FrequencyTop 200-300
Kyōiku (2nd grade) 
Shinjitai ?
KankenLevel 9
Old form
Composed of
home village
fire sparks

The bandits set a fire under my home village burning it to the ground, leaving behind nothing but black smoke and ashes.

Used in kanji (2 in total)
black ink
Used in vocabulary (452 in total)
black; dark; blackish; suspicious; criminal; darkened and dirty; sooty
black; black go stone; guilt; guilty person
pitch black
dark red; dark brown; reddish brown
black curtain; wirepuller; mastermind; backroom manipulator
darkish; dusky
to dart one's eyes about; to be surprised; to be bewildered; to be confused; to be flustered
in deep black; in jet black
black and white; monochrome; good and evil; right and wrong; guilt and innocence
black (colour, color)
black suit; mourning clothes; black-suited staff member (e.g. in restaurant, sex establishment, etc.)
to blacken; to darken
black clothes
black smoke
mean; malicious; scheming; wicked; black-hearted
dark (skin, complexion, etc.); swarthy; tanned
completely black; black from top to bottom; black from head to toe
dark; blackish
dark history; dark past; something one wants to forget or pretend never happened
blackened; black-painted; black-lacquered; blackened thing
black lustre; black luster
black person; (arch.) woman in the nightlife business; (arch.) demimondaine; (arch.) geisha and prostitutes
pupil and (dark) iris of the eye
charred; burnt black; scorched black
pitch black; deep black
black with hints of blue (as in a bruise); bluish black
thick fog (of suspicion); black veil of secrecy; covered-up crime, unethical act, etc.
mole; lentigo; beauty spot
dark clouds; black clouds
Bonin white-eye (Apalopteron familiare)
observant eye
unbarked lumber
(being in) the black; surplus; black letter
pitch black
pitch black
black rim; black edge
black-dyed leather; leather dyed in deep indigo; edible mushroom in the Thelephoraceae family
black ground; black cloth
central pillar (of a building); mainstay (e.g. of an economy); backbone (e.g. of a family); provider
large crowd; mass of people
black ships; Western ships that came to Japan between the 16th and 19th centuries, esp. those of the Perry Expedition in 1853; foreign disruptor (of the Japanese market); product, person, etc. arriving from the West and disturbing the Japanese market
stage assistant dressed in black (in kabuki); stagehand; prompter; behind-the-scenes supporter; string-puller
black spot; dark spot; sunspot
deep black
brown bread; rye bread
god of wealth; (arch.) monk's wife
black panther
large-pupilled; dark-eyed; having large irises
black and white; right and wrong
black spot; black dot; mark indicating a defeat; loss; failure
charred; burnt black; scorched black
swarthy; dark-skinned
silhouette; dark shadow
blackboard eraser
the dark side; the seamy side
black soybean
black hair; black-haired horse
stage assistant dressed in black (in kabuki); stagehand; prompter; behind-the-scenes supporter; string-puller
black quartz; morion
plague; Black Death
black swan (Cygnus atratus)
blackish; darkish; dark; dusky
while alive (e.g. I won't allow ... while I'm alive); as long as one lives
Dark Continent (i.e. Africa)
black terracotta; black soil
black belt (judo, karate, etc.)
(unrefined) brown sugar; muscovado
brown sugar syrup
(unrefined) brown sugar; muscovado
black with hints of blue (as in a bruise); bluish black
black rain; heavily polluted, radioactive rain sometimes following an atmospheric nuclear explosion (esp. that of Hiroshima)
sunglasses; shady glasses; dark glasses
pupil and (dark) iris of the eye
black ball; black, round sigil; pupil; black candy
while alive (e.g. I won't allow ... while I'm alive)
black powder; gunpowder
black beard; type of noh mask with a black beard and protruding chin
black rim; black edge
black-dyed leather; leather dyed in deep indigo; edible mushroom in the Thelephoraceae family
black rotary-dial telephone
black stone; black (go pieces)
black vinegar, usu. produced from unpolished rice; charred kelp or shiitake mushrooms ground and mixed with vinegar, used to dress raw fish and vegetables
black key (on a piano, organ, etc.)
