FrequencyTop 100
Kyōiku (2nd grade) 
Shinjitai ?
KankenLevel 9
Old form
Composed of
thin person

A thin person is a weakling who needs to read books on how to get their body fat and strong again.

Imagine you're weakling loser who doesn't go out too much, has no friends and never had any interest in sports or fitness, but suddenly you want to get fit so that the girl you fell in love with likes you back. What do you do? Obviously you need to read a few fitness books on how to build up your body and get that sexy six-pack!

Used in vocabulary (1379 in total)
body; torso; trunk; build; physique; health
(what) the heck; (why) in the world; one object; one body; one form; one style
whole; entirety; whatever (is the matter)
body; torso; trunk; build; physique; health
body; physique; shape; form; substance; identity; field
body; physical system; (the) person
true character; true form; true colors (colours); consciousness; one's senses
itself; one's own body; oneself; originally; naturally
outline; main points; generally; on the whole; general; rough
stamina; endurance; physical strength; strength of an organization (e.g. profitability, productivity, economic clout, stability, growth potential)
concrete; definite; specific; material; substantial
(practical) experience; personal experience; hands-on experience; first-hand experience
physical condition; state of health
dead body; corpse; cadaver; carcass
the body; the flesh; the outer man; one's physique
posture; stance
(body) weight
interior of the body
temperature; body temperature (human, animal)
corpse; remains
substance; real form; main part; main unit; this machine; this appliance; object of worship (at a shrine, temple, etc.)
object; body; solid
(the thing) itself
physique; constitution
demolition; taking down; dissolution (of an organization, company, etc.); breaking up; dissection (of a body); dismemberment
order; system; structure; set-up; organization; organisation
constitution (physical); physical make-up; predisposition (to disease); character (of a group, organization, etc.); innate characteristics; make-up
group; party; team; organization; organisation; association
overall; on the whole
in itself; the thing itself; this itself; for its own sake; per se
bodily; physical; corporeal; sexual; sensual; of the flesh
huge body; large build
body; trunk; torso; hull (boat); fuselage (aircraft)
physical education; PE; gym (class)
individual; specimen
all over the body; from head to foot; all over
fuselage; airframe
strange; unfamiliar; mysterious; suspicious; (lit.) of an unknown nature
figure; body shape; build; somatotype; biotype; habitus
to rise; to raise up; to straighten up; to sit up; to stand up
substance; essence; entity; subject; content; reality
ramming attack; hurling oneself (at); throwing oneself into (e.g. a role); going all out
sphere; globe; orb
wasteful; a waste; too good; more than one deserves; impious; profane
to do physical exercise; to be physically active; (lit.) to move one's body
body fluids
union; coalescence; amalgamation; copulation; penetration
throughout the body
body (of car); frame
body build; figure
unidentifiable; unidentified
to become indisposed; to feel unwell; to have one's physical condition deteriorate
bodily sensation; sense; experience
limbs; arms and legs; body
(outward) appearance; (proper) format (e.g. of an essay); form; appearances; decency; lip-service
main constituent; core; nucleus; subject (philosophical); protagonist
body; physique; build; stature
simple substance (e.g. chemical); something standing alone; separate item; solo item
personification; impersonation; embodiment
poor physical health; bad shape
naked body; nudity
the three character styles: square and semicursive and grass
organism; living body
natural posture (esp. in judo); natural stance; natural attitude; relaxed manner; calm manner
unification; integration
system; organization; organisation; architecture
to straighten up; to sit upright
desperate situation with no escape; being driven into a corner; being cornered; last extremity
gymnastics; physical exercises; artistic gymnastics; gymnastics competition; physical education (class); PE
the whole body; the five styles of writing Chinese characters; the five parts of the body (head, two hands and two feet; or head, neck, chest, hands and feet)
first experience (of something); first sexual experience
(school) athletic festival; sports day; field day
classical form of martial art
nature; character
honour; honor; dignity; prestige; reputation; appearances
