use (something physical)
FrequencyTop 100
Kyōiku (3rd grade) 
KankenLevel 8
Composed of
thin person
government official
Used in vocabulary (373 in total)
to use (a thing, method, etc.); to make use of; to use (a person, animal, puppet, etc.); to employ; to use (time, money, etc.); to spend
use; application; employment; utilization; utilisation
errand; mission; messenger; bearer; familiar spirit; use
way to use something; treatment; management (of help)
mission; errand; task; duty; obligation
to pay attention to another's needs; to attend to; to fuss about; to take into consideration
use; exercise (of one's right, authority, power, etc.)
to handle (men); to master (a tool); to manage; to acquire a command of (a language)
errand; mission; messenger; bearer; familiar spirit
using freely; making full use of; having a good command of; working (someone) hard; driving (someone) on
employee; servant
magician; wizard; sorcerer; witch
messenger; envoy; emissary
user; consumer; master (e.g. of swordsmanship); prodigal; spendthrift
purpose; utility; objective; way to use something
messenger; police and judicial chief (Heian and Kamakura periods); klesha (polluting thoughts such as greed, hatred and delusion, which result in suffering)
setting (someone) to work; employment; using; causative (verb, etc.)
to use up; to exhaust; to wear out
to work (someone) hard; to push (someone) around
familiar (spirit or otherwise magical creature which aids a magician or sorcerer); familiar spirit
apostle; disciple
to use up; to squander
throwaway; disposable; single-use
no use; useless; not fit for its purpose
to use one's head
user; consumer; employer
sense of duty; sense of purpose; vocation
exploitation; overuse; abuse
ease of use; user-friendliness; usability; utility; convenience
to use properly; to use (different things) for different purposes
to embezzle; to misappropriate; to peculate; to accustom oneself to using; to use for a long time
to practice magic; to practise magic
servant; menial
to use excessively; to use too much; to spend too much; to overwork someone
to get accustomed to using
useful thing; usable article
available; enabled; can be used; may be used
servant; menial
to make good use of; to use to one's advantage
mission; delegation
to wear out (something)
to carry out one's mission
fallen angel; Lucifer; demon; Satan
to use and then throw away
to use up; to exhaust; to wear out
bowing (a string instrument)
used (ticket, stamp, etc.); spent (fuel, battery, etc.)
special envoy
envoy; ambassador; delegate; emissary; mission
divine messenger; messenger of a god (esp. an animal messenger)
to use excessively; to use too much; to spend too much; to overwork someone
speech; expression; wording; language
messenger; envoy; emissary
errand; mission; messenger; bearer; familiar spirit
to make eyes at; to leer; to ogle; to ingratiate oneself; to toady; to flatter
handling one's workmen
running errands (for someone else); errand boy; gofer; dogsbody
to send; to dispatch; to despatch; to bestow (favour, etc.); to grant (e.g. pardon)
to be nervous; to be sensitive; to worry; to be fussy; to be precise
in use; occupied (e.g. toilet); engaged
fingering (of a musical instrument)
working one's employees hard; being a slave-driver
use of (military) force
imperial envoy; imperial messenger
prohibition of use (of); ban on using (something)
gofer; dogsbody; person who is made to do things or get things for someone else
secret messenger
directions; instructions; usage method
proper use; using (different things) for different purposes
how to use (something); usage instructions; directions (for usage); use; usage
no use; useless; not fit for its purpose
envoy; diplomat below the rank of ambassador (e.g. deputy chief of mission, charge d'affaires); minister (of legation)
to play a dirty trick; to use underhanded methods; to hit below the belt; to play foul
express messenger
servant; menial
to use up; to squander
to set somebody to work in an arrogant fashion; to push somebody around; (lit.) to indicate by pointing one's chin; to chatter; to jaw; to jabber
janitor; caretaker; custodian; (slighting reference to a) handyman
to use one thing for several purposes; to use the same thing on multiple occasions; to work someone hard; to order around; to boss
ease of use; pleasantness of use; comfort level
waste (of money, time, etc.); squandering; frittering away
fit for use; available; operational; practicable; usable
to play one's trump card
purpose; utility; objective; way to use something
puppet operator; puppet manipulator; puppeteer
colour usage; color usage; use of colour