Berkshire pig
black tinge; black colour; black color; (arch.) black part; (arch.) dark spot
black lily (Fritillaria camtschatcensis); Kamchatka lily; Kamchatka fritillary
Kuroshio Current; Japan Current
black pepper (Piper nigrum)
to dart one's eyes about; to be surprised; to be bewildered; to be confused; to be flustered
black spot; black dot; bull's-eye; middle dot; interpunct
Japanese Black (breed of cattle)
black lacquer
black cat
black shirt; blackshirts
moving into the black; becoming profitable
black line; linea nigra; pregnancy line
black pine (Pinus thunbergii); Japanese black pine
dark bay (horse coat color)
charring; something charred; traditional medicine made from charred ingredients
venous blood
blackened; black-painted; black-lacquered; blackened thing
sky-darkening dust storm
mole under the eye (supposedly due to having cried)
black person; darkie; well-tanned person; (wheat) smut; stagehand (in kabuki); prompter
stout; dark beer; porter's ale
black porgy (Acanthopagrus schlegeli)
Lindera umbellata (species of spicebush); toothpick; natural wooden chopsticks (tea ceremony); black characters; black text
black spot; black dot; bull's-eye; middle dot; interpunct
black pepper (Piper nigrum)
Mahakala (incarnation of Mahesvara); Daikokuten (god of wealth)
black tinge; black colour; black color; (arch.) black part; (arch.) dark spot
middle dot; centred period; full-stop mark at mid-character height; interpoint; symbol used for interword separation, between parallel terms, names in katakana, etc.
to determine whether something is right or wrong; to make something clear; to settle a matter
bituminous coal
blackish green
tooth blackening; tooth-blackening dye
to blacken
in deep black; in jet black
eclipse period (in viral lifecycle); eclipse phase; dark age
black charcoal
black mold (Aspergillus niger); black mould
black person; slave
black person; darkie; well-tanned person; (wheat) smut; stagehand (in kabuki); prompter
charring; something charred; traditional medicine made from charred ingredients
large-pupilled; dark-eyed; having large irises
mourning borders
glossy black hair (young woman); raven black hair
unpolished rice; unmilled rice; brown rice; black rice
pitch black; completely black
black maple (Acer nigrum)
black spot; black speck
black crested garment
black mole; beauty mark
dark red; dark brown; reddish brown
blowfly (excluding bluebottles and greenbottles)
butoh; style of contemporary Japanese dance featuring dancers in white paint
while alive (e.g. I won't allow ... while I'm alive); as long as one lives
blackening; going black; turning black
to blacken (something); to make something black; to talk wrong into right
black pepper (Piper nigrum)
scheming; malicious; wicked; blackhearted
returning to profit; turnaround
black-and-white television
Celebes crested macaque (Macaca nigra); crested black macaque; Sulawesi crested macaque; black ape
spangle (species of black swallowtail butterfly, Papilio protenor)
rye (Secale cereale)
reddish brown tinged with black
black Lolita (fashion style)
sable (Martes zibellina)
black diamond
hydrilla (species of aquatic plant, Hydrilla verticillata); Papenfussiella kuromo (species of brown algae)
black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis)
purple spot (on a plant)
black to play (in go)
second of nine traditional astrological signs (corresponding to Saturn and southwest)
formal, black kimono with designs along the bottom of the skirt worn by married women on ceremonial occasions; married woman's ceremonial kimono
spangle (species of black swallowtail butterfly, Papilio protenor)
Buddhist priest who is also an important politician
thick black silk from Hachijo Island
Japanese arborvitae (Thuja standishii)
blackcurrant (Ribes nigrum)
black diamond; carbon; carbonado
black lustre; black luster
black sesame (seeds)
black "ro" silk gauze
tooth blackening
current account surplus
blackboard eraser
black level (image)
black liquor
Heilongjiang Province (China)
black scoter (duck)
Kurozumi-kyo (sect of Shinto)
common crane (Grus grus)
black (i.e. African-American) soldier; buffalo soldier
black-lip pearl oyster (Pinctada margaritifera)
black sealing ink; black stamp pad
black widow spider (Latrodectus mactans)
blackbird (Turdus merula)
noh mask used for old man roles (usu. black)
black mold (Aspergillus niger); black mould
business insolvency due to liquidity problems
black mole; beauty mark
black bamboo
biotite; black or green mica
Japanese Black (breed of cattle)
ganguro; young girl who heavily tans her skin, bleaches her hair and wears heavy make-up
Japanese wood ant (Formica japonica)
blackshirts (Italian fascist group); squadristi; camicie nere