substantiation; materialization; materialisation; (specific to object language classes) instantiation
condition; state (of health); appearance
body; frame
appearance; look; dress
solid body; three-dimensional object; multi-storey car park
length (of an animal); body length
body odor; body odour; personal odor; personal odour; characteristic (of someone)
medium; media
sports-minded; sports-oriented
assembly; aggregation
mother's body (esp. when pregnant or after giving birth); parent body; parent organization; base
gym clothes; gym uniform; PE kit
appearance (in the eyes of society); decency
sitting on the floor grasping one's knees (as in a gym class)
bodily; with all one's weight; with one's whole body
municipality; local government; self-governing body; autonomous body
human experiment; human experimentation; experiment on a living person
heavenly body; celestial body; astronomical object
superior airs; air of importance; overemphasis
body; physique; build; stature
being one in body and soul; of one flesh; two hearts beating as one
(feeling of) identification; sense of unity
manual or physical labor; manual or physical labour
frail; having a weak constitution; being in poor health
wasteful; a waste; too good; more than one deserves; impious; profane
capacity; volume
figure; body shape; build; physique; form
intangible; incorporeal; by force; outrageous; making light of; making fun of
old body; aged person; elderly person
(unpleasant) state of affairs; predicament; mess
(the thing) itself
to devote oneself wholeheartedly to; to sacrifice one's health for; to risk one's life
gym clothes; gym uniform; PE kit
complete picture; panorama; what it all adds up to; bird's eye view; all-embracing portrait; overall perspective
case (of a machine, computer, etc.); casing; housing; enclosure; cabinet; chassis
dynamic visual acuity; DVA; kinetic vision; ability to identify objects in motion
body build; figure
gas; vapour; vapor; gaseous body
serious condition; critical condition
with no physical defects; in perfectly good health; sound in wind and limb
woman's body
real experience; actual observations
cooperative body; cooperative system; collective; community
physical examination; medical checkup; frisking; pat-down; search
to accrete; to become whole; to come together
appearance; air; condition; state; form
to harm one's health
literary style; form of (written) language (e.g. classical, modern)
medical thermometer
physique; physical standard; posture; sexual position
... the heck (e.g. "what the heck?"); ... in the world (e.g. "why in the world?"); ... on earth (e.g. "who on earth?")
health management; health maintenance; health care
dead body; corpse; cadaver; carcass
mastery; learning through experience; realization; realisation; comprehension
to put on airs; to assume importance
stereoscopy; three-dimensional vision
prime field; figurine (used in modeling, dollmaking, etc.)
radio calisthenics
to have sex; to have a physical relationship
solid (body); solid matter; solid-state
entire world; whole world; world stage
ectogenesis; outside the body
all; the whole; on the whole; all in all; generally
as it is; frankly
that in itself; as such
corporal punishment
story of one's experience; recounting of one's experiences; narrative; testimonial
the two views (of an object) referring to the same thing; being inseparable like the two sides of an object; two sides of the same coin
to stretch (unbend) oneself
(photographic) subject
astronomical observation; stargazing
trunk (of the body); soma
freedom of the person; personal freedom; personal liberty
the six historical styles of writing kanji: large seal, small seal, clerical, triangular-swept clerical, running, and cursive
sexual relations; physical relations; carnal relations
all over the body; from head to foot; all over
team competition; team game
individual difference
vicarious experience
adult organism; imago
to have sex; to have a physical relationship
specimen; sample; object to be examined
(in the) same boat; (sharing a) common destiny
strange; unfamiliar; mysterious; not knowing the true nature
health and physical education
embodiment; materialization; actualization; realization; taking form; taking shape
national polity; National Athletic Meet
typeface; style of handwriting; calligraphic style
concreteness; feasibility
nice-looking; seemingly fine; nice-sounding; polite-sounding; plausible (e.g. excuse); glib
useless; worthless; absurd; baloney
defensive body movement (judo, kendo, etc.)