halo; angel ring; glow of freshly washed or treated hair
after use; after occurring
to play a dirty trick; to use underhanded methods; to hit below the belt; to play false
to employ; to hire (a servant)
forced to use; forced into a position
to embezzle; to misappropriate; to peculate; to accustom oneself to using; to use for a long time
useful thing; usable article
to work (someone) hard; to push (someone) around
to use within an inch of its life; to use every little bit of; to get the most out of
to be charged with a mission
intended use; intended purpose
to send a messenger
one's impression of a product after trying it out; feel of a product (during use); usability; signs of use (of a product); wear and tear
use; right to use
messenger of god; divine messenger
to start using; to try out
purpose for which money is spent; the way money is spent; how goods are used
goodwill ambassador; friendship ambassador
to use one thing for several purposes; to use the same thing on multiple occasions; to work someone hard; to order around; to boss
nurse; (lit.) angel in white
truce bearer
to suck up to; to curry up to someone
lasting quality; good wearing ability; going a long way
to manipulate puppets; to pull wires
ambassador plenipotentiary
senior envoy; chief delegate
to spend (money) like water; to spend (money) like it grows on trees; to throw around (one's money); to play ducks and drakes with
purpose; utility; objective; way to use something
utilization rate; usage rate; occupancy rate
to take a hot bath
gofer; dogsbody; person who is made to do things or get things for someone else
vice-envoy; deputy delegate
to mimic someone's voice; to impersonate
envoy to Tang China
cherubim; cherub
expiry date; use-by date; date of expiry
to send a person on an errand
useless messenger; doing only as one is told; fool's errand
(way of) spending money
to employ; to hire (a servant)
unauthorized use; misuse
shogun's envoy; emissary
to set somebody to work in an arrogant fashion; to push somebody around; (lit.) to indicate by pointing one's chin; to chatter; to jaw; to jabber
to use properly; to use (different things) for different purposes
example of use; usage example; use example
to set somebody to work in an arrogant fashion; to push somebody around; (lit.) to indicate by pointing one's chin; to chatter; to jaw; to jabber
police and judicial chief (Heian and Kamakura periods)
janitor; caretaker; custodian; (slighting reference to a) handyman
disposable camera; single-use camera
before use; pre-service; pre-operational
to get accustomed to using
snake charmer
disuse; not using; non-usage
evil shaman; witch doctor
chopstick usage
early-Meiji administrative unit for Hokkaido (1869-1882)
double-sword fencing; two-sword fencer; being skilled in two fields; (an) expert in two fields; liking both alcohol and sweets; person who likes alcohol and sweets equally well
to use up; to squander
ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary
fit for use; available; operational; practicable; usable
to dispatch a messenger; to despatch a messenger
unaccounted-for expenditures
errand runner; messenger (Azuchi-Momoyama period); patroller; minor official (Edo period)
brushwork; handling of one's brush; command of one's pen; penmanship
Japan's envoy to Sui dynasty China
flatterer; toady; lackey; sycophant; flunky
labour and management; labor and management
accredited Chinese envoy to neighbouring kingdoms
servant; janitor; messenger
overuse; overload
to have a break in the conversation; to experience an awkward silence; (lit.) an angel passes
to have a bath in the open air
the place where one is sent on an errand
to handle (men); to master (a tool); to manage; to acquire a command of (a language)
elephant trainer
Acts of the Apostles (book of the Bible)
remnant; remainder; odds and ends; leavings
bossing someone around; having a person under one's control
lasting quality; good wearing ability; going a long way
Ryukyuan mission to Edo upon the change of the Ryukyuan King
ambassador of goodwill; goodwill envoy; goodwill mission
to pretend not to know; to feign ignorance; to tell a lie; to lie
ambassador's residence
consideration (for); thoughtfulness; solicitude; care; watchfulness; concern
to get accustomed to using
personal use; private use
unused item; never-used item
charge d'affaires of embassy
foreign delegation; foreign mission; diplomatic envoy
waste (of money, time, etc.); squandering; frittering away
giving orders to someone and making use of him; servant
jiedushi; regional military governor in ancient China
chargé d'affaires; chargé
to express ... in terms of ...
