a bunch of trees
FrequencyTop 1200-1300
Kyōiku (1st grade) 
KankenLevel 10
Composed of

A pictograph of a bunch of trees. You can only see two of them, but there are more behind. Trust me.

Used in kanji (19 in total)
Used in vocabulary (185 in total)
wood; woods; forest; bunch (of something); cluster; line
forest; woods
apple (fruit); apple tree (Malus pumila)
grove of miscellaneous trees; copse; coppice; thicket
close thicket; dense forest; jungle;
bamboo thicket; bamboo grove
mountain forest; forest on a mountain; montane forest; mountains and forest
standing close together; bristling (with)
path through forest; woodland path; logging road
wooded country; wooded (timber) region; woodland; woodlands
sumptuous feast; debauch
primeval forest; virgin forest
agriculture and forestry
cryptomeria forest
conifer forest; coniferous forest; needle-leaved forest
tropical forest; tropical rainforest
forest bathing; forest therapy; peaceful walk through the woods for health benefits
windbreak (forest); shelterbelt
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries; MAFF
ume (plum) grove
in the forest
as fast as the wind, as quiet as the forest, as daring as fire, and immovable as the mountain
sparse woods
primeval forest; virgin forest
Berlin (Germany)
Shorinji Kempo (modern Japanese martial art based on Shaolin kung fu)
cider (alcoholic); hard cider
Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
dense wood; thick wood; large (Zen) temple
family working in the forest industry; forestry family
forest service field office
candied apple; toffee apple
deep forest
peach grove; peach garden; peach orchard
Daijirin (Japanese dictionary published by Sanseido)
broad-leaved forest; broadleaf forest
stand of trees planted to control the movement of sand
forests and fields
dense forest; thick forest; (arch.) May; (arch.) fifth month of the lunar calendar
evergreen (glossy-leaved) forest
cypress woodland
literary circles
apple core; core of an apple
academy; institute
luxuriant (dense) forest
Minister of Agriculture and Forestry
katsura forest; beautiful forest
rain forest
tree line; forest line; timberline
Jilin Province (China)
karintō (sugar-coated cookie made from fried dough)
vast stock of books; bookstore; bookshop
Indian song and dance (introduced to Japan by the Chams in approx. 736 CE)
forest or grove of trees surrounding a residence
canopy (of a forest); tree canopy; crown canopy
Buddhist center for study and meditation; monastery; temple; Danrin style of haikai poetry (playful and oriented to the common person); Danrin school (of haikai poetry)
forest used for research
woodland; forested area
regional forestry office
privately owned forest
Danrin school (of haikai poetry)
forest land; woodland
forestation; afforestation; reforestation
(in China) 8th note of the ancient chromatic scale (approx. A); sixth lunar month
interior of a forest or wood
East Asian evergreen forest culture (theory)
maple grove
tree-planting program; tree-planting programme
Burmese rosewood (Pterocarpus indicus); angsana; flowering quince (of genus Chaenomeles) (Pseudocydonia sinensis); Chinese quince (Chaenomeles sinensis); quince (Cydonia oblonga)
forest management
apricot grove
apple cider vinegar; cider vinegar
forest preservation; forestry preservation
Buddhist center for study and meditation; monastery; temple; Danrin style of haikai poetry (playful and oriented to the common person); Danrin school (of haikai poetry)
playful style of haikai poetry popularized in the mid-seventeenth century
Seven Sages of the Bamboo Grove; group of 3rd-century Qingtan scholars, writers, and musicians
forest tree
forest products
erythema infectiosum; slapped cheek syndrome; fifth disease; Sticker disease
apple sold during the winter; winter apple
artistic and literary circles
Hirabayashi Station (Osaka)
forest preserved for its scenic beauty
forest management
apple core; core of an apple
deep forest
proportion of forested land; proportion of land which is forested
fish-breeding forest; riverside or coastal forest that encourages fish breeding
erosion-control forest
Seven Sages of the Bamboo Grove; group of 3rd-century Qingtan scholars, writers, and musicians
secondary forest; second-growth forest
taiga; boreal forest; Arctic forest
dense forest; thick forest; (arch.) May; (arch.) fifth month of the lunar calendar
Danrin school (of haikai poetry)
playful style of haikai poetry popularized in the mid-seventeenth century
fish-breeding forest; riverside or coastal forest that encourages fish breeding
fish-breeding forest; riverside or coastal forest that encourages fish breeding
channeled apple snail (Pomacea canaliculata); golden apple snail
tropical rainforest
Citipati (skeletal Buddhist demi-gods)
snowbreak (forest)
Japan Agricultural Standard; JAS
forest reserve or preserve
shelterwood forest
tropical wet forest; tropical rain forest
(Shorin-ryu) Okinawa school of karate
picking apples; harvesting apples
Chinese bushberry; bush cherry; Prunus japonica
Shorin-ryu; Okinawa school of karate
eighteen centers of Buddhist learning (of the Pure Land sect in the Kanto region)
eighteen centers of Buddhist learning (of the Pure Land sect in the Kanto region)
lowland forest; flatland forest; plain forest
sclerophyll forest; sclerophyllous forest; hardwood forest
state-owned forests and fields
silviculture; afforestation
agriculture, forestry and fishing industries training institute
watershed protection forest
managed forest; managed woodland
kanji dictionary
logging and regenerating forests (often with more commercial species)
Kobayashi Station (Chiba)
Shinrinkōen Station (Saitama)
Wakabayashi Station (Aichi)
Chinese apple (Malus asiatica)
reed bunting (Emberiza schoeniclus)
apple (Malus domestica)
wooly apple aphid (Eriosoma lanigerum)
Examples (45 in total)
That apple was really delicious.
Mom bought apples.
There's an apple on the bench.