FrequencyTop 1300-1400
Shinjitai ?
KankenLevel 4
Old form
Composed of
weak heart
Used in vocabulary (23 in total)
careful; cautious; prudent; discreet; deliberate
indiscrete; imprudent; unscrupulous
to be careful; to be discreet; to do in moderation; to refrain (from overdoing); to be purified; to be chaste
Examples (36 in total)
If he had been a little more careful, he would have succeeded.
You must learn to be more careful.
You should've been more careful.
He is too cautious to try anything new.
He is a careful worker.
He chose his words carefully.
She had to choose her words carefully.
Choose carefully.
Choose books carefully.
I chose a word carefully.
He noted that the problem must be handled carefully.
He's a careful player.
You should choose your friends very carefully.
Careful driving prevents accidents.
Please drive carefully.
It is important to drive carefully.
Next time I'll be more cautious.
We conducted our investigation with the greatest care.
Choose a present carefully.
That requires careful consideration.
These problems must be dealt with carefully.
He is wiser and more careful than Bob.
The coup was meticulously executed.
You must be careful in choosing your friends.
Tom thought it over very, very carefully.
Tom carefully locked the door.
Tom carefully opened the box.
You should be prudent in deciding which way to go.
The doctor thinks carefully before deciding what medicine to give.
This situation requires nice handling.
I carefully took down everything that my teacher said.
They would think the person is modest or lazy.
That boy's name is Shintaro Wada.
I think that Shintaro speaks English well.
Shinya married a pretty girl.
We must deliberate seriously on trade deficit.