me (boyish)
FrequencyTop 100
KankenLevel Pre-2
Composed of
thin person
antlers on a wall

This is a first person pronoun often used by boys; when used by older men it carries the undertone of "feeling young" or "feeling like a boy".

Imagine you're a strong, burly man. You're at the airport, outside, and you're about to board your plane. Suddenly you see a husband holding a pair of antlers over his head, running through the runway towards you, with pure rage and madness in his eyes. Even though he's a really thin person you can't help but to recoil in fear. Who is he? What does he want? You have no idea, but you suddenly feel very boyish and not very manly at all. He's going to skewer you with those antlers; you just know it!

(How do we know the guy's a husband? Well, he's wearing a gold wedding ring on his hand.)

Used in vocabulary (29 in total)
I; me; you; manservant
attendant male servant
servant; manservant; menial
public servant
elderly servant
houseboy; manservant
at my place
young woman who uses the first person pronoun "boku"
faithful servant
young woman who uses the first person pronoun "boku"
young male servant; page
working student
male and female servants
woman who uses the usually male personal pronoun "boku" to refer to herself
young male servant; page
student studying and working at the school
retainer; servant
manservant; footman
Examples (200 in total)
Let me do this.
It's me!
I didn't do it.