get pregnant
FrequencyTop 1800-1900
KankenLevel Pre-2
Composed of
9th in rank
Used in vocabulary (54 in total)
pregnancy; conception; gestation
pregnant woman
pregnancy; conception
contraceptive device; birth-control device
infertility treatment
infertility; sterility; barrenness
false pregnancy; pseudocyesis
a contraceptive
pregnancy test kit; pregnancy test
trying to conceive; attempting to get pregnant (through various means)
infertility; sterility; barrenness
expectant and nursing mothers
natural conception; natural pregnancy
pregnancy stretch mark; striae gravidarum
abortion; pregnancy termination
surgical sterilization; contraceptive operation
oral contraceptives; the pill
sterilization (operation); sterilisation
during pregnancy; while pregnant
contraceptive method or measures
pre-eclampsia; (formerly) toxemia of pregnancy
to become pregnant
to conceive; to become pregnant; to get filled with (e.g. sails filled with wind); to be swollen with; to contain (a contradiction, danger, etc.); to carry (a problem, consequences, etc.)
hyperemesis gravidarum; HG; severe morning sickness
emergency contraception
forced sterilization; involuntary sterilization
pregnancy resulting from artificial insemination, in-vitro fertilization, etc. (esp. of animals)
male pregnancy; mpreg; father-to-be; partner of pregnant woman
notification of pregnancy; informing (authorities) that one is pregnant
infertility (esp. of animals)
gestational diabetes; gestational diabetes mellitus; pregnancy diabetes
false pregnancy; phantom pregnancy; pseudopregnancy
maternity clothes
to conceive; to become pregnant
contraceptive pill
intrauterine device; IUD; contraceptive ring
fertility (esp. of animals)
emergency contraceptive pill
Ogino method (of birth control); rhythm method
pregnancy; conception; fecundation
maternal mortality rate; maternal mortality ratio
specified expectant mother; expectant mother who has been identified as in need of extra support after birth (because of unstable income, mental illness, etc.)
Examples (24 in total)
Let's do a pregnancy test.
She became pregnant.
She's pregnant.