FrequencyTop 1400-1500
Kyōiku (5th grade) 
KankenLevel 6
Composed of
left to dry
Used in kanji (1 in total)
shaft of an arrow
Used in vocabulary (60 in total)
management; (executive) staff; leaders; leadership; top brass; upper echelons
(tree) trunk; (arrow) shaft; (tool) handle; backbone; base
Shinkansen; bullet train
foundation; root; basis; root and trunk
executive secretary; coordinator; organizer; person in charge of making arrangements
chief secretary (usu. of a party); secretary-general
trunk (of the body); soma
main road; main thoroughfare
mainstay; nucleus; key
senior leadership; senior leader; upper echelon (of power); top-ranking officer
board of directors
main line; trunk line
chief editor; managing editor; manager; person in charge
senior executive staff; upper management
trunk; shaft
leading members of a party; party executive; party leadership; senior party members
hematopoietic stem cell; haematopoietic stem cell
board of governors
body; trunk; torso; physique
stem; root of a word
cutting straight down; cleaving (a person) in two
hemp reed; hemp stalk
skeleton; structure; build
Japanese timber bamboo (Phyllostachys bambsoides); giant timber bamboo; madake; Henon bamboo (Phyllostachys nigra var. henonis)
mission-critical task; business-critical matter
(arch.) trunk; (arch.) stem; shaft (of an arrow); handle
remnants of a bean plant; beanstalks and pods; bean husk
shaft of an arrow (usu. made of thin bamboo); cornetfish
superintendence; supervision; administration
dried taro stem
trunk coupling unit; trunk connecting unit; TCU
backbone chain (polymer); main chain (polymer)
caudex (of a plant)
having food on the table is more important than having a high social standing; (lit.) taro stems over family status
Scirpus yagara (species of club-rush)
Gastrodia elata (species of saprophytic orchid)
Acer ukurunduense (species of Asian maple); Acer caudatum subsp. ukurundense
Examples (10 in total)
How fast the new Shinkansen goes!
If you go by Shinkansen, you'll be there in no time.
I love the scenery viewable from the Shinkansen.