shintai; object of worship believed to contain the spirit of a deity, typically housed in a shrine
independence of will or action; self-direction; autonomy; initiative; identity
losing posture; falling position from which it is impossible to recover; lame duck; hopeless situation
trial of strength; test of one's strength (stamina)
scale; bathroom scale; weighing machine
the Trinity; three parts; three components; three factors
concrete example
immature form (of an organism); young animal
right-angled parallelepiped; cuboid; rectangular solid
population (of animals, etc.); population size; number of individuals
honest; trustworthy; upright; sincere
form of a character (e.g. simplified, traditional); type; typeface; font
reaction of a living body
semiconductor; solid-state
new order; new system
independent; responsible; active; subjective
anatomical model of the human body
out-of-body experience
fitness training; development of physical strength; building stamina; keeping up one's fitness
body motion
acting as a group; doing something together (in a group); collective action
shintai; object of worship believed to contain the spirit of a deity, typically housed in a shrine
frail; having a weak constitution; being in poor health
rhythmic gymnastics
body tissue; body composition
to form a complete whole; to be joined together
(crime of) abandonment of a corpse; abandoning a dead body
ethereal body
effective temperature; wind-chill index (factor)
systematization; systematisation; organization; organisation
height (measured at the withers)
physical beauty
skeletal remains; dry bones of a corpse; human skeleton
the body is honest; your body reveals what you really think (or want)
obese body; corpulent physique
organic body; organism
artificial body; cyborg
to master something (through personal experience)
to bend oneself backward
constitutional; relating to character, structure, nature, etc.
body build; figure
feeling of solidity; three-dimensionality; drawing highlights
boxing and jujitsu
the body is honest; your body reveals what you really think (or want)
flying object (rocket, missile, etc.); projectile
shintai; object of worship believed to contain the spirit of a deity, typically housed in a shrine
to keep in mind and do as one has been told; to learn and obey; to act in accordance; to comply
mutant; variant
form of government; system of government; polity
joining a club as a trial
seitai; manipulative therapy based on Chinese and Japanese traditions, and encompassing osteopathy, massage and chiropractic
simulated experience; simulation
demo version (of software); trial version
discarnate entity
to stand upright with arms and/or legs spread; to dodge
concrete proposal
body of a horse
concrete; tangible; material
combined unit; two-in-one unit; many-in-one unit; integrated model
scuttling (to escape in a panic, in shame, etc.); scurrying; scrambling
weak (organization, organisation)
tangible; corporeal
multi-storey car park; parking structure; parking deck; parking garage; parkade
local authority; local government; locality; local self-governing body; municipality
cavernous body; body of (genital) erectile tissue (incl. corpus cavernosum and corpus spongiosum)
crystalline lens (of the eye)
biometrics; biometric authentication
surveillance system; monitoring system
form; shape; figure
scuttling (to escape in a panic, in shame, etc.); scurrying; scrambling
unable to stay healthy; ruining one's health; exceeding the limits of one's body
names and natures do often agree
to be bad for health; to affect one's health
recording medium; storage medium
health is wealth; health is your most valuable asset
near-death experience
decomposed body; decomposing corpse
three qualities of a martial artist or athlete: heart, technique, strength
prostration; placing knees, hands and forehead on the ground to show utmost respect
male-to-female gender swap (in fan art and fan fiction)
to give oneself to (esp. of a woman to a man); to surrender one's body
charitable organization; charitable institution; charity
throughout the body
physical culture; bodybuilding (body development, not necessarily weightlifting)
to take form (shape)
the emperor's person; the body of Christ; the Host; the Eucharist
body build; figure
fitness training; development of physical strength; building stamina; keeping up one's fitness
as one flesh or body; simultaneously
moving body
Ding an sich; thing in itself
to master something (through personal experience)
dissidents; people who are against the Establishment; anti-Establishment groups
paper medium; print medium (as opposed to other media)
the present regime; the existing regime
body fat; somatic fat
the establishment
defensive body movement (judo, kendo, etc.)