meat of a fish (e.g. tuna) that is dark red with blood, usu. coming from the parts close to the spine
black goods; consumer electronics products
kurofuda; type of Japanese playing cards
person who steals money from the workplace; embezzler; untrustworthy person
Rubus mesogaeus (species of blackberry)
sudden rain shower in a dust storm
red-black tree; self-balancing binary search tree
blackcurrant (Ribes nigrum)
black crested garment
black cataract; amaurosis
black mold (Aspergillus niger); black mould
person who steals money from the workplace; embezzler; untrustworthy person
jet (gemstone)
blacktip reef shark (Carcharhinus melanopterus, species of requiem shark mostly found in the Indo-Pacific); (arch.) black tip
Pacific golden plover (Pluvialis fulva)
southerly wind blowing at the start of the rainy season
yellow-bellied sea snake (Pelamis platura); yellowbelly sea snake; pelagic sea snake
charring; something charred
substantia nigra
brown sugar syrup
blackshirts (Italian fascist group); squadristi; camicie nere
black university (e.g. in the US); black college
smut fungus (Microbotryum violaceum)
completely black; black from top to bottom; black from head to toe
expert; professional; master; woman in the nightlife business; demimondaine; geisha and prostitutes
silhouette; dark shadow
tooth blackening; tooth-blackening dye
black porgy (Acanthopagrus schlegeli)
Pacific bluefin tuna (Thunnus orientalis)
black spot; black speck
black spot; black speck
ganguro; young girl who heavily tans her skin, bleaches her hair and wears heavy make-up
spangle (species of black swallowtail butterfly, Papilio protenor)
pitch black; completely black
Japanese arborvitae (Thuja standishii)
blackcurrant (Ribes nigrum)
Indo-Pacific blue marlin (Makaira mazara)
Japanese buckthorn (Rhamnus japonica var. decipiens)
Japanese buckthorn (Rhamnus japonica var. decipiens)
Calopteryx atrata (species of damselfly)
Kara Khitai (Central Asian Khitan empire, 1132-1211 CE)
Japanese thrush (Turdus cardis)
fake beauty mark
Calopteryx atrata (species of damselfly)
sabre-toothed blenny (Aspidontus taeniatus)
Amami rabbit (Pentalagus furnessi); Ryukyu rabbit
noh mask used for old man roles (usu. black)
blacktip reef shark (Carcharhinus melanopterus, species of requiem shark mostly found in the Indo-Pacific); (arch.) black tip
bighead carp (Aristichthys nobilis)
person who steals money from the workplace; embezzler; untrustworthy person
bog bilberry (Vaccinium uliginosum); northern bilberry
bog bilberry (Vaccinium uliginosum); northern bilberry
Daurian jackdaw (Corvus dauuricus)
green rice leafhopper (Nephotettix cincticeps)
green rice leafhopper (Nephotettix cincticeps)
black cataract; amaurosis
smoky brown cockroach (Periplaneta fuliginosa); smokybrown cockroach
smoky brown cockroach (Periplaneta fuliginosa); smokybrown cockroach
smoky brown cockroach (Periplaneta fuliginosa); smokybrown cockroach
Vespula flaviceps (species of yellowjacket)
Eleocharis kuroguwai (species of spikerush); Chinese water chestnut (Eleocharis dulcis var. tuberosa)
eastern reef heron
fake beauty mark; drawn-on beauty spot; tattoo
Japanese carpenter ant (Camponotus japonicus)
black-footed cat (Felis nigripes)
Indo-Pacific blue marlin (Makaira mazara)
Indo-Pacific blue marlin (Makaira mazara)
spotted scat (Scatophagus argus, species of Indo-Pacific scat which occurs in green and red morphs); green scat; red scat
Japanese wagtail (Motacilla grandis)
Korean rockfish (Sebastes schlegelii); Schlegel's black rockfish
American black bear (Ursus americanus)
to blacken; to become black
to blacken; to become black
blackness; deep black
black sake (presented as an offering to the gods)
melanocarcinoma; melanotic carcinoma
black and white string
squid chopped, salted and mixed in its own ink
black tassel hung above the northwest corner of the ring
smut; bunt; dustbrand
gray bunting; grey bunting
dealing in rice speculating on the year's harvest before seedlings are set out
black-backed jackal (carnivore, Canis mesomelas)
blackcurrant (Ribes nigrum)
blackcurrant (Ribes nigrum)
blackcurrant (Ribes nigrum)
white rat; white rat that serves Daikoku (god of wealth)
black body (object that absorbs all electromagnetic radiation)
platinum black (black powdered platinum, often used as a catalyst)
crumbly black topsoil; porous hardened lava
crumbly black topsoil; porous hardened lava
black chestnut (horse coat color)
steel gray (horse coat color); steel grey
African American Vernacular English; AAVE; Black English; ebonics
kala-azar; black fever; visceral leishmaniasis
blackening solution; (arch.) developing solution
black leprosy
black yak's tail
Aspergillus niger; Aspergillus awamorii; black koji mold
