FrequencyTop 900-1000
KankenLevel 2
Composed of
evil husband
Used in vocabulary (68 in total)
to make a fist; to clench one's fist
pistol; handgun; revolver
hand game (e.g. rock-paper-scissors)
(clenched) fist; knuckles
tightly clenched fist
backhand blow; backhand chop; backfist (karate)
to play a hand game (e.g. rock, paper, scissors)
Chinese martial arts; kung fu; wushu; kenpō (martial arts); kempo
being empty-handed; being penniless; having no capital (for starting a business)
thrusting technique
(punishment by) striking with fists
grand ultimate fist; Tai Chi Chuan
yakyūken; strip version of rock, paper, scissors (similar to strip poker)
drunken boxing; styles of Chinese martial arts that imitate the movements of a drunk person
Shorinji Kempo (modern Japanese martial art based on Shaolin kung fu)
deadly fist; killer fist
hadouken (fireball attack from the Street Fighter series)
shoryuken (uppercut move in the Street Fighter series)
Eight Extremities Fist
guard (of a sword)
praying mantis style
with bare hands; with or from nothing
neijia (Chinese martial arts style); internal martial arts
shoryuken (uppercut move in the Street Fighter series)
shape-of-the-mind fist; Hsing I Chuan
game similar to rock, paper, scissors, with the hand gestures fox, hunter and village headman
Nippon Kempo; Nihon Kempo; Japanese martial art
pinky swear; pinky promise; linking little fingers to confirm a promise
barehanded; having no wealth or position to rely on (aside from one's own resourcefulness) (when embarking on something)
rock-paper-scissors (game); janken
Wing Chun (traditional Chinese martial art)
rock-paper-scissors (game); janken
mushi-ken; Japanese rock-paper-scissors variant, in which the "frog", "snake" and "slug" are represented by the thumb, forefinger and little finger respectively
Jeet Kune Do; Way of the Intercepting Fist (martial art founded by Bruce Lee)
game of chance similar to rock, paper scissors, where the different hand gestures symbolize a fox, a hunter and a village head
respectfully; faithfully; seriously; reverently
praying mantis style
firmly bear in mind; have something engraved on one's mind (heart)
pinky swear; pinky promise; making a pledge by hooking each other's little fingers
rock! paper! scissors!; paper! scissors! rock!; one! two! three!; rock-paper-scissors (game); janken
turban shell (any mollusc of the family Turbinidae, esp. the horned turban, Turbo cornutus)
kendama; Japanese bilboquet (cup-and-ball game)
taekwondo; tae kwon do
Wing Chun (traditional Chinese martial art)
firmly bear in mind; have something engraved on one's mind (heart)
respectfully; faithfully; seriously; reverently
Yangqingquan; Yangqing Fist
Tiger Swallow Fist
Wu Xing Fist; Five Form Fist (Dragon, Snake, Tiger, Crane, Leopard)
Monkey Fist; Monkey-Style kung-fu
dementia pugilistica; boxer's dementia; punch-drunk syndrome
wushu; modern sport derived from traditional Chinese martial arts
(lit.) Finger cut-off, ten thousand fist-punches, whoever lies has to swallow a thousand needles; words said when making a pinky swear
Examples (10 in total)
He struck me in the face with his fist.
He had a gun on his person.
It's my view that guns should be banned.