FrequencyTop 1100-1200
KankenLevel 3
Composed of
left hand

Use the broom with your left hand to sweep the floor.

Used in vocabulary (70 in total)
cleaning; sweeping; dusting; scrubbing
cleaning; clean-up; garbage collection; scavenging
clean sweep; purging; doing away with; eradication
cleaning up; sweeping up; mopping up
vacuum cleaner; vacuum; hoover
to sweep; to brush; to clean; to gather silkworms
major cleanup; spring cleaning
one's turn for doing the sweeping (cleaning)
sweeping with fire; mowing down; strafing
ear cleaning; cleaning one's ears
cleaning; scrubbing
toilet cleaning
a dime a dozen; two a penny
sweeping and cleaning
mopping-up operation; search-and-destroy operation
cleaning of the bath
cleaning equipment closet; broom closet
to sweep clean; to brush clean
cleaner; janitor; (arch.) night soil gatherer
to vacuum; to clean with a vacuum cleaner
rubbish heap; garbage dump
janitor; cleaner
tidying a garden; sweeping the yard; garden work
rubbish heap; garbage dump
cleaning floors
to release; to sweep out; to clean out
(sliding) glass door; patio door; small floor-level opening through which dirt is swept
chimney sweeping (cleaning)
cleaning woman
wiping out; annihilation
cleaning up; sweeping up; mopping up
to sweep up together; to sweep into a heap
sweeping the sea for mines; dragging for mines
rubbish heap; garbage dump
garbage truck; dustcart; waste collection vehicle
a jewel in a dunghill
to sweep up; to sweep into a heap
sanitation worker; garbage collector; refuse collector; street cleaner
electric vacuum cleaner
chimney sweeper (cleaner)
to vacuum; to clean with a vacuum cleaner
overhaul; taking apart and cleaning
to sweep away; to sweep out
vacuum cleaner; vacuum; hoover; cleaning device
sweeping the soot from one's house (to welcome the kami of the New Year)
rubbish heap; garbage dump
cleaning; scrubbing
to disappear completely, leaving nothing behind
being newly swept; gathering silkworms from the egg paper
street cleaner; garbage man
sweeping; scanning
cleaning up; sweeping up; mopping up
chimney sweeper (cleaner)
sweeping the soot from one's house (to welcome the kami of the New Year)
to sweep away; to sweep out
being newly swept; gathering silkworms from the egg paper
hand touching the ground resulting in direct loss
visit to a family grave (esp. during the Bon festival); removal of moss from a tombstone
to hurriedly prepare one's home for guests; (lit.) to clean one's garden with a mallet
Examples (142 in total)
"Did you clean your room?" "I'll do it later."
Did you clean your room?
Have you finished cleaning your room yet?