FrequencyTop 1500-1600
KankenLevel 4
Composed of
be in excess
18 litres
Used in vocabulary (83 in total)
slanting; tilted; sloping; distorted (feeling); slanted (e.g. view of the world); bad (mood)
slope; slanting surface; bevel
diagonally upward; (going in a) completely unexpected direction (of a story, result, etc.)
inclination; slant; slope; bevel; list; dip
in a bad temper; cranky; crabby
to couch (a sword); to look at cynically or ironically; (arch.) to stand ready (to do); (arch.) to adopt a formal attitude
setting sun; decline (e.g. of industry)
oblique line; forward slash
skim reading; diagonal reading (e.g. as a simple code)
diagonally; obliquely; slantingly; slantwise
catercorner; diagonally opposite
steep slope (incline)
slope; sloping ground; sloping lot
Leaning Tower of Pisa
strabismus; squint
slanting rays of light
inclined plane; slope
angle of inclination
hypotenuse; oblique line
oblique muscle
in a bad temper; cranky; crabby
leaning tower
catercorner; diagonally opposite
aslant; oblique; diagonal; askew; cater-cornered; catty-cornered
sunset industry; declining industry
unusually; extraordinarily; uncommonly
oblique type; slanted type; division ring; skew field
abdominal external oblique muscle
gentle slope; easy slope
slanting; tilted; sloping; distorted (feeling); slanted (e.g. view of the world); bad (mood)
declining or impoverished aristocracy
sidelong glance; squint
esotropia; convergent strabismus; crossed eyes
traversing (in skiing)
decorating a metal surface with small dots resembling fish eggs; twill weave; basket weave
plagioclase feldspar
steep sloping land; steep terrain
inclined shaft
orthorhombic crystal system
exotropia; divergent strabismus
rhombus; rhomb; diamond (geometrical shape)
torticollis; wryneck; stiff neck
diagonal view of face (artist term); three-quarter view of face
slanted or oblique shadow
torticollis; wryneck; stiff neck
declination; deviation
progressive increase in rent
oblique projection
leg-yield (horse gait)
oblique letter; slanting character
oblique case
twill weave; basket weave
twill weave; basket weave
monoclinic crystal system
plagiocephaly; flat head syndrome
Examples (12 in total)
He stared at the steep slope.
The rock rolled down the hillside.
The land slopes gently toward the river.