FrequencyTop 1900-2000
Kyōiku (5th grade) 
KankenLevel 6
Composed of
left to dry

Before you publish you need to apply a knife to your manuscript to cut the pages and leave them to dry so that the ink doesn't smear all over the pages.

Used in vocabulary (57 in total)
weekly publication; weekly magazine
publication; issue
new book; new publication
weekly publication
publication; edition (e.g. morning, evening, special); published in (year); publication frequency (e.g. daily, monthly)
morning newspaper
evening paper
monthly publication; monthly issue
launching (e.g. newspaper); first issue
publish; start (new) publication
ceasing to publish; discontinuance of publication
monthly magazine
daily publication; daily issue
already published
continuing publication
special issue; extra issue; special number
suspension of publication
special issue (of a magazine, etc.); issuing an extra number
annual publication; year of publication
new book; new publication
publication society
publication; periodical
reissue; putting back in print
reissue (of a discontinued magazine, etc.); republication; reprint; resumption of publication
quarterly (publication)
published book; printed book
extra (special) issue (e.g. of a magazine)
forthcoming publication; to be published soon; coming soon; recent publication
quarterly (magazine, journal, etc.)
first publication
published bimonthly
cessation of publication
newspaper holiday; day on which newspapers are not published
published every ten days
final issue; last issue of a publication
quarterly (magazine)
additional publication
back number; old edition
semimonthly (publication)
last issue (of a magazine, etc. which has suspended publication); final issue
Examples (24 in total)
The new novel was finally published.
This weekly comes out once a week.
Tom bought a weekly magazine at the station.