painful; sore; cringy; embarrassing; exceeding
pain; ache; soreness; damage; injury; wear
to hurt; to ache; to feel a pain; to be injured; to be spoiled (e.g. food); to be damaged
grief; sorrow; extreme sadness; heartbreak
pitiful; pathetic; painful to look at
feeling keenly; fully realizing
to hurt; to injure; to harm; to damage; to worry; to bother
sharp pain; acute pain; intense pain
having a headache; racking one's brains; troubling over something
to torment; to punish; to treat harshly; to beat up; to give a drubbing; to cause damage to
to experience chest pain; to have a pain in one's chest; to feel sick at heart; to have one's heart ache; to be anguished
pitiful; heartbreaking; heartrending; touching; tragic; sad
grave; sad; mournful; sorrowful; pensive
to be grieved at heart; to be troubled; to be worried; to trouble oneself (about something)
stomach ache; abdominal pain
exhilarating; thrilling; intensely pleasurable
being painfully-true (e.g. reprimand); making one's ears burn; striking home (e.g. remark); having an earache; feeling pain in one's ear
one's weak point; one's sore spot; raw nerve
to be greatly obliged; to be very sorry
to go through a bitter experience; to get into trouble; to get hurt; to feel pain
to hit a nerve; to go for the throat; to touch a sore spot
regretful; sorrowful; bitter; contrition
heartache; ache in one's heart; emotional pain
to go through a bitter experience; to get into trouble; to get hurt; to feel pain
headache inducing; vexing
worry; mental agony; heartache
lower back (or hip) pain; lumbago
labour pains; labor pains; birth pains; contractions
pain and itching; mental anguish; unhealthy emotions
match declared drawn due to injury
analgesic; painkiller; sedative; tranquilizer; tranquiliser
of no concern at all; no skin off my nose
stomach-ache; stomach pain; gastralgia
cause for headaches; pain in the neck; source of worry
hard or crushing blow; severe attack
to hit a nerve; to go for the throat; to touch a sore spot
thinking the sun shines out of someone's eyes; being the apple of one's eye; loving someone dearly
of no concern at all; no skin off my nose
pain relief; killing pain
to make (a person) pay for (something)
being painfully-true (e.g. reprimand); making one's ears burn; striking home (e.g. remark)
one's weak point; one's sore spot; raw nerve
menstrual pain; period pain
to give birth to; to have a stomachache
to torment; to punish; to treat harshly; to beat up; to give a drubbing; to cause damage to
to be suspected without cause
to hit a nerve; to go for the throat; to touch a sore spot
to relieve a person's pain
delicate situation; choice of two evils; mixed blessing
to make a person sweat for it
abuse; invective; denunciation; sharp criticism
to go through a bitter experience; to get into trouble; to get hurt; to feel pain
to neither itch nor feel pain; to not be affected by something; to not feel the effects of something
thinking the sun shines out of someone's eyes; being the apple of one's eye
to be greatly obliged; to be very sorry
to make (a person) pay for (something)
painfully itchy; painful and itchy
colic; celialgia; enteralgia; gripes
of no concern at all; no skin off my nose
to make a dent in one's purse; to have to pay out of one's own pocket
car painted with anime characters
there, there; kiss it better; (lit.) pain, pain, fly away
painfully itchy; painful and itchy
painless childbirth; painless delivery; obstetric analgesia for labor (e.g. epidural)
oppressive pain; tenderness; pressure pain
ice-cream headache; brain freeze; cold-stimulus headache
to pay out of one's own pocket
earache; aural pain; ear pain; otalgia; otodynia
to hit a nerve; to go for the throat; to touch a sore spot
very thrilling; extremely delightful; awfully pleasant; intensely satisfying
delicate situation; choice of two evils; mixed blessing
bicycle decorated with anime characters
pitiful; pathetic; painful to look at
severe attack; bitter (harsh) criticism; stick used to strike inattentive Zen meditators
sharp pain; acute pain; intense pain
cutting remark; biting (scathing, bitter) criticism; harsh words
sciatica; sciatic neuralgia; ischiodynia; ischias
sore throat; pharyngitis; pharyngalgia; pharyngodynia
of no concern at all; no skin off my nose
grieving; mourning; being very sad
contrition; extreme regret; contrition (in Catholicism)
match declared drawn due to injury
sciatica; sciatic neuralgia; ischiodynia; ischias
pain and itching; mental anguish; unhealthy emotions
torture (in the Edo-period)
menstrual pain; menstrual cramps; algomenorrhea
Braxton-Hicks contractions; practice contractions; false labor pains
hypotonic contractions (during labor (labour)); uterine inertia; weak labor; weak labour; slow labor; slow labour
nails adorned with images of anime characters
itai-itai disease; mass cadmium poisoning in Toyama Prefecture starting in the 1910s caused by industrial waste
match declared drawn due to injury
chameleon plant (Houttuynia cordata)
painless childbirth; painless delivery; obstetric analgesia for labor (e.g. epidural)
labor pains; labour pains
condolence; mourning; sorrow; lamentation
to be in pain (referring to others); to complain of pain
very thrilling; extremely delightful; awfully pleasant; intensely satisfying
walk a mile in other's shoes to understand their suffering; you can't appreciate others' suffering until you've gone through it yourself; (lit.) pinch yourself and know others' pain
walk a mile in other's shoes to understand their suffering; you can't appreciate others' suffering until you've gone through it yourself; (lit.) pinch yourself and know others' pain
delivery with little pain (i.e. use of pain-reducing drugs)
delayed onset muscle soreness; DOMS
pancreatic pain; pancrealgia; pancreatalgia
muscle-contraction headache; tension headache
severe criticism; scathing criticism
motorcycle decorated with anime characters
motorcycle decorated with anime characters
train decorated with anime characters
taxi decorated with anime characters
handbag decorated with anime characters (esp. with badges)
handbag decorated with anime characters (esp. with badges)
complex regional pain syndrome; CRPS
train decorated with anime characters
terrible worry; extreme anxiety
terrible worry; extreme anxiety