FrequencyTop 1700-1800
KankenLevel 3
Composed of
Used in vocabulary (64 in total)
cross (for crucifixion); the Cross (of Christ)
fictitious; imaginary; fanciful; aerial; overhead
stretcher; litter (medical); gurney
bookshelf; bookcase
rack; mount; stand
to suspend between two points; to build (a bridge, etc.); to put up on something (e.g. legs up on table)
elevated (structure); overhead
to span; to bridge; to cross; to straddle
suspension bridge; viaduct; temporary bridge; mediation; go-between
bridge building; bridge; cross-linking
to have a cross to bear; to carry a heavy burden
to bridge (e.g. cultural divides, technical differences, etc.); to bring together
overhead wires; elevated railway
stand; frame; abutment
elevated bridge; viaduct
overhead power line; aerial wiring; overhead line (for trains, trams, etc.); overheard wire
closed-stacks (e.g. in a library); closed shelf system
to span (e.g. a stream with a bridge)
suspension (of an automobile)
sword rack
gun mount; gun carriage
arms rack; rifle stand
construction; building
false invoice; false billing
open access (in a library); open shelves
arrangement (of books in a library)
bridge girder
(making a) telephone call; (having a) telephone conversation; calling; dialing
drying rice on a rack; rack for drying rice
on the shelf
fictitious transaction; bogus transaction
to do something useless; to gild the lily; to gild refined gold; (lit.) to build a roof atop the roof
elevated railway station
fraud based on demanding payment for false claims or non-existent bills
elevated railroad; elevated railway
making materials in a library available in open stacks
closed stack system (e.g. library)
Pictor (constellation); the Easel
bridge building; cross-linking
framework; frame; structure
(arch.) short roughly woven fence; divider between boxes (i.e. for box seats) in a theatre, etc.
arrangement (of books in a library)
flail (for threshing grain)
clothes rack
between equipment
gilding the lily; adding redundant things
horizontal structural members (beams, girders, etc.) of a building
(car) accessories; factory option; customization (of a car)
shelving location of books (in a library)
library arrangement; organization of books in a library
slipway; cradle used on a slipway for launch or repair of small ships
bridge (dentistry); bridgework
laying across to form a bridge
elevated railway; overhead railway
mount (for equipment); mounting
available on shelf (of a book in a library)
Examples (11 in total)
All the characters in this drama are fictitious.
All the events described in this story are imaginary.
A big bridge was built over the river.