FrequencyTop 1200-1300
Kyōiku (6th grade) 
KankenLevel 5
Composed of
roof with a chimney
Used in kanji (6 in total)
respect and revere
hemp palm
Used in vocabulary (138 in total)
religion; religious affiliation; belief; religious activity
sect; denomination; tenets (of a religious sect)
sect; denomination; school (e.g. of poetry)
head of family; originator
origin; source; virtuous ancestor
religious leader; person of religion; religious figure; religionist
famous sword; sword blade by Masamune; sake; Japanese rice wine; brand of sake from Nada region during Tenpō era (1830-1844)
principle; aim; main purpose; central part; pillar
religious conversion
religious painting; religious picture
Zen (Buddhism)
tenets (of a religious sect); doctrines; (religious) sect; denomination; one's principles; one's tastes
master; teacher
conversion (to a different religion, denomination, etc.); change (of ideology, interest, taste, etc.); switch
irreligion; lack of religion; unbelief
(religious) denomination; sect
Shin Buddhism
Jishū sect (of Buddhism)
Shingon sect (of Buddhism)
Tendai sect (of Buddhism)
believer; follower
the study or science of religion; religious studies
Pure Land sect (of Buddhism); Jodo (sect)
religious organization; religious organisation
Nichiren school of Buddhism
another sect
Rinzai school of Zen Buddhism
Jōdo Shinshū (offshoot of the Jōdo sect); True Pure Land School
Soto school (of Zen Buddhism)
heresy; dangerous religion; (arch.) Christianity
moso bamboo (Phyllostachys pubescens); tall bamboo cultivated for its edible shoots
Nichiren sect of Buddhism (sometimes specifically referring to the Hokke school of Nichiren); Tendai sect of Buddhism
sect founder
(major) world religion (i.e. Christianity, Buddhism, Islam)
conversion (to a different religion, denomination, etc.); change (of ideology, interest, taste, etc.); switch
the same sect
religious issue; religious problem; religious question
religious history; history of religion
ancestral shrine (temple); mausoleum (of one's ancestors); Imperial mausoleum
holy city; city developed around a church, temple, shrine, etc. (e.g. Ise, Mecca, Vatican)
denominational doctrine; doctrine of a sect
doctrinal dispute (within or between religious schools)
religious opposition; religious conflict; religious antagonism
moso bamboo (Phyllostachys pubescens)
sect; denomination
one's family or clan
Ritsu (school of Buddhism)
religious matters
Kegon (sect of Buddhism)
convert (e.g. to Buddhism)
leading figure; foundation
Minister of Rites (Zhou-dynasty China)
Hosso sect of Buddhism (Japanese equivalent of the Chinese Faxiang sect)
Sanron sect (of Buddhism)
Ōbaku school of Zen Buddhism
religious regulations
(historical) regulations governing Chinese religious observances and social order
major religion; great religion
primitive religion; natural religion
suzerain; suzerain state
religious terrorism
Fuke school (defunct sect of Zen Buddhism)
Japanese religious census used to repress Christians (Edo period)
the two sects of Buddhism introduced to Japan during the Heian period (Tiantai and Shingon) and the six sects introduced during the Nara period
religious drama; miracle play
six sects of Buddhism brought to Japan during the Nara period (Sanlun, Satyasiddhi, Faxiang, Abhidharmakosha, Vinaya, and Huayan)
door-to-door solicitor; door-to-door preacher
ancestors of the Imperial Family
one's religious sect
master poet
study of religious doctrine
anthropology of religion; religious anthropology
imperial ancestors
magistrate in charge of finding out and converting hidden Christians (during the Edo period)
(arch.) Zen (Buddhism); confusing style of middle-age Japanese poetry
traditional Zen-style architecture
religious fervour; religious enthusiasm
root of a moso bamboo
Kogi Shingon ("Old Shingon" school of Buddhism)
Shingi Shingon ("New Shingon" school of Buddhism)
different religion or sect
Japanese religious census used to repress Christians (Edo period)
frigate tuna (Auxis spp.)
master poet
walleye pollack (Theragra chalcogramma); Alaska pollack
believer of my denomination
Nichiren Shoshu (sect of Buddhism)
Ritsu (school of Buddhism)
head of a clan
Hosso sect (of Buddhism)
founding of a religion (or sect)
Honmon Butsuryū-shū (branch of Nichiren Buddhism)
Yuzu Nembutsu (school of Pure Land Buddhism)
Examples (47 in total)
Do you believe in any religion?
This rite is part of their religion.
What religion do you believe in?