FrequencyTop 1000-1100
Kyōiku (6th grade) 
KankenLevel 5
Composed of
roof with a chimney
out of
Used in vocabulary (144 in total)
universe; cosmos; space
space alien; alien; extraterrestrial being
eaves; narrow aisle surrounding the core of a temple building
Examples (100 in total)
It was once believed that the earth was the center of the universe.
The sun, moon, and stars are all part of the universe.
From space, the earth looks small.
Seen from space, the earth is very beautiful.
Can we breathe in space?
I wonder if we're alone in the universe.
There are innumerable stars in the universe.
Are there other universes outside our own?
My father has been to space.
America is ahead in space technology.
There are a lot of stars which are larger than our sun.
The time has come when we can travel through space.
But the universe is infinite.
The universe is infinite.
What is the origin of the universe?
When the universe was born, something came from nothing.
There's no doubt that the universe is infinite.
What is a space elevator?
I am seeking the path to the end of the universe.
God made the universe.
There are millions of stars in the universe.
Seen from a spacecraft, the earth looks blue.
Seen from a spaceship, the Earth looks blue.
A voyage to the moon in a spaceship is no longer a dream.
The space ship will get to the moon soon.
What would you do if you saw a man from another planet?
Do you believe in aliens?
Let's pretend we're aliens.
The day will soon come when we will conquer space and travel to the moon.
I went to space on a rocket.
The scientist gave a lecture on the structure of the universe.
There are many galaxies in the universe.
The rocket was launched into space.
Human beings succeeded in flying into space.
The spaceship made a perfect landing.
How do you find food in outer space?
Will the universe expand indefinitely?
Our universe is expanding.
Are we humans alone in this infinite universe?
The crew prepared for the voyage to outer space.
The crew is busy preparing for the voyage into outer space.
I had to write a paper on the Space Age last weekend.
Tom was abducted by aliens.
Tom always wondered what it was like inside a spaceship.
Making model spaceships is interesting.
The origin of the universe will probably never be explained.
He was mainly interested in the origin of the universe and evolution.
Tom and Mary both wanted to be astronauts.
Tom has a friend whose father is an astronaut.
Tom's dream is to become an astronaut.
Tom wants to be an astronaut.
Dad, I want to be an astronaut!
I want to become an astronaut.
I want to be an astronaut when I grow up.
Tom wanted to be an astronaut when he was young.
People were delighted at the safe return of the astronauts.
Do you want to be an astronaut?
The astronauts returned safely to Earth.
The astronauts went up to the moon in a rocket.
He is dreaming of becoming an astronaut.
The man she's going to marry is an astronaut.
Ships and helicopters left for the spacemen's rescue.
The astronauts were greeted with cheers and applause of an enthusiastic crowd.
There is no air in space.
The universe contains all of the galaxies, stars, and planets.
The astronauts were greeted with spontaneous applause.
Gravity acts on everything in the universe.
Astronauts wear spacesuits.
The spaceship was never to return to Earth.
The astronauts were greeted by their enthusiastic cheers and applause.
The astronaut was slow to get used to the condition of weightlessness.
They are investigating the mystery of the universe thoroughly.
Astronomy is the science of the universe.
Before Einstein, scientists used to think that space had no end.
He was the first man to float in space.
Many astronomers assume that the universe expands infinitely.
Many astronomers assume that the universe continues to expand forever.
She will be the first Japanese woman astronaut.
They were pioneers of space flight.
Ultimately, space flight will be beneficial to all mankind.
It happened that I met Mr Uno on the street.
Our planet moves in space with the lightness of a bird in flight.
He is always writing about journeying to other planets.
A time will soon come when people can enjoy space travel.
I wonder what it's like to travel through space.
Space travel will be commonplace some time in the future.
Space travel is no longer a dream.
Space travel was thought to be impossible.
The time will come when we can enjoy space travel.
He is the first Japanese that traveled in space.
The day will come when space travel becomes possible.
With the power of imagination, we can even travel through space.
The time will soon come when anyone can travel in space.
The space shuttles were designed to go to a space station.
They named the spaceship "Discovery."
Our world is only a small part of the universe.
The Apollo program greatly advanced our knowledge of space.
Space science is still in its infancy.
Cosmonauts wear spacesuits.
Tochigi Prefecture's capital is Utsunomiya City.