... the heck (e.g. "what the heck?"); ... in the world (e.g. "why in the world?"); ... on earth (e.g. "who on earth?")
being interested in somebody (only) for sex
the Emperor's person or presence
thermoregulation (of the body)
scuttling (to escape in a panic, in shame, etc.); scurrying; scrambling
side of a body
being interested in somebody (only) for sex
nice-looking; seemingly fine; nice-sounding; polite-sounding; plausible (e.g. excuse); glib
object (philosophical)
ramming attack; hurling oneself (at); throwing oneself into (e.g. a role); going all out
experient; person who has experienced something
in good shape; strongly built; in good health; having a strong constitution
flying vehicle; flying object; aircraft
unable to stay healthy; ruining one's health; exceeding the limits of one's body
whole nation; entire nation; all the people
unusual form; different shape; variant (e.g. kanji, kana)
hands-on learning; on-the-job training; experiential learning; learning by doing
storage medium; recording medium
that in itself; as such
health is wealth; health is your most valuable asset
body donation; (arch.) becoming naked
in vitro fertilization; in vitro fertilisation; IVF
to put on airs; to assume importance
political organization; political organisation
unity of rider and horse
coordinated group gymnastics (in which teams form pyramids or other shapes)
manual laborer; manual labourer
human rights organization; human rights organisation
Gothic typeface
plenary session; general meeting; plenum
luminous body
face; looks
body of a snake; serpentine
demolition contractor; wrecker; scrapyard; junkyard; auto wrecker
someone's looks and personal appearance
medical experiment on a living person or animal
conductor (electricity)
bad form or manners; indecency; impropriety
wartime regime; war footing
sitting on the floor grasping one's knees (as in a gym class)
seminude; half-naked
to avoid; to dodge; to evade
continuum; continua
nongovernment organization (organisation); NGO
Ming (typeface); Minchō
strange; curious; odd
frame (of a building); framework; skeleton; (human) body
clerical appearance; appearance of a priest; teachings of Buddha; condition of the universe at creation; in the pure land teachings, the name of Amitabha, or prayers to Amitabha
predisposition for love
to put on airs; to assume importance
apparatus gymnastics; artistic gymnastics
fluid mechanics; fluid dynamics; hydrodynamics
practice of eating sushi or sashimi off an unclad woman's body
fear makes the wolf bigger than he is; things are not as scary as they seem; (lit.) the ghost, when examined closely, is withered silver grass
murder victim; body of a murder victim
generally; in general
sexual experience
(unpleasant) state of affairs; predicament; mess
formative experience (from one's youth)
shogunate marital union with the Imperial Family
the unvarnished truth
improvement of one's constitution; reformation
conductor; transmitter
right-wing organization (clique) (organisation)
to form a complete whole; to be joined together
autopsy; postmortem; post-mortem examination; necropsy
basal body temperature
allergic diathesis (predisposition to be allergic)
local public body; local government
spatial structure; structural arrangement
decently; gracefully; plausibly; politely; tactfully; discreetly
new style poetry; new style poem
feudal system of the shogunate and domains
embodiment; physicality
legal structure; legal system; jurisprudence
Health and Sports Day (national holiday; second Monday in October); Health-Sports Day; Sports Day
sick body; poor health
amygdala; amygdaloid nucleus; corpus amygdaloideum
coordinated group gymnastics (in which teams form pyramids or other shapes)
regular hexahedron; cube
physical culture; bodybuilding (body development, not necessarily weightlifting)
free trial (e.g. of software, game, etc.)
