FrequencyTop 300-400
KankenLevel 4
Composed of
once again
Used in kanji (6 in total)
make an effort
bow (arrow)
Used in vocabulary (76 in total)
fellow; guy; thing; object; he; she
they; those guys
slave; servant; slavery
Examples (74 in total)
What kind of a person does something like that?
Absolutely do not tell anyone else.
He seems to be a nice fellow.
He seems to be a good guy.
He's quite a nice fellow but I don't like him.
He is nasty.
"No one likes you." "It's not true!"
He's a funny guy.
I know he's an honest guy.
The guys are sleeping like dogs.
Do you find me a cool guy?
Don't get involved with that guy.
Don't get involved with those people.
Don't tell the others, OK?
Are you still friends with them?
I didn't tell them.
They all started laughing at me.
I like funny guys.
Everyone was very surprised to discover that the slave girl was in reality a princess.
The boy was sold into slavery.
He treats me like his slave.
I am a slave.
At one time there were many slaves in America.
I'm boring.
He's a kind man at heart.
He's a good fellow at heart.
I don't want to respect a man like him.
There are three different types of people in the world: those who can count, and those who can't.
The section chief made me work like a slave.
I can't stand guys like that.
They labored like slaves.
Why is there always a tall guy in front of me?
Never associate with bad fellows.
I don't want to talk to that bloke ever again.
I don't trust him at all.
He broke the window on purpose.
Just because I'm a wolf, everyone assumes I'm a bad guy.
They want to riot.
He didn't understand Mary's joke.
I don't want to be lame; I want to be cool!!
This is the camera that Tom wanted.
Tom was a very nice guy.
Tom is a good guy.
Tom is a funny guy, isn't he?
Tom is a great guy.
Tom's friends are good guys.
Tom isn't a good guy.
Tom is a stingy guy.
Tom treated Mary like a slave.
Tom's not as bad as you think.
Tom is a serious guy.
I thought Tom was good.
In the early days of American history, blacks lived in slavery.
He was a tough guy.
Slaves were considered property.
Whoever causes trouble will be the victim of the trouble.
The slaves suffered cruel oppression.
He's an old friend of mine.
I am a serf.
Tom, my roommate is a very nice guy.
Tom, my roommate, is a very nice guy.
Tom is the worst of the worst.
I think he's a good guy but his relationships with women aren't great.
America abolished slavery in 1863.
The abolition of slavery in Europe eventually reached America.
The first prohibition of slavery was in the mid-nineteenth century.
The president abolished slavery.
Slavery has been abolished in most parts of the world.
I've always loved the freedom that comes from being introverted.
Lincoln set the slaves free.
Lincoln set out to abolish slavery in the United States.
You're a pretty creative guy.
It is over a century since slavery was made illegal.
In the nineteenth century, many Africans were sold as slaves in the United States.