supernatural allure
FrequencyTop 900-1000
KankenLevel 2
Composed of
early death
Used in vocabulary (33 in total)
fairy; sprite; elf
ghost; apparition; phantom; spectre; specter; demon
mysterious; bewitching; alluring; enticing; enchanting
fascinating; voluptuous; bewitching; captivating
ghostly air; weird air; unearthly atmosphere
older employee who does not have much actual work
ghost; apparition
black magic; black art; witchcraft; sorcery
weird; strange; mysterious
bewitched sword; magical sword; demon sword
fox with supernatural powers
spirit power; magical power
(animal making a) monstrous apparition
enchantress; vamp
enchantress; seductress; vamp
great demon; ghostly giant
enchantingly beautiful flower; bewitching beauty
mysterious occurrence
ghost; apparition; phantom; spectre; specter; demon
hag; old witch
confusing people; magic; ghost, monster, etc., the true identity of which is unknown
ghostly, beautiful woman; ghost of a beautiful woman
ominous cloud
tricksters; deceivers; fey creatures; monsters; goblins
evil intent; malice
dire prophecy that creates confusion
fascinating; voluptuous; bewitching; captivating
magician; sorcerer; sorceress
ominous air; weird air; menacing atmosphere
groundless rumor (rumour); misleading rumor
Examples (6 in total)
The fairy changed the prince into a cat.
Do you believe in fairies?
She acted the part of a fairy.