FrequencyTop 1500-1600
KankenLevel 3
Composed of
divining rod
Used in kanji (5 in total)
pole a boat
shake & move
Used in vocabulary (59 in total)
table; desk; counter for tables, desks, etc.; offering table before an altar (sometimes used in tea ceremony); tabletop incense burner
round table
Examples (27 in total)
You must help set the table.
You must clear the table.
He spoke with his mouth full at table.
They seated themselves at the table ready for lunch.
She removed the dishes from the table.
Hurry up and set the table for dinner.
Your book is on the table.
My mother asked me to set the table.
The box was under the table.
There are some chopsticks on the table.
We need a square table, not a round one.
He does not know how to behave at the table.
Picasso is an eminent painter.
After supper, she cleared the table.
Tom can play both tennis and table tennis well.
There's a tablecloth on the table.
Ping pong is also called table tennis.
Ball games, such as basketball and ping-pong, are usually played indoors.
This is my calculator.
You'll be able to use a calculator during the test.
The calculator on the table is mine.
I've had my pocket calculator stolen.
Is it OK if we use calculators?
A calculator is more efficient than an abacus.
Please set the table.
Australians excel at sports and entertainment.
I wonder how long would it take him to solve Schrodinger's equation using his calculator.