FrequencyTop 800-900
Kyōiku (5th grade) 
KankenLevel 6
Composed of

The true intentions of a real professional are always kept deep in his heart, hidden away as to not be exposed. Like a professional poker player constantly keeping his poker face.

Used in kanji (2 in total)
Used in vocabulary (112 in total)
will; volition; intention; intent; determination
will; resolution; kindness; goodwill; gift (as a token of gratitude)
like-mindedness; (being of the) same mind; shared sentiment; comrade; fellow; kindred soul
wish; desire; ambition
aspiration; volunteering; desire; application
fighting spirit; (will to) fight
to plan; to intend; to aspire to; to set aims (sights on)
interested person; volunteer; supporter
strong-minded; strong-willed; having great willpower
wishes of a deceased person; dying wish
applicant; candidate
intention; aim; preference (for); orientation (towards a goal)
school of one's (first, second) choice
imperial loyalist samurai of the Bakumatsu-era; patriots; idealists willing to sacrifice themselves for the good of the nation
to follow someone's last wishes; to fulfil a dying wish
Records of the Three Kingdoms; Annals of the Three Kingdoms
ambition; aspiration
to burn with combativeness
Shima (former province located at the eastern tip of present-day Mie Prefecture)
candidate; applicant
volunteer soldier
desire for improvement (in social standing, etc.); ambition to rise in the world
reason for (one's) application (esp. to a company)
to be like-minded; to have the same goal
kindness; courtesy
carrying out one's original intention
mutual understanding; agreement of wills
expressing one's feelings; communicating one's intention; declaration of intent
original intention
determination; esprit de corps
charity; benevolence; charitable spirit; interest (in public welfare, social enterprise, etc.); zeal
(coming to a) mutual understanding; understanding each other
weak-willed; lacking a purpose; lacking will power to be patient, purposeful, or resolute
fixing one's aim in life; deciding one's life goal
charitable person; philanthropist; volunteer; supporter
strong-willed; volitional
small present; small token of appreciation; with compliments (e.g. written on small gift)
stability orientation
Coalition of the Willing (nations who supported America's preemptive strike in Iraq in 2003)
longstanding desire or goal
kind intention; kind thought
(your) kindness
brimming with fighting spirit; being strong in the will to fight; burning with combativeness
pair of lovers; girlfriend and boyfriend
the history of Wei
great ambition; lofty aspiration
all those interested (in the matter); all those willing; (from) all of us; (from) everyone concerned
association of kindred spirits
longstanding desire
application (form)
infirm of purpose and lacking in decision
non-volitional; involuntary; spontaneous; unintentional
kindness; courtesy
the general will; volonte generale
great ambition; lofty aspiration
brand loyalty; brand-orientation; brand consciousness; infatuation with big-name brands
(philosophical) libertarianism
being faithful to one's principles; being of firm purpose and deep commitment; constancy; true blue
affection among kindred spirits; bonding; fellow feeling
Coalition of the Willing (nations who supported America's preemptive strike in Iraq in 2003)
only a hero can understand a hero; (lit.) swallows and sparrows can't understand the aspirations of phoenixes and swans
the will to power (philosophical concept of Nietzsche)
weak-willed; a small token of appreciation
brimming with fighting spirit; being strong in the will to fight; burning with combativeness
strong determination; strong-willed; having strong will power; firmness of purpose
The Chronicles (books of the Bible)
coming-of-age ceremony for middle school students
mutual understanding; agreement of wills
to not turn out as one wishes; to not go as one expected
statement of purpose; essay/letter in university application form
one cannot shake the will of even the lowliest man; a person's will should be respected; even a menial deserves his convictions
Chinese-style low dining table; Japanese-Chinese cuisine, served family-style (large dishes, diners help themselves), specialty of Nagasaki Chinese style low dining table; soba in soup with slices of boiled fish paste, shiitake mushrooms, greens, seaweed, etc.
seafood, etc. preserve made with mirin, ginger and soy
etymological dictionary; glossary; thesaurus; history of words
booklet of essays; magazine
long-cherished desire
members of the family; insiders
pride; self-conceit
iron purpose
forgetting one's serious objectives by becoming engrossed in trivial pursuits; being distracted by trivial objects and losing sight of one's original goal
Shitoku era (of the Northern Court) (1384.2.27-1387.8.23)
Shisuikai (faction of the Liberal Democratic Party); Nikai faction
volitional future
export orientation; export mentality
price consciousness
ambition (in studies or work); ambitious undertaking
for gifts, it's the thought that counts
Shikōkai (faction of the Liberal Democratic Party); Aso faction
Examples (46 in total)
Everything depends upon your decision.
His will was transmitted to his younger brother.
He has a weak will.