FrequencyTop 1000-1100
KankenLevel 2
Composed of
Used in vocabulary (53 in total)
throat; singing voice
to make a sound with one's throat; to purr (cat)
to be able to eat; to be able to swallow
to appease one's thirst; to wet one's whistle
to want something desperately; to want something (so badly one can taste it)
laryngeal prominence; Adam's apple
feeling of food or drink going down one's throat
to make a sound with one's throat; to purr (cat)
to be thirsty
(arch.) fish; counter for fish
thrust at the opponent's throat
to appease one's thirst; to wet one's whistle
danger past and God forgotten; once on shore, we pray no more; (lit.) once it's past the throat, one forgets the heat (of the swallowed object)
otorhinolaryngology; otolaryngology; ear, nose and throat department
to purr (cat)
throat lozenge; cough drop
dewlap; gular pouch
going down smoothly (esp. of beer); tasting good going down
going down smoothly (esp. of beer); tasting good going down
cold in the throat; common cold with a sore throat
singing contest; person proud of their voice
going down smoothly (esp. of beer); tasting good going down
purring (cat)
going down smoothly (esp. of beer); tasting good going down
throat lozenge; cough drop
ear, nose, and throat
cancer of the larynx
throat microphone
going down smoothly (esp. of beer); tasting good going down
going down smoothly (esp. of beer); tasting good going down
small fish; small fry; (a) nobody; small fry; unimportant person
purring (cat)
ejaculating in the mouth
superficial (shortsighted) way of thinking; half-baked (foolish, ill-advised) idea
laryngeal prominence; Adam's Apple
overtone singing; throat singing
globus pharyngis; lump in one's throat; pharyngolaryngeal paresthesia
good things do not last long
ruby-throated hummingbird (Archilochus colubris)
shore dotterel (Thinornis novaeseelandiae); shore plover
Examples (33 in total)
My throat is a little sore.
My throat hurts.
"Does your throat hurt?" "Yes, a little."