FrequencyTop 1700-1800
Kyōiku (5th grade) 
KankenLevel 6
Composed of
plastic wrapper
Used in vocabulary (129 in total)
average; mean; balance; equilibrium
equilibrium; balance
equality; uniformity; evenness
symmetry; balance; proportion; uniformity
uniformity; equality
average mark; mean point
average value; mean value; mean; expectation
to make even; to make smooth; to make level; to average
imbalance; lack of balance; lopsidedness; disproportion; inequality; disparity
average height; average body height
hundred-yen store; 100 yen shop
balance beam (in gymnastics)
homogenization; homogenisation
averaging; levelling (off); equalization; standardization; balance
lack of uniformity; unevenness; imbalance; inequality; disproportion
Dow-Jones average (New York Stock Exchange)
homogeneous; homogeneity
hundred-yen store; 100 yen shop
symmetry; balance; proportion; uniformity
annual average; annual mean
lack of uniformity; unevenness; inequality; heterogeneous; nonuniform
temperament; equal (or even) temperament
equal; identical; the same; no different (to); just like; equivalent
homogenization (e.g. milk)
per capita basis; per capita rate; equal apportionment
to level the ground
equalization; equalisation
to trample flat; to beat a path
uniformity; balance (equilibrium) of power
ground levelling (leveling); laying the groundwork; making preparations; roller; road leveller
monthly mean; monthly average
equal division
average; leveling; levelling
equal-field system (of ancient China)
dividing (profits, etc.) equally; gaining equally
per capita basis; per capita rate; equal apportionment
hundred-yen store; 100 yen store
Dow Jones Average; the Dow
to level the ground
of uneven quality; heterogenous
simple average; arithmetic average
halter; haltere (small balancing organ on a two-winged fly)
ichimoku; chart analysis method for forecasting price movement
dividing (profits, etc.) equally; gaining equally
dividing (profits, etc.) equally; gaining equally
equally; evenly; similarly; just as ...; as soon as ...; the moment (that) ...
an expanded or expanding equilibrium
geometric mean; geometric average
to smooth out; to rake
to smooth out; to rake
balance of power among factions (within a political party); factional balance
sample mean; sample average
population mean
conditional entropy; mean conditional information content; average conditional information content
entropy; mean information content; average information content
mean transinformation (content); average transinformation (content)
domestic equilibrium; internal balance; internal equilibrium
regression toward the mean; regression to the mean
road leveling; road levelling
law of equal division of rice fields (of ancient China)
Examples (46 in total)
The temperature is above average this winter.
I study English two hours a day on an average.
Your work is below average.