to be (feel) rested
health and physical education
colloquial style; written style based on spoken language
belly landing (of an aircraft); gear-up landing
war experience; experience of war; memories of war
segment; arthromere; metamere; somite
body of a strangled person
to turn someone down (on some pretext) without offending them; to refuse gracefully; to decline politely
old character form; kyūjitai; traditional form of kanji used in Japan before 1946
nude (picture)
population (e.g. of animals)
purine body; purine
to become free; to get time off
to straighten up; to sit upright
republican form of government
weight loss; weight reduction; weight decrease
highly cursive style (of writing Chinese characters); grass style
nonprofit organization; nonprofit organisation
boot camp for new recruits (conducted by Japan's Self-Defence Force)
vitreous body (of the eye); vitreous humor; vitreous humour; the vitreous
actual business; actual economy; real economy
pineal; pineal body; pineal gland
chromosomal abnormality; chromosomal disorder
auxiliary organization (organisation); extra-departmental body; fringe organization
pituitary gland; pituitary body; hypophysis
body of Christ (Eucharist)
situation; (present) state of affairs; circumstances
as one; together
for appearances' sake; for appearance sake
skeleton (of a building); frame; framework
boat hull; hull
frame (of a building); framework; skeleton; (human) body
body cavity
gymnasium; drill ground
different body
uninflected word
three-dimensionality; solidity
stereopsis; binocular vision
desperate situation with no escape; being driven into a corner; being cornered; last extremity
stark naked body
literary style; classical style
variant character; variant form of a character (esp. kanji)
photograph of an astral body
pituitary gland; pituitary body; hypophysis
mountain shape
dissolution of zaibatsu
attributive form (of a Japanese verb or adjective)
base; substrate; substratum
isomer; isomeric
(physically) disabled person; person with a physical disability
video recording; video media
organizational entity; organisational entity; body
base price; pre-tax price
electronic media; digital media
the unvarnished truth
affiliate (company, organization); concerned bodies; interested organizations
disassembly plant; wrecking yard; chop shop
cooling down (exercises)
gymnastics competition; artistic gymnastics
floating body; floating structure
case (of a machine, computer, etc.); casing; housing; enclosure; cabinet; chassis
new character form; shinjitai; simplified form of kanji used in Japan since 1946
Eucharist (in Catholicism); Holy Communion
employee of a non-governmental or non-profit organization
private organization (neither controlled nor protected by law); private organisation
labor body; labour body; labor organization; labour organization; labor federation; labour federation
corpse of a person who has met a violent death
to dunk (e.g. food in a drink)
disgraceful behavior; disgraceful behaviour; shameful sight
literary form imparting a formal written nuance (with sentences ending in "de aru")
value system; set of values
physical; bodily; corporeal
literary form imparting the nuance of speech (with sentences ending in "da")
unified effort of government and private sector
to dunk (e.g. food in a drink); to dip
to put on airs; to assume importance
flying object (rocket, missile, etc.); projectile
floating type (e.g. airport, offshore wind turbine)
fruiting body; sporocarp
ferrofluid; magnetic fluid; magnetorheological fluid
right-angled parallelepiped; cuboid; rectangular solid
figure; form; style
tributary system (of Imperial China)
magnetic body; magnetic substance
corporal punishment; physical punishment; prison sentence; penal servitude; imprisonment with hard labour
with a nonchalant air
appearance of a Buddhist priest
calisthenics; callisthenics
group discount (rate, reduction)
physical examination; medical examination; physical checkup
ending a sentence with a noun or noun phrase
special-interest group
n-body problem; many-body problem
to avoid; to dodge; to evade
cone; pyramid; conic solid; petrosa; retinal cone
disposition to operate in the red; tendency to have chronic deficits
simplified Chinese character
oblique type; slanted type; division ring; skew field
trypophobia (fear of irregular patterns or clusters of small holes)
body composition
integral; integrated; seamless; complete; unified
somatic sensation; somesthesis
public organization; public organisation
nice-looking; seemingly fine; nice-sounding; polite-sounding; plausible (e.g. excuse); glib
to have sex; to make love
oneness; unity; integrity; inclusion
your (his, her) health; image (e.g. of Buddha)
union (data type in C and related languages)
antibody cocktail therapy (treatment that uses a mixture of two or more antibody drugs)
patriotic group or organization (organisation)
standard printed form (of kanji); any of 1,022 non-joyo kanji commonly used in print
female-to-male gender swap (in fan art and fan fiction)
solid-fuel rocket
extended new character forms; extension of new character forms
understanding based on experience
anti-establishment; anti-government
rod (shape of cell)
yakuza; (lit.) chivalrous organization
playing dead; planking
three-dimensional movie; 3-D movie
ontogeny; ontogenesis
being of one mind; acting in one accord; behaving in perfect harmony
pre-noun adjectival; adnominal adjective
square (block) style of printed typeface
cone cell; pyramidal cell
appearance of the laity; unrefined appearance; vulgar style
(philosophical) holism; wholism
chronological order (form of historical writing); ordering chronologically
to avoid; to dodge; to evade
body drop (judo); body throw
solid of revolution
one-party regime; single-party regime
apparatus gymnastics; artistic gymnastics
entire human body; every inch of one's body
cooperative body; cooperative system; collective; community
