FrequencyTop 900-1000
Kyōiku (5th grade) 
KankenLevel 6
Composed of
plastic wrapper

The plastic wrapper covered the mouth and all the phrases were caught inside.

Used in kanji (10 in total)
chess piece
Used in vocabulary (189 in total)
complaint; grumbling; objection; phrase; words; expression
to complain; to make a complaint
being lost for words; becoming speechless; jueju (Chinese quatrain with lines of either five or seven syllables)
Examples (71 in total)
You're always complaining!
Hey, stop complaining.
No one complained about that.
I won't complain about that.
I think you should stop complaining so much.
No matter how much you complain, it's not going to change anything.
I want to make a complaint.
That teacher sometimes hits his students, but no one complains.
How long do you intend to keep complaining?
My boss grumbled at me about my work.
Complaining about something is one way to adapt yourself to a new environment.
He is always complaining about the way I do things.
He's always complaining about the food.
He complained that the soup was too hot.
He is always complaining of his room being small.
She's always complaining about the food.
Don't complain. You have to go.
Stop complaining and do as you're told.
I'm not complaining.
I wish she would eat what I give her without complaining.
Young people tend to complain about everything.
The food was terrible -all the same I didn't complain.
I heard some students complain about the homework.
She complained that my salary was low.
You're always complaining.
He complained that he had not been informed of the committee's decision.
The phrase is meant to insult people.
Some passengers complained about the service.
What does this phrase mean?
I have to learn many words and phrases by heart.
Look up the phrase in your dictionary.
I'm going to complain to the manager.
She complained to him about the noise.
They often complain about the cost of living in Tokyo.
Is Tom complaining?
Tom complains all the time.
Tom rarely complains.
Tom always complains about Mary's cooking.
Tom is usually the first to complain.
If you have a complaint, why don't you tell Tom directly?
If that washing machine goes wrong again, I shall complain to the manufacturer.
My customers never complain.
He explained the literal meaning of the phrase.
He complained about the room being too hot and humid.
We complained about the poor service.
We were a perfect couple.
We had a hard time doing the job because he was always complaining.
He is always complaining of this and that.
She came completely naked into the room, rendering him speechless.
Haiku are closely related to the seasons of the year.
This is a very famous haiku by Basho.
Tom wrote down without fail every one of Mary's words.
What's the meaning of this phrase?
That word's not in the dictionary.
In legal documents, difficult words and phrases are often used.
It's hard to complain against such good people.
She is always complaining.
And on top of it all, I was fired.
In the end, he landed in jail.
People will complain of heavy taxes.
No one can find fault with our new plan.
You should put this phrase in parentheses.
A question mark is a punctuation mark.
A comma is a punctuation mark.
The most important words are in bold.
Please add a period at the end of the sentence.
You can omit the preposition in this phrase.
An exclamation mark is a punctuation mark.
A semicolon is a punctuation mark.
You must be more careful about spelling and punctuation.
Why does English have so many idioms and phrasal verbs?