look up to
FrequencyTop 900-1000
KankenLevel 4
Composed of
thin person
crooked seal
Used in vocabulary (75 in total)
to look up (at); to look up to; to respect; to ask for (e.g. guidance); to seek; to depend on
(religious) faith; belief; creed
facing upward
Examples (35 in total)
The old belief is still widely current.
Faith can move mountains.
They fought for freedom of religion.
Because she believed in God, she had nothing to worry about.
I've lost my religious faith.
They look up to him as their leader.
He was lying on his back.
He laid on his back and looked up at the sky.
Was he lying on his back?
He was lying on his back, looking at the sky.
He lay on his back with his eyes closed.
Suddenly, he fell down on his back.
The boy lay on his back, basking in the spring sunshine.
Her belief in God is very firm.
We believe in Buddhism.
He lay on his back.
Do you believe in Christianity?
My mother believes in Christianity.
I believe in Christianity.
He was amazed at the news.
I was amazed at the results.
I assume you're talking about Tom.
Tom lay on his back on the bed.
Tom is lying on his back.
I looked up to the sky.
Why are you wearing such a flashy kimono?
My parents are very religious people.
Her belief in God is unshaken.
Her faith in God is unshaken.
Non-violence is the first article of my faith.
We must cling to our faith.
The emperor Theodosius made Christianity the state religion and banned other religions.
My father was religious and he was a very moral man.
In the U.S., freedom of religion is one of the guarantees of the Bill of Rights.
Japan depends on overseas countries for the supply of raw cotton.