); cylinder; prism
gatepost; pier
central pillar (of a building); mainstay (e.g. of an economy); backbone (e.g. of a family); provider
aggressiveness; competitive spirit; fighting spirit
upright-floating tea stalk (considered a lucky omen)
column shape; cylinder; columnar
Onbashira Festival; log-dragging festival held once every six years in Suwa, Nagano
septum; bridge of nose
frost columns; ice needles
adductor muscle; adductor muscle of a bivalve (e.g. scallop, etc.)
column shape; cylinder; columnar
spinal column
pillared corridor
prism; polygonal (esp. square) pillar; bamboo
pillar; cornerstone
colonnade; row of columns
shape of a pillar or column
mosquito swarm
to take someone down a peg; to cut someone down to size; to dampen someone's confidence
central pillar; principal post; backbone of a society or community
quadrangular prism
to float upright in the cup (of a tea stem, as a sign of good luck)
adductor muscle (of a bivalve)
capital (of a column); stigma; top part of the pistil in a flower
pillars supporting heaven
hard-nosed; strong-willed; determined; unyielding; stubborn; resolute
the three main gods: Amaterasu Omikami, Tsukuyomi no Mikoto and Susano-o no Mikoto; three precious children
round pillar (esp. in buildings)
four posts that used to support the roof over the ring
(flower's) style
marker; signpost; guide pole; levelling pole (surveying)
hard-nosed; strong-willed; determined; unyielding; stubborn; resolute
cross (used in a crucifixion)
Four Pillar astrology; originally Chinese method of fortune-telling based on the time, date, month and year of a person's birth
bridge of a koto
person upon whom one relies
nine pins; skittles
bay (space or distance between two pillars)
central pillar of a pagoda
stud; puncheon
triangular three-pillar torii
central pillar of a pagoda; shinbashira
to count on someone as the only support
corner post; corner pillar
central pillar of a pagoda; shinbashira; leader of the Tenri religion
wicket (e.g. in cricket); castle; stumps
to take someone down a peg; to cut someone down to size; to dampen someone's confidence
posthole (archaeology)
sound post (e.g. of a violin)
bridge pillar
downstage left pillar (on a noh stage), by which the supporting actor introduces himself; doorjamb; jambe; jamb
trough shell adductor muscle; columella
endostyle; interior column; inner pillar
sun pillar; solar pillar
round pillars each side of the wall behind a shumidan dais
distribution transformer; service transformer; pole-mounted transformer
cylinder; prism
upstage right pillar (on a noh stage), where the main actor stands at the start and end of the play
small calendar (or almanac) affixed to a pillar or wall
bitt; bollard; (mooring) dolphin
corner post; corner pillar; downstage right pillar (on a noh stage)
bridge of a koto
bridge of a koto
psocid (any insect of order Psocoptera, which includes booklice)
upstage right pillar (on a noh stage), where the main actor stands at the start and end of the play
gold-covered woodwork at a temple in Hiraizumi
middle pillar
cylindrical surface
short pillar standing between a beam and roof ridge
small pillars supporting the main pillars of a torii or a temple gate
Ama no Mihashira; the heavenly pillar on Onokoro Island, around which Izanagi and Izanami are said to have wed
group of buzzards (etc.) rising in an updraft (before the southward autumn migration); (lit.) pillar of buzzards
tuning peg (on a biwa or shamisen)
fret (of a biwa)
pillar sunk into the ground
pillar sunk into the ground
introductory clause of a law, patent, etc.; chapeau; main paragraph
introductory clause of a law, patent, etc.; chapeau; main paragraph
upstage left pillar (on a noh stage), next to the flute player
downstage right pillar (on a noh stage) used as a positioning guidepost for actors
downstage left pillar (on a noh stage)
mochi added to rice gruel (15th of the first month)
spliced pole (building, electrical)
spliced pole (building, electrical)
Examples (12 in total)
Heavy posts are needed to sustain this bridge.
He bumped his head against a post.
These pillars support the stage.