reformist local government (often left-of-center); progressive local government
(late Edo-period) idea of uniting the court and the shogunate
corpus cavernosum penis; cavernous body of penis
financial structure; financial constitution
dementia with Lewy bodies; DLB; Lewy body dementia; LBD
clinical thermometer
case (of a machine, computer, etc.); casing; housing; enclosure; cabinet; chassis
personal appearance; looks
pre-noun adjectival; adnominal adjective
highly cursive style (of writing Chinese characters); grass style
mobile communications; cellular communications
physical culturist; athlete
Point of Purchase typeface
autosome (non-sex chromosome)
biomedical sensor; biosensor; human detector; human detection sensor
humorism (ancient system of medicine); humoralism
annals-biographies form (of historical writing)
to dunk (e.g. food in a drink)
umbrella organisation (organization); sanctioning body
free-standing exercises; calisthenics (performed without using any apparatus)
pyramidal tract; corticospinal tract
systemic circulation
experience of seeing a ghost
luteal hormone (e.g. progesterone); progestogen; gestagen; progestin
bending from the hips with the legs straight and head nearly to the ground; deep forward bow
old custom; old style
body structure
a transparent body
centromere; kinetochore
carrying out the will of one's lord
cart (esp. a food cart); stall; festival float; portable shrine dedicated to a god and shaped like a house; stage prop fashioned after a large building; framework (of a house, etc.)
the right to collective bargaining
right to organize and bargain collectively (organise)
liquid-propellant rocket; liquid-fuel rocket
vitreous body (of the eye); vitreous humor; vitreous humour; the vitreous
semi-cursive style (of writing Chinese characters); running style
economic unit; economic agent; economic entity
corpus uteri; uterine body; body of the uterus
democratic form of government
corpus luteum
condition; state (of health); appearance
printed form (of writing); print; typeface
responsibility-taking system; taking responsibility
blunder; fault; error; mistake; failure; disgrace
falling body
Roman type (printing)
having one's workplace at home; living and working at the same location (independent farmers, home workers, storekeepers, etc.)
troika system; triumvirate
state; condition; situation; terms
italic typeface
simplified form (of a kanji); any of 22 simplified non-joyo kanji variants commonly used in print
ciliary body (of the eye)
(biochemical) precursor
different form; different shape
good conductor (of heat, etc.)
poetic form; verse form
corporal punishment; physical punishment
wage system; wage structure
decently; gracefully; plausibly; politely; tactfully; discreetly
local government police; municipal police
physically handicapped person
filament; protonema; trichome; mitochondria
electorate; constituent body; elective body; electoral base
resistive element (in circuit, etc.)
haploid (organism, cell, etc.)
collegiate body; collegial body; judicial panel
human rights organization; human rights organisation
complement (blood proteins)
man dressed like an artisan; man of workmanlike appearance
biological membrane; biomembrane
belligerent communities; armed resistance group
corporate character; corporate culture; corporate philosophy
representative government
corporate structure; company structure
polite style; polite Japanese
semitransparent body; translucent body
dialect continuum; dialect chain
primitive community; primitive (communist) society
1955 System; Japanese political alignment with the LDP in government and the JSP in opposition, which lasted until 1993
to turn someone down (on some pretext) without offending them; to refuse gracefully; to decline politely
analog; analogue
looking satisfied; looking very pleased
physical culture; bodybuilding (body development, not necessarily weightlifting)
physically handicapped child
women's organization; women's group; women's movement
political theory focused on a parliamentary system; parliamentary regime theory
corpus delicti (concrete evidence of a crime, e.g. a bullet-riddled body)
academic society; learned body (society)
novel written in epistolary style
polar body (cell structure within the ovum)
writing style in the manner of an imperial edict
local governmental body that requires federal oversight to recover from its debts
bacterial cell; fungus body
debris avalanche (of a volcano); collapse of volcanic edifice; sector collapse
traditional Chinese character; unsimplified Chinese character
modifier of a non-inflectable word
ebullism; formation of gas bubbles in bodily fluids
tastefully; respectfully; decently
scuttling (to escape in a panic, in shame, etc.); scurrying; scrambling
Golgi body; Golgi apparatus
something material; tangible object
distal style
bodily injury; personal injury; actual bodily harm; mayhem
individual variation; environmental variation
liquid rocket; liquid-propellant rocket
plasmodium (form within the life cycle of myxomycete slime molds)
master plan; overall plan
ideal gas; perfect gas
code; coding scheme
out-of-body experience; astral projection; sensation of physically leaving your body
macro definition; macro prototype
body without organs (philosophical concept); BwO
still having slim chances of victory
particle that attaches to a phrase and acts on the whole phrase
three-dimensional warfare
ketone body
cylinder; prism
insulator; nonconductor; poor conductor
unit test; testing an item in isolation
to dunk (e.g. food in a drink)
pornographic literature; sensual literature; erotic literature
internal fertilization; internal fertilisation
public or government corporation
rod (shape of cell)
heating element; heat-generating element
rod (shape of cell)
to fit well (e.g. clothes); to be good for one's health
Japan and Korea as one (slogan used during colonial-era Korea)
diploid (organism, cell, etc.)