throwaway; disposable; single-use
causing you trouble
everything comes in handy when used correctly; use the right tools for the right job; (lit.) fools and (blunt) scissors have to be used in the right way
minister plenipotentiary
proper use; using (different things) for different purposes
to use as a pretext; to use as an excuse for doing something
things depend on how you use them; all things have their uses when they are used in the right way
Korean delegation to Japan (Edo period)
spent fuel pool; SPF; storage pool for spent nuclear fuel
working animal; draught animal; draft animal
exercise of a right
Korean delegation to Japan (Edo period)
labor-management negotiation; labour-management negotiation
Ryukyuan mission to Edo upon the change of the shogun
running errands; errand boy; errand girl
travelling inspector of the provincial governments (Nara and Heian-period position)
imperial envoy gate; temple gate used by imperial envoy
when dealing with urgent business, make use of whoever is handy
things depend on how you use them; all things have their uses when they are used in the right way
remnant; remainder; odds and ends; leavings
king of herrings (Regalecus glesne); oarfish; ribbonfish
to pretend to not be home; to pretend to be out
minister extraordinary and plenipotentiary
driving someone too hard
labour-management agreement (labor)
imperial messenger to a shrine; envoy returning courtesies
to accustom oneself to using; to train; to break in (horses)
when dealing with urgent business, make use of whoever is handy
improper use; wrong use; misuse; mishandling; abuse
Acts of the Apostles (book of the Bible)
public-relations ambassador; brand ambassador; person appointed to promote an organization, event, etc.
labor-management cooperation; labour-management cooperation
how money is used
both labor and management; both the workers and the employers
office in Heian Kyoto responsible for police and judicial duties
to send a person on an errand
industrial (labor-management) dispute (labour); industrial strife
everything comes in handy when used correctly; use the right tools for the right job; (lit.) fools and (blunt) scissors have to be used in the right way
messenger tip or charge
forced to use; forced into a position
exercise price; strike price; practice price
archer (character, in anime, video games, etc.); bowman
one-time fee for grave land rental
kana orthography; syllabary spelling
to wash one's face and hands; to go to the toilet
Japanese bush warbler; (lit.) messenger of spring
Japanese mission to Ming-dynasty China
traveling inspectors sent by the Shogun in the Edo period
sense of (one's) mission; awareness of one's duty (calling)
disposable camera; single-use camera
military officer attached to embassy
ease of use; user-friendliness; usability; utility; convenience
disposable contact lenses
to be usable; to be serviceable; to be useful
errand; mission; messenger; bearer; familiar spirit
errand; mission; messenger; bearer; familiar spirit
magician; wizard; sorcerer; witch
to work (someone) hard; to push (someone) around
throwaway; disposable; single-use
ease of use; user-friendliness; usability; utility; convenience
proper use; using (different things) for different purposes
kana orthography; syllabary spelling
overuse; overload
things depend on how you use them; all things have their uses when they are used in the right way
old kana orthography (used before 1946 reform); historical kana orthography
to express ... in terms of ...
everything comes in handy when used correctly; use the right tools for the right job; (lit.) fools and (blunt) scissors have to be used in the right way
everything comes in handy when used correctly; use the right tools for the right job; (lit.) fools and (blunt) scissors have to be used in the right way
everything comes in handy when used correctly; use the right tools for the right job; (lit.) fools and (blunt) scissors have to be used in the right way
new kana orthography (1946 reform, amended 1986); modern kana orthography
chief puppeteer (bunraku); manipulates the head and right arm
Japanese bush warbler; (lit.) messenger of spring
official during the ritsuryo period who was allowed to use the state-provided stables and horses
(a) letter; person carrying a letter
the Epistles (of the New Testament)
the Epistles (of the New Testament)
exchange of diplomatic representatives
special messenger; another messenger
connection fee; interconnection fees
usable distance (of a fiber)
usability test; fitness-for-use test
right of prior use; prior use rights; prior user rights
exercise price (of an option)
to set somebody to work in an arrogant fashion; to push somebody around; (lit.) to indicate someone by pointing one's chin
to set somebody to work in an arrogant fashion; to push somebody around; (lit.) to indicate someone by pointing one's chin
fools use people to pick up things lying at their own feet; stupidity of using people for small things
disposable contact lenses
chargé d'affaires ad interim; acting chargé d'affaires
special ambassador; special envoy
to make happen (old causative verbal ending)
Rangoon creeper (Quisqualis indica)
Examples (200 in total)
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Use this!
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