FrequencyTop 1600-1700
KankenLevel Pre-2
Composed of
deep red

The king wants a deep red pearl.

Used in vocabulary (69 in total)
ball; sphere; bead (of sweat, dew, etc.); drop; ball (in sports); pile (of noodles, etc.); bullet
rosary; string of prayer beads
precious orb; Cintamani stone; wish-fulfilling jewel; hōju; uppermost spherical part of a pagoda finial
jewel; gem; gem (of a story, essay, etc.); accomplished work; beautiful piece
pearl gray; pearl grey
linking together; tying in a row
Attack on Pearl Harbor (December 7, 1941)
Manjushri; Manjusri; Bodhisattva that represents transcendent wisdom
red spider lily (Lycoris radiata); cluster amaryllis; cluster belladonna; manjusaka
linking together; tying in a row
casting pearls before swine
rosary; string of prayer beads
pearl oyster (esp. Marten's pearl oyster, Pinctada fucata martensii)
ornamental railing top; bridge railing-post knob; Welsh onion flower; leek flower; hosta; plantain lily
Job's tears (Coix lacryma-jobi); coixseed; tear grass; adlay
variant of gobang (game)
calculation on an abacus
Cintamani stone; wish-fulfilling jewel
Tamatsu Island (a fictional island in the Fortune Arterial visual novel)
pearly lustre; pearly luster; iridescence
imitation pearl; fake pearl
unknown literary masterpiece; (lit.) lost pearl
abacus; soroban; calculation (esp. of profit and loss); reckoning
crupper ornament
fly in the ointment; small flaw in otherwise perfect object; only trouble; only fault
curtain made of strung beads
variant of gobang (game)
Cintamani stone; wish-fulfilling jewel
fly in the ointment; small flaw in otherwise perfect object; only trouble; only fault
fly in the ointment; small flaw in otherwise perfect object; only trouble; only fault
pitch-black; darkness
helmeted guinea fowl (Numida meleagris)
tragus (small cartilaginous flap in front of the external opening of the ear); tragi; antilobium
imitation pearl; fake pearl
Hosta montana (species of plantain lily)
acorn worm (any hemichordate of class Enteropneusta)
moon snail (Naticidae spp.); moon shell; Marten's pearl oyster (Pinctada fucata martensii); Akoya pearl oyster
pearl iridescence
pearl fishing; pearl diver
a rosary; a string of beads
cholesteatoma; pearl tumor; pearl tumour
pearl wedding (anniversary)
monilethrix; moniliform hair; beaded hair
dark blue gem allowing one to recall memories when stroked with one's hand (allegedly possessed by Zhang Yue)
jewel; pearl; gemstone
jewel; pearl; gemstone
Hosta sieboldii (species of plantain lily)
Margaritifera laevis (species of freshwater pearl mussel)
Chaetomorpha algae; Chaeto; nostoc
Examples (19 in total)
This is a pearl necklace.
I've never seen a pearl of such magnitude!
The lady wore a necklace of pearls.