FrequencyTop 1400-1500
Shinjitai ?
KankenLevel Pre-2
Old form
Composed of
house on a cliff
let out
Used in vocabulary (152 in total)
ruins (of a building, town, etc.); remains
disposal; abandonment; scrapping; annulment; cancellation; abrogation
abolition; repeal
Examples (68 in total)
The tower stood amid the ruins.
The explosion reduced the facilities to ruins.
The town fell into ruin.
The ruined castle is now under restoration.
They have demanded that all copies of the book be destroyed.
She was standing amid the ruins of the castle.
Those old laws were all done away with.
That school is going to do away with uniforms.
Such a custom should be done away with.
We should do away with these old rules.
This evil custom must be abolished.
We should do away with this regulation.
The school should do away with the uniform.
The death penalty had been done away with in many states in the USA.
He advocated abolishing the death penalty.
They decided to abolish the old restriction.
We should abolish the death penalty.
The government should do away with those old regulations.
The death penalty was done away with last year.
We must abolish the death penalty.
Our school did away with uniforms last year.
We are trying to do away with the old customs.
I am of the opinion that the tax should be abolished.
That law was abolished in 2013.
Our school administration decided to do away with that school rule.
He hid in an abandoned building.
When was that law abolished?
The university decided to do away with this kind of examination.
The devastation in Kobe was as terrible as I had imagined.
The new law has done away with the long-standing custom.
The regulation was abolished, but then it was reenacted.
Our school is closing next year.
Unless Japan eliminates those barriers, the U.S. will take sanctions.
The government should do away with these regulations.
This river is polluted with factory waste.
The river is polluted by waste from houses and factories.
Where should we dispose of the waste?
Factory waste sometimes pollutes our rivers.
Factory waste has polluted the sea.
Wastes have polluted portions of our water.
Unless Japan eliminates its unfair tariffs, the U.S. will impose sanctions.
America abolished slavery in 1863.
The abolition of slavery in Europe eventually reached America.
The president abolished slavery.
Slavery has been abolished in most parts of the world.
The company went out of business after many years of declining profits.
The 21st March is the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.
Society must do away with laws which cause racial discrimination.
This is the payment for the project's waste removal transport cost.
Lincoln set out to abolish slavery in the United States.
That ancient ruin was once a shrine.
Those ruins were once a splendid palace.
The castle is now in ruins.
They found a mysterious city in ruins in the desert.
An overwhelming majority voted to abolish the brutal punishment.
It's about time we did away with this outdated law.
Such a bad custom should be done away with.
The factory waste gave rise to serious environmental pollution.
Industrial wastes pollute the earth.
The legislators of that state did away with outdated laws.
The death penalty should be abolished.
The death penalty has been done away with in many states in the USA.
Many rivers in Japan are polluted by waste water from factories.
They closed down the ferry service since it was no longer economical.
The crime of adultery was abolished in 1947.
He advocated abolishing class distinctions.
The problem of radioactive waste remains unresolved.
America's radioactive waste may be targeted in terrorist attacks.