wasteful; a waste; too good; more than one deserves; impious; profane
vector; carrier
tendency to form collusive ties; predisposition to generate cozy (collusive) relationships
body drop (judo); body throw
animal trade (esp. pets); commerce of animals
trans-Neptunian object; transneptunian object; TNO
work experience; practical study in the real world
semicursive characters
therapeutic hypothermia; induced hypothermia
scales for weighing
racemic body
endoplasmic reticulum
method of demolition; demolition method
sacred mountain; mountain in which the spirit of a deity resides
organizer (in vertebrate embryology)
literal style (of translation); metaphrastic style
in itself; the thing itself; this itself; for its own sake; per se
non-standard kana; variant kana forms; hentaigana
(physically) disabled person; person with a physical disability
mobile network operator; MNO; wireless service provider; mobile network carrier
body composition monitor; body fat monitor; body fat scale
wasteful; a waste; too good; more than one deserves; impious; profane
superior airs; air of importance; overemphasis
as it is; frankly
in vitro fertilization; in vitro fertilisation; IVF
with a nonchalant air
tributary system (of Imperial China)
ending a sentence with a noun or noun phrase
rod (shape of cell)
rod (shape of cell)
yakuza; (lit.) chivalrous organization
in calligraphy, an abbreviated or mistaken form of a character, or a work written in more than one calligraphic style
Point of Purchase typeface
style of polite speech in Japanese (with sentences ending in "desu" and verbs ending in "masu")
bok choy (Brassica rapa subsp. chinensis); pak choi; Chinese cabbage
tastefully; respectfully; decently
consonant (in the Siddham script)
Juche (North Korean political ideology)
to fit well (e.g. clothes); to be good for one's health
essence of all things; noumenon
(computer) object
aster (cell biology)
to work assiduously; to give one's all; to make the utmost effort; (lit.) to make (grind) one's body into dust
important point
star worship; astrolatry
wildlife protection organization (organisation)
gonochorism; unisexualism
typeface which resembles brush-stroke forms of characters
modern style
modern-style poem
biographical style
fluorescent substance
simplified form of a kanji
one's appearance
corpus adiposum
real number field
state of standstill
corpus allatum
antique (typeface)
ferrimagnetic substance
quadratic field
health maintenance organization (organisation); HMO
Council of Local Authorities for International Relations; CLAIR
(a Buddhist monk or priest or nun) without head shaven and not wearing religious garb
nucleus (of a project proposal, of a social movement, etc.)
nuclear astrophysics
exercise regime to convert breech presentation; trying to correct an unborn child's improper position so that the head comes out first
therapeutic hypothermia for brain injury
secondary substantive (inflectable word or phrase that acts as an uninflectable within a sentence)
black body (object that absorbs all electromagnetic radiation)
corpus callosum
style of polite speech in Japanese (with sentences ending in "desu" and verbs ending in "masu")
homologue; homolog
Nosema bombycis (microsporidian parasite responsible for pebrine)
paramagnetic substance; paramagnet
Malpighian corpuscle (i.e. renal corpuscle)
somatic cell division (i.e. mitosis)
kami-buddha syncretization theory (e.g. manifestation theory)
algebraically closed field
closed field
echo area; echo volume
data entity; data object
close classification system; depth classification system
close classification system; depth classification system
collective term
multidimensional classification system
dichotomized classification system
MAC Protocol; Media Access Control Protocol
standards organization; standards body
notation; system of notation
universal classification system; general classification system
part-whole relation; partitive relation
document architecture; document body
mediocrity; mediocre
pass-through entity (legal term); look-through entity; (fiscally) transparent entity
business organization; business corporation; businessmen's body
chromosomal mutation; chromosomal abnormality; chromosomal disorder
form of muscular or movement therapy developed by Keizo Hashimoto
topical-annalistic style (of historical writing)
basal body; basal granule; kinetosome; blepharoplast
body ornamentation (adornment, tattoos, etc.)