sake lees with black or brown specks (from oxidation enzymes produced by the yeast)
black stools
darkness; blackness
darkness; blackness
cavolo nero (cultivar of Brassica oleracea acephala); lacinato kale; Tuscan kale; black kale
black-eyed pea; black-eyed bean
insisting one is right even after one has been proven wrong
black registration plate with yellow characters (used for business use light motor vehicles)
crumbly black topsoil (esp. from weathered volcanic ash); loam soil
people are formed by their surroundings; walk with the wise and become wise; associate with fools and get in trouble; (lit.) that which is dyed with ink becomes black
mole near the mouth; beauty mark
black crushing; black clipping; loss of dark detail
black turtle bean; black bean
black turtle bean; black bean
black turtle bean; black bean
Kurokawa Station (Nagoya)
Kuroi Station (Niigata)
Kuroda Station (Aichi)
Kuroishi Station (Aomori)
Kuromatsu Station
Kurosawa Station (Yokote)
horned dung beetle (Copris ochus)
black-footed albatross (Diomedea nigripes)
black cow-tongue (species of tonguefish, Paraplagusia japonica)
black cow-tongue (species of tonguefish, Paraplagusia japonica)
herring gull (Larus argentatus)
parasitic jaeger; Arctic skua (Stercorarius parasiticus)
American golden plover (Pluvialis dominica)
Eurasian golden plover (Pluvialis apricaria)
black-tailed godwit (species of sandpiper, Limosa limosa)
northern wheatear (Oenanthe oenanthe)
common grackle (Quiscalus quiscula)
black-necked spitting cobra (Naja nigricollis)
black grouse (Tetrao tetrix); blackcock (male black grouse); greyhen (female black grouse)
Japanese sable (subspecies of sable native to Hokkaido, Martes zibellina brachyura)
Pieris melete (species of cabbage white butterfly)
Bombus ignitus (species of bumblebee)
red-masked and black-masked gods (folk belief of the Yaeyama Islands); harvest festival celebrating these gods (held in the 6th lunar month)
Caulerpa scalpelliformis (species of green alga)
tufted duck (Aythya fuligula)
black mustard (Brassica nigra)
Chinese water chestnut (Eleocharis dulcis var. tuberosa)
Eurasian jackdaw (Corvus monedula)
humpnose big-eye bream (Monotaxis grandoculis); bigeye emperor
silky shark (Carcharhinus falciformis, species of circumtropical requiem shark)
copper shark (Carcharhinus brachyurus, only member of Carcharhinus found mostly at temperate latitudes); bronze whaler; narrowtooth shark
blacktail reef shark (Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos, species of Indo-Pacific requiem shark); grey reef shark
black tree monitor (Varanus beccarii, species of monitor lizard from the Aru Islands of eastern Indonesia); Beccari's monitor
northern bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus); Atlantic bluefin tuna
lesser banded hornet (Vespa affinis)
copper shark (Carcharhinus brachyurus, only member of Carcharhinus found mostly at temperate latitudes); bronze whaler; narrowtooth shark
common loon (Gavia immer); great northern diver; great northern loon
Central American cacomistle (Bassariscus sumichrasti)
wild carrot (Daucus carota); Queen Anne's lace
black lemur (Eulemur macaco)
black-and-white ruffed lemur (Varecia variegata)
East Pacific green turtle (Chelonia mydas agassizii); black sea turtle
masked lapwing (Vanellus miles); masked plover; spur-winged plover
shore dotterel (Thinornis novaeseelandiae); shore plover
cinereous vulture (Aegypius monachus); monk vulture; Eurasian black vulture; European black vulture
Kuroiwa's ground gecko (Goniurosaurus kuroiwae); Ryukyu eyelid gecko
Japanese black salamander (Hynobius nigrescens)
blue honeysuckle (Lonicera caerulea var. emphyllocalyx)
kurogane holly (Ilex rotunda)
Hodgson's bat (Myotis formosus); Bartel's myotis
Bothrogonia ferruginea (species of leafhopper)
snake mackerel (Gempylus serpens)
snake mackerel (Gempylus serpens)
snake mackerel (Gempylus serpens)
snake mackerel (Gempylus serpens)
blue trevally (Carangoides ferdau); banded trevally; barred trevally; Ferdau's trevally; Forskaal's jackfish
tall shield orchid (Nervilia aragoana)
purple marshlocks (Comarum palustre); swamp cinquefoil; marsh cinquefoil
western grey kangaroo (Macropus fuliginosus); black-faced kangaroo; mallee kangaroo; sooty kangaroo
Pyropia kurogii (species of red algae)
Alaska blueberry (Vaccinium ovalifolium); early blueberry; oval-leaf bilberry; oval-leaf blueberry; oval-leaf huckleberry
jabiru (Jabiru mycteria)
brent goose (Branta bernicla); brant; brant goose
love-in-a-mist (Nigella damascena); ragged lady; fennelflower; nigella
love-in-a-mist (Nigella damascena); ragged lady; fennelflower; nigella
Examples (194 in total)
That boy's hair is black.
That boy has black hair.
That black one is mine.