articulate (i.e. an arthropod or an annelid)
solid-state laser
chromoplast; chromoplastid
reticular formation
business entity; accounting entity
inflammable liquid; inflammable fluid
phonemic system; phoneme system
head, trunk, arms, and legs; the whole body
theatrical light; instrument (US theatre light); lantern (UK theatre light); stage light
type of detector used at airports
algebraic variety; locus defined by polynomial equations
field of complex numbers
variant characters (usu. kanji or kana)
(optics) radiance; sterance; radiant sterance
optical storage media; optical storage medium
system that allows for the construction of highways and buildings in the same space
astronomical ephemeris; ephemeris
cancer of the uterine body
perfect gas; ideal gas
hypothermic anesthesia; hypothermic anaesthesia
non-magnetic body; non-magnetic material
script (typeface)
textbook typeface (resembling handwritten block characters)
elegant left-leaning block typeface
colloquial language style; everyday language style
literary style from the Heian era onwards, often mainly in kana and written by women
form of poetry found on the stone Buddha Foot monument at Yakushi Temple in Nara (following a 5-7-5-7-7-7 moraic pattern)
essence; true nature; substance; originally; naturally; by nature
neurohumor; neurohumour
Catalan solid; Archimedean dual
genitive case; adnominal case
black body; blackbody; Planckian radiator; full radiator; perfect radiator
cage feeding; battery feeding
bulk modulus; volume elasticity; volume modulus; measure of a substance's resistance to uniform compression
current collector (electrical)
epididymitis; inflammation of the epididymis
Public Corporation and Government Enterprise Labor Relations Law (1949)
Japanized version of classical Chinese (used from Heian period onward)
Cronquist system (taxonomic classification system of flowering plants)
development of the body; caring for one's body
rough endoplasmic reticulum; rough ER; granular endoplasmic reticulum
smooth endoplasmic reticulum; smooth ER
segmented body plan; segmentation; metamerism
authentication device; security token (e.g. SmartCard)
high-performance liquid chromatography; high-pressure liquid chromatography; HPLC
corpus striatum; striatum
syncytium; syncytia
agriculture, forestry and fishing industries training institute
stereo printing; stereoscopic printing
dam body; levee body
Cinderella weight; weight considered ideal for women
enneahedron; nonahedron
terrestrial planet; rocky planet
municipality; basic municipality
trans-Neptunian object; transneptunian object; TNO
beauty of form or proportion (in a created object); solid beauty
filial piety begins with not harming one's own body (as one's entire body was given by one's parents)
filial piety begins with not harming one's own body (as one's entire body was given by one's parents)
team spirit; esprit de corps; corporate spirit
team combined (gymnastics)
solid-state chemistry
Yalta system; post-Yalta world order
traditional Chinese character; unsimplified Chinese character
spiral; helicoid; helix
spiral; helicoid; helix
specific volume
concrete poetry
professional association; professional body; professional organization; professional society
palaeography; paleography
astronomical spectroscopy; astronomical photometry
answering one's opponent's attack with an unwavering strike
non-crystalline solid; amorphous solid
anterior pituitary; pars distalis; adenohypophysis
ionic liquid; ionic fluid
class field theory
literary form imparting the nuance of polite speech (with sentences ending in "desu" and verbs ending in "masu")
Juche (North Korean political ideology); self-reliance; Juche (North Korean calendar)
Examples (200 in total)
That's not good for your health.
He has a nice body.
He seemed